Урок на тему:
“Great Britain. The Sights of London”
(8 Form)
З досвіду роботи вчителя
англійської мови
Шевченко Людмили Миколаївни
Харківського ЗЗСО І-ІІІ ступенів
The Most Significant Historical Places of London
8 клас
Урок-екскурсія на тему: Найвизначніші історичні місця Лондона.
Розвиток продуктивних навичок та умінь
усного мовлення .
Мета уроку: Розвивати навички cпілкування англійською мовою на основі
прочитаних текстів країнознавчого характеру на уроках позакласного читання. Розширити знання учнів про визначні місця країни, мову якої вони вивчають. Розвивати навички колективної роботи, активізувати навички усного ситуативного мовлення.
Обладнання: тематичні картинки із зображенням визначних місць Лондона;
карточки із запитаннями; ксерокопії з текстами; проекти,
виготовлені учнями до теми уроку; карта Великобританії;
мультимедійний проектор.
The Motto of the Lesson:
“When a man is tired of London,
he is tired of life”
Samuel Johnson
Хід уроку:
І. Привітання. Організаційна бесіда з черговим.
ІІ. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку:
Today we are having a summary lesson devoted to the most significant historical places of London. You have already read many texts, had a lot of additional information about Great Britain and its capital. So, we’ll summarize the material about this country and your knowledge about interesting places of London. You should be able to operate facts about this country.
III. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу:
Діалоги між вчителем та учнями про країну, мову якої ми вивчаємо, з метою
створення мовленнєвої ситуації та спонукання учнів до спілкування
іноземною мовою.
Dialogue 1:
T. – So, pupils, how do you think, is “England” the only name for the country
which language we study?
P. – No, it isn’t. It’s also called “Great Britain” or simply “Britain” though
these are not the same things.
T. – So, it has two names?
P. – There’s also a third name – “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland” or just “The United Kingdom”.
T. – But that sounds more official, doesn’t it?
P. – Yes, it’s the official name for the country.
Dialogue 2:
T. – Imagine that you have just returned from Britain. What can you tell about
your visit to the capital of this country? Let’s develop this situation.
How did you enjoy your stay in Britain?
P. – Oh, very much indeed. We could see many interesting places there.
T. – What did your programme include?
P. – London, Stratford-upon-Avon, Leeds, Glasgow and Edinburgh.
T. – What’s your general impression?
P. – Well, it isn’t easy to describe it in one word. But one thing I may say exactly
– Britain is an interesting country.
T. – I fully agree with you. Great Britain is really a wonderful country. And its
capital city London is very beautiful too.
IV. Вступне слово вчителя про столицю Великобританіі:
It’s a common knowledge that Englishmen have sentimental love for everything old. London’s historical places keep the history of the whole nation. The English capital is an ancient city. It is at least two thousand years old. London is the city where ancient and modern lives side by side. You can see modern buildings and admire the magnificent cathedrals. Speaking about London you should remember that it is unlike any other city in the world. It has wide streets but low houses. The city has never been planned and it has many parts which are different from each other.
To my mind, the best way to know London is to visit it. So, I invite you to make a tour along the River Thames and see the most interesting places of London.
V. Вчитель пропонує учням прочитати текст про визначні місця Лондона з
метою отримання інформації та відтворення у пам’яті знань про головні
історичні місця англійської столиці.
At first, let’s read the text to refresh your knowledge about English capital and
then discuss. (Developing reading skills)
VI. Активізація країнознавчих знань та мовних вмінь учнів. Метод «мікрофону».
Обговорення у формі діалогу-екскурсії визначних місць Лондона.
Вчитель пропонує учням здійснити уявну подорож до столиці Великобританії за допомогою малюнків та запитань-відповідей. Вчитель, виконуючи роль гіда, показує учням відповідний малюнок із зображенням історичного місця, а учні відповідають на запитання вчителя і описують визначні місця Лондона. У ході подорожі вчитель також надає учням додаткову інформацію, розповідаючи про історичні та культурні пам’ятки Лондона, та розпитуючи учнів про те, що вони знають про це місто.
(На дошці прикріплені учнівські проекти із зображенням визначних місць Лондона:
London Bridge, the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral,
the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square,
the National Gallery, the British Museum, Piccadilly Circus)
Teacher: – So, as you can see, the capital of Great Britain is full of history.
What can you tell about London? What is London famous for?
About what interesting places have you got to know?
Let’s speak about the most significant places of London.
Розповіді учнів про визначні місця Лондона – (Додаток 1)
VII. По закінченню подорожі вчитель робить висновок з вивченого матеріалу,
зазначаючи, що учні отримали багато цікавої та корисної інформації про
Лондон, як одне з найбільших та найкрасивіших міст світу. (Conclusion)
As you can see, London is a great historical and cultural centre of the country. It is one of the largest and the most interesting cities in the world. You have got a lot of interesting and useful information about sights of London. There is so much to see in London that even Londoners can always find new places of interest in their capital. They like to say: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”.
Основну частину уроку вчитель завершує словами Семюеля Джонсона:
«Якщо Ви втомилися від Лондона, значить Ви втомилися від життя». Це означає, що у Лондоні є на що подивитися і навіть самі лондонці завжди можуть знайти нові цікаві місця у своїй столиці.
VIII. Підсумок уроку. (Summing up. Monological Speech)
Вчитель розкладає на столі карточки, на яких написані назви історичних та культурних пам’яток Лондона. Учні по одному підходять до столу, беруть карточку і розповідають про те визначне місце, яке їм попалося, показуючи його на кольоровій картинці.
There are some cards on the table with the names of London’s sights. Your task is to choose a card and give information about that historical place which is written on the card. Speaking about the place of interest you must show it in the picture. - Now, pupils, tell about the most significant places of the British capital.
IX. На завершення уроку вчитель проводить гру-вікторину “London Quiz”
з метою визначення, хто з учнів найкраще знає Лондон та його історичні місця. Вчитель зачитує опис визначних місць Лондона та показує їхнє зображення на екрані, а учні вгадують назви цих місць.
And now, dear friends, you are welcome to our intellectual game devoted to Great Britain and its capital. I hope you know a lot about this country and will be able to answer my questions. I shall read the descriptions and your task is to name the sights. (Relaxation Moment – Додаток 2)
Можна провести також бліц-опитування “Geography Quiz”, спрямоване на активізацію та розвиток логічного мислення. (Додаток 3)
X. Заключний етап уроку:
1) виставлення оцінок;
2) домашнє завдання.
- write ten questions about London’s places of interest you have learned;
- do the Test about London. (Додаток 4)
Dear friends! Our lesson is coming to the end. Thank you for the interesting lesson and exciting game. London is really a wonderful city. There’s so much to see in London, that it is worth to visit it. In conclusion I’d like to say that we have learned a lot about the British capital and I’m sure that you’ll be able to tell about its sights.
You all really did your best and I am very pleased with your answers.
Go ahead and never stop learning!
Д о д а т о к 1
- London is one of the most interesting cities in the world. The capital of Great Britain is famous for many historical places, such as: the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, the National Gallery, the British Museum, Trafalgar Square and many others.
- As we know London stands on the river Thames. The English people call it “the Father of London”. It is not the longest river in Great Britain but the most important one. Besides it is wide and deep. Crossing the river by the Tower Bridge you can see the Tower of London.
The Tower of London
From Tower Bridge you can see the Tower of London. It is the oldest building in the city. It dates from the Roman times. The walls of the Tower are five meters thick.
The Tower of London is like a mirror of many important events in the English history. Many centuries ago it was a fortress, a royal palace and then a prison. Nowadays it is a museum. Many people from other countries come to see it.
In the gardens of the Tower you can see the black ravens. The English people like them very much. There is a legend that the Tower and the kingdom will fall if it loses its ravens.
Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge was opened in 1894. It takes its name from the Tower of London. The hydraulic mechanism can raise and lower the bridge in about two minutes. The way between the two towers is open to the public and offers a wonderful view of London.
The Houses of Parliament
(Westminster Palace)
On the banks of the river Thames you can also see Westminster Palace, usually known as the Houses of Parliament. This wonderful building is the seat of the British Parliament. It is a very large building with two high towers at the corners: the Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower. When the Parliament is in session, the British flag (called the Union Jack) flies over the Victoria Tower. The Clock Tower is famous for its bell, known as Big Ben. The building of Westminster Palace is very beautiful with its two towers and a big clock.
Big Ben
At the north end of Westminster Palace there is a famous clock tower, Big Ben. The Clock of the Tower has four faces and a very big loud bell. The clock bell was called Big Ben after Sir Benjamin Hall, who was the man in charge of the building. He was a very tall man. His nickname was Big Ben. So, people called the bell Big Ben too. Now the bell is known all over the world by that name. Big Ben is the largest clock in England and the symbol of London. The people of London can hear the sound of the bell every hour.
Westminster Abbey
Opposite the Houses of Parliament there is Westminster Abbey. It is one of the oldest royal churches, which is more than 900 years old. It is full of history. This ancient building was founded in the eleventh century as a monastery. Most British kings and queens were crowned and buried there. Many famous people were buried here, too. Among them: Newton, Darwin, Dickens and Kipling. There in the Poet’s Corner there are memorials to Shakespeare, Burns, Byron, Thackeray and Scott. Westminster Abbey is a symbol of English tradition. Besides, it is one of the oldest churches in Europe.
St. Paul’s Cathedral
St. Paul’s Cathedral is the greatest of all English churches, dates back to the 17th century. Inside the Cathedral one can see monuments to many famous people of England. Admiral Nelson is also buried here. The cathedral was designed and built by an outstanding English architect Christopher Wren in 1710. It took him 35 years to build this magnificent building with many columns. When Christopher Wren died he was buried in the cathedral too. This cathedral is also famous for its Whispering Gallery.
It is the most wonderful classical church in Britain and the second biggest cathedral in the world.
Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen and her family. This palace was built in the18th century. The first monarch who took residence there was Queen Victoria. When the flag is flying on the top of the palace, the Queen is at home. In front of the palace there is a Monument to Queen Victoria, who was one of the most famous British queens. Buckingham Palace is like a small town with a hospital, a police station, two post offices, two sports clubs, a cinema, a bar, a disco and a swimming pool. There are 600 rooms and three miles of red carpet. About 700 people work in the palace. It is also the place where presidents, kings and politicians go to meet the Queen. The famous Changing-of-the-Guard Ceremony in front of the palace attracts many tourists. It takes place every day at 11.30 a.m. and lasts half an hour.
The Most Famous Squares of London:
Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly Circus
There are many beautiful squares in London. People who visit London for the first time usually start their trip from Trafalgar Square. It is in the centre of the West End. There stands Nelson’s Column, a monument to a British admiral. He is a well-known person in the history of the country. Admiral Nelson defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
The famous National Gallery is also in Trafalgar Square.
Not far from Trafalgar Square there is Piccadilly Circus. It is a meeting place of six streets. This square is round. London’s well-known theatres and cinemas are on Piccadilly Circus.
Art Galleries in London
(The National Gallery)
London is known for its art museums and galleries. One of the most interesting galleries is the National Gallery which has the finest art collection in the world. The Gallery is rich in paintings by English masters: Turner, Gainsborough and Constable.
The National Gallery is one of the greatest museums of art in the world. It was founded in 1824.
The British Museum
The British Museum is one of the largest museums in the world. The British Museum was built in the first half of the 19th century. Now it is also one of the most interesting sights of London. The British Museum is a museum of history. Its library is one of the largest libraries in the world and the greatest one in England. The British Museum Library has more than six million books. The library contains books written by the authors of all times and countries. Its famous exhibits include the works of man from prehistoric times to the present day. The library has a collection of rare books and manuscripts, including the earliest editions of Shakespeare. There is a collection of books and original Dickens’ manuscripts and letters here. The library also has also an outstanding collection of foreign books. This is the world famous museum.
- London is also famous for its beautiful parks, such as:
Hyde Park, Regent’s Park, St. James’s Park, Green Park, Kensington Gardens and some others. London's parks and gardens are really very beautiful. They belong to the British monarchs, but are open for public use.
Д о д а т о к 2
(Relaxation Moment)
London Quiz
Do you know the sights of London?
It has boomed out the hours since 1859. It’s the most famous symbol of London.
Guard Ceremony takes place at its front gates.
queens were crowned and buried there.
the top of which is a giant stone statue of the British admiral Nelson.
the architect Sir Christopher Wren 35 years to build this magnificent building.
(Westminster Abbey; Trafalgar Square; the Tower of London; Big Ben;
Buckingham Palace; St. Paul’s Cathedral)
Д о д а т о к 3
Geography Quiz
Would you like to check your knowledge of geography quiz?
Answer the questions of the quiz:
2. Which river is the longest in the world? (the Nile in Africa)
3. Which ocean is the largest? (the Pacific Ocean)
4. What is the resemblance between Kyiv, Ottawa and London? (They are the capitals
of the countries)
5. Black, Red, White, Yellow – what word (not “colour”) can be added to each
of this to put them all in the same group? (Sea)
6. Is the UK a European country? (Yes, it is. It lies in the northwest of Europe)
7. What is the capital of Europe? (Europe is a continent, not a country; it has no capital)
8. What another name does the English Channel have? (La Manche)
9. What countries make up Great Britain? (England, Scotland, Wales)
10. Which country is the largest in the world? (Greenland)
11. What river does London stand on? (the Thames)
12. What is the population of London? (about 8 million people)
Д о д а т о к 4 T e s t
Choose and complete: