Тема уроку: Трудові вміння та навички
Мета уроку: практична: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць
у мовленні та удосконалювати техніку читання. Продовжувати формування навичок діалогічного мовлення та аудіювання. Удосконалювати навички вимови, усного мовлення й письма. розвиваюча: розвивати вміння логічно будувати мовлення та аналізувати інформацію, робити висновки, брати участь в інтерактивних ситуаціях; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховна: виховувати спостережливість та увагу, відчуття відповідальності за свої рішення, прищеплювати любов до праці.
Змістові лінії
Екологічна безпека та сталий розвиток: Аналізує власні бажання та потреби у контексті вибору майбутньої професії.
Громадська відповідальність: Оцінює свої здібності та можливості на шляху до мети. Усвідомлює важливість «розумних» цілей, які є конкретними, вимірюваними, досяжними, доречним і визначеними у часі). Визначає свої пріоритети та обґрунтовує план дій щодо можливості досягнення успіху у професії.
Здоров’я і безпека: Дискутує навколо важливості емоційного комфорту в майбутній професії.
Підприємливість і фінансова грамотність: Обговорює матеріальні критерії та мотиви для вибору професії. Обґрунтовує підприємницьку компетентність, керування власним життям та кар’єрою. Оцінює фінансові можливості сучасних професій.
Компетентності: спілкування іноземними мовами, математична компетентність, основні компетентності у природничих науках і технологіях, уміння вчитися впродовж життя, ініціативність і підприємливість, соціальна та громадянська компетентності
Обладнання: текст вислову В.Черчеля, картки «Знайди слова для…», картки для читання\аудіювання, встав пропущені букви, з’єднай еквіваленти
I Greeting
Good morning, pupils! How are you? It’s nice to see you today.
II Aim
Let’s take a motto for our lesson the words by Winston Churchill.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make life by what we give”.
How do you understand this quotation? So, you’ve understood that our today’s topic is «The world of profession» and, what more, during lesson we are going to find out what skills a person needs to do his (her) job well, what professions are the most demanded nowadays, what are the most suitable jobs for teenagers, how ambitious you are.
III Warming up
T. Find the words for the person who ....
a) builds houses;
b) grows food in the field;
c) sells meat;
d) looks after sick people;
e) writes articles for newspapers;
f) designs houses;
g) repairs cars;
h) treats domestic animals;
i) drives automobiles;
j) plays the piano;
k) designs clothes;
l) helps people with personal problems;
m) trains athletes;
n) cooks food.
IV. Основна частина уроку:
1. Listening:
Pre- listening:
Pay attention to the new words.
to do part – time job, babysitting, paper rounds, earn money, minimum, wage.
Jobs for teenagers
About half of 16 – and 17 – year – olds in the UK have got jobs, and three quarters of this age group also go to school. They do part – time jobs before or after school and at weekends. The most common jobs are babysitting (very popular with girls) and paper rounds (popular with boys). Cleaning and working in a shop are also popular jobs. In the UK, school students are not allowed to work more than two hours on a
school day, or more than twelve hours in total during a school week. They are not allowed to work before 7a.m. or after 7p.m. (but babysitters can work later).
Teenagers do part – time jobs because they want to earn some money. However, they don’t usually earn very much. In the UK, there is a minimum wage for adults: £5.52 an hour. For 16 – and – 17 – year – olds, it is £3.40 an hour. For children under 16, there is no minimum wage, so many teenagers work for £2 or £3 an hour.
The comprehension of the text:
Mark + if the statement is true, – if it is false.
1. About half of 14 – and 15 – year – olds in the UK have got jobs.
2. They do part – time jobs at weekends.
3. School students are allowed to work 6 hours on a school day.
4. They are allowed to work before 7a.m. or after 7p.m.
5. Teenagers usually earn much money.
6. There is minimum wage for adults: £5.52 an hour.
7. There is minimum wage for 16 – and – 17 – year – olds is £5.40 an hour.
8. For 16 – and – 17 – year – olds there is minimum wage.
2. Speaking
a). Read a list of jobs and professions and sort them in two columns:
an accountant, an architect, a carpenter, a computer operator, a dentist, an editor, an engineer, a fashion designer, a fireman, an interpreter, a bodyguard, a surgeon, a travel agent, a vet, a receptionist
The jobs I’d like to do. The jobs I hate to do
b). Give at least 3 reasons
Why you’d like to have these jobs or professions
Why you’d dislike to have these jobs or professions
a) this job is well paid;
b) is very prestigious;
c) It helps to socialize.
a) is boring;
b) involves meeting too many people;
c) It needs a lot of business trips.
3. Reading. Writing
electricity - електрика
air condition - кондиціонер
install – установлювати, монтувати
connect – з’єднувати
test - перевіряти
electronic control - електрична система управління
maintain - обслуговувати
blueprint – план
circuit - ел. ланцюг, контур, схема
outlet – розетка
load centers – центри навантаження
panel boards – панельні плити
conduit - ізоляційна трубка
pipe - трубка
tubing - прокладка труб, тюбінг
partition - перегородка
concealed areas – скриті місця
switches - вмикачі
pull insulted wires – протягувати ізольовані проводи
residential - житловий
plastic – covered wire – ізольований пластиком провід
circuit breaker – розмикач
proper connection –правильне підключення
safety of components – безпека компонентів
wiring – монтаж проводів
ensuring electrical compatibility – intercom systems – селекторний зв'язок забезпечення електричної сумісності
fire alarm – пожежна сигналізація
Read the text and translate it. Give the title of the text.
Electricity is essential for light, power, air condition, and refrigeration. Electricians install, connect, test, and maintain electrical systems for a variety of purposes, including climate control, security, and communications. They also may install and maintain the electronic controls for machines in business and industry. Although most electricians specialize in other construction or maintenance, a growing number do both. Electricians work with blueprints when they install electrical systems in factories, office buildings, homes, and other structures. Blueprints indicate the locations of circuits, outlets, load centers, panel boards, and other equipment. Electricians must follow the National Electric Code and company with State and local building codes when they install these systems. In factories and offices, they first place conduit (pipe or tubing) inside designed partitions, walls, or other concealed areas. They also fasten to the wall small metal or plastic boxes that will house electrical switches and outlets. Then they pull insulted wires or cables through the conduit to complete circuits between these boxes. In lighter construction, such as residential plastic – covered wire usually is used instead of conduit. Regardless of the type of wire used, electricians connect it to circuit breakers, transformers, or other components they join the wires in boxes with various specially designed connectors. After they finish the wiring, they use testing equipment, such as ohmmeters, voltmeters, and oscilloscopes, to check the circuits for proper connections, ensuring electrical compatibility and safety of components. In addition to wiring a building’s electrical system, electrician may install coaxial or fiber optic cable for computers and other telecommunications equipment. A growing number of electricians install telephone systems, computer wiring and equipment, street lights, intercom systems and fire alarm and security systems. They also may connect motors to electrical power and install electronic controls for industrial equipments.
Exercise 3. Answer the questions:
1. What does electricity mean for our life?
2. What do operations electricians usually do?
3. Do electricians work with blueprint?
4. What is the role of the blueprint?
5. What do electricians must fallow?
6. What do electricians do in factories and offices first?
7. Where is the plastic – covered wire used?
8. When do electricians the tasting equipment use?
9. What kinds of testing equipment did you know?
10. For what purpose the testing equipment is used for?
11. May electricians maintain the computers?
12. What is the field of electrical servicing nowadays?
Exercise 4. Match the words from the left column with their translations from right column.
1. electrical systems a. телекомунікаційне обладнання
2. install electrical systems b. телефонні системи
3. indicate the locations of circuits c. комп’ютерна проводка
4. residential plastic – covered wire d. приєднувати проводи в коробках
5. join the wires in boxes e. використовувати тестуюче обладнання
6. specially designed connectors f. електричні системи
7. use testing equipment g. визначати розміщення ел. кіл
8. a building’s electrical system h. житловий пластиковий провід
9. telecommunications equipment i. встановлювати ел. системи
10. telephone systems j. будівельна електрична система
11. computer wiring k. спеціально розроблені конектори
12. street lights l. зовнішнє освітлення
Exercise 5. Complete the words and translate them into Ukrainian.
El … ctri …ity, ci …cuit, tubin …, con …ection, wi … e, blu … print, … utlet, p … pe, parti … ion, swit … h, …ircuit bre …ker, con … ector.
4. Pair – work
Think of a job and three skills which the person needs to do it well. Use the words from the table to express your ideas.
Skills Character traits
Singing, decorating, designing, nursing, cleaning, typing, organizing, speaking, talking to people, building things, рrepairing, making crafts, acting.
Creative, punctual, charismatic, imaginative, rational, hardworking, responsible, neat, clever, patient, tactful, artistic.
V. Homework
You are to know the vocabulary of the lesson, to write a short report about your ideal work and why it would be perfect for you.
VI. Summarizing
T. I hope that our lesson will help you in some way to learn more jobs and professions and different skills which are suitable for this or that one. Perhaps it will help you to choose your future profession more consciously.
electricity - електрика
air condition - кондиціонер
install – установлювати, монтувати
connect – з’єднувати
test - перевіряти
electronic control - електрична система управління
maintain - обслуговувати
blueprint – план
circuit - ел. ланцюг, контур, схема
outlet – розетка
load centers – центри навантаження
panel boards – панельні плити
conduit - ізоляційна трубка
pipe - трубка
tubing - прокладка труб, тюбінг
partition - перегородка
concealed areas – скриті місця
switches - вмикачі
pull insulted wires – протягувати ізольовані проводи
residential - житловий
plastic – covered wire – ізольований пластиком провід
circuit breaker – розмикач
proper connection –правильне підключення
safety of components – безпека компонентів
wiring – монтаж проводів
ensuring electrical compatibility – intercom systems – селекторний зв'язок забезпечення електричної сумісності
fire alarm – пожежна сигналізація
Read the text and translate it. Give the title of the text.
Electricity is essential for light, power, air condition, and refrigeration. Electricians install, connect, test, and maintain electrical systems for a variety of purposes, including climate control, security, and communications. They also may install and maintain the electronic controls for machines in business and industry. Although most electricians specialize in other construction or maintenance, a growing number do both. Electricians work with blueprints when they install electrical systems in factories, office buildings, homes, and other structures. Blueprints indicate the locations of circuits, outlets, load centers, panel boards, and other equipment. Electricians must follow the National Electric Code and company with State and local building codes when they install these systems. In factories and offices, they first place conduit (pipe or tubing) inside designed partitions, walls, or other concealed areas. They also fasten to the wall small metal or plastic boxes that will house electrical switches and outlets. Then they pull insulted wires or cables through the conduit to complete circuits between these boxes. In lighter construction, such as residential plastic – covered wire usually is used instead of conduit. Regardless of the type of wire used, electricians connect it to circuit breakers, transformers, or other components they join the wires in boxes with various specially designed connectors. After they finish the wiring, they use testing equipment, such as ohmmeters, voltmeters, and oscilloscopes, to check the circuits for proper connections, ensuring electrical compatibility and safety of components. In addition to wiring a building’s electrical system, electrician may install coaxial or fiber optic cable for computers and other telecommunications equipment. A growing number of electricians install telephone systems, computer wiring and equipment, street lights, intercom systems and fire alarm and security systems. They also may connect motors to electrical power and install electronic controls for industrial equipments.
Answer the questions:
1. What does electricity mean for our life?
2. What do operations electricians usually do?
3. Do electricians work with blueprint?
4. What is the role of the blueprint?
5. What do electricians must fallow?
6. What do electricians do in factories and offices first?
7. Where is the plastic – covered wire used?
8. When do electricians the tasting equipment use?
9. What kinds of testing equipment did you know?
10. For what purpose the testing equipment is used for?
11. May electricians maintain the computers?
12. What is the field of electrical servicing nowadays?
Match the words from the left column with their translations from right column.
1. electrical systems a. телекомунікаційне обладнання
2. install electrical systems b. телефонні системи
3. indicate the locations of circuits c. комп’ютерна проводка
4. residential plastic – covered wire d. приєднувати проводи в коробках
5. join the wires in boxes e. використовувати тестуюче обладнання
6. specially designed connectors f. електричні системи
7. use testing equipment g. визначати розміщення ел. кіл
8. a building’s electrical system h. житловий пластиковий провід
9. telecommunications equipment i. встановлювати ел. системи
10. telephone systems j. будівельна електрична система
11. computer wiring k. спеціально розроблені конектори
12. street lights l. зовнішнє освітлення
Complete the words and translate them into Ukrainian.
El … ctri …ity, ci …cuit, tubin …, con …ection, wi … e, blu … print, … utlet, p … pe, parti … ion, swit … h, …ircuit bre …ker, con … ector.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make life by what we give”.
by Winston Churchill.
Find the words for the person who ....
a) builds houses;
b) grows food in the field;
c) sells meat;
d) looks after sick people;
e) writes articles for newspapers;
f) designs houses;
g) repairs cars;
h) treats domestic animals;
i) drives automobiles;
j) plays the piano;
k) designs clothes;
l) helps people with personal problems;
m) trains athletes;
n) cooks food.
Find the words for the person who ....
a) builds houses;
b) grows food in the field;
c) sells meat;
d) looks after sick people;
e) writes articles for newspapers;
f) designs houses;
g) repairs cars;
h) treats domestic animals;
i) drives automobiles;
j) plays the piano;
k) designs clothes;
l) helps people with personal problems;
m) trains athletes;
n) cooks food.
Find the words for the person who ....
a) builds houses;
b) grows food in the field;
c) sells meat;
d) looks after sick people;
e) writes articles for newspapers;
f) designs houses;
g) repairs cars;
h) treats domestic animals;
i) drives automobiles;
j) plays the piano;
k) designs clothes;
l) helps people with personal problems;
m) trains athletes;
n) cooks food.
Pay attention to the new words.
to do part – time job, babysitting, paper rounds, earn money, minimum, wage.
Jobs for teenagers
About half of 16 – and 17 – year – olds in the UK have got jobs, and three quarters of this age group also go to school. They do part – time jobs before or after school and at weekends. The most common jobs are babysitting (very popular with girls) and paper rounds (popular with boys). Cleaning and working in a shop are also popular jobs. In the UK, school students are not allowed to work more than two hours on a school day, or more than twelve hours in total during a school week. They are not allowed to work before 7a.m. or after 7p.m. (but babysitters can work later).
Teenagers do part – time jobs because they want to earn some money. However, they don’t usually earn very much. In the UK, there is a minimum wage for adults: £5.52 an hour. For 16 – and – 17 – year – olds, it is £3.40 an hour. For children under 16, there is no minimum wage, so many teenagers work for £2 or £3 an hour.
Mark + if the statement is true, – if it is false.
1. About half of 14 – and 15 – year – olds in the UK have got jobs.
2. They do part – time jobs at weekends.
3. School students are allowed to work 6 hours on a school day.
4. They are allowed to work before 7a.m. or after 7p.m.
5. Teenagers usually earn much money.
6. There is minimum wage for adults: £5.52 an hour.
7. There is minimum wage for 16 – and – 17 – year – olds is £5.40 an hour.
8. For 16 – and – 17 – year – olds there is minimum wage.
Pay attention to the new words.
to do part – time job, babysitting, paper rounds, earn money, minimum, wage.
Jobs for teenagers
About half of 16 – and 17 – year – olds in the UK have got jobs, and three quarters of this age group also go to school. They do part – time jobs before or after school and at weekends. The most common jobs are babysitting (very popular with girls) and paper rounds (popular with boys). Cleaning and working in a shop are also popular jobs. In the UK, school students are not allowed to work more than two hours on a school day, or more than twelve hours in total during a school week. They are not allowed to work before 7a.m. or after 7p.m. (but babysitters can work later).
Teenagers do part – time jobs because they want to earn some money. However, they don’t usually earn very much. In the UK, there is a minimum wage for adults: £5.52 an hour. For 16 – and – 17 – year – olds, it is £3.40 an hour. For children under 16, there is no minimum wage, so many teenagers work for £2 or £3 an hour.
Mark + if the statement is true, – if it is false.
1. About half of 14 – and 15 – year – olds in the UK have got jobs.
2. They do part – time jobs at weekends.
3. School students are allowed to work 6 hours on a school day.
4. They are allowed to work before 7a.m. or after 7p.m.
5. Teenagers usually earn much money.
6. There is minimum wage for adults: £5.52 an hour.
7. There is minimum wage for 16 – and – 17 – year – olds is £5.40 an hour.
8. For 16 – and – 17 – year – olds there is minimum wage.