Конспект відкритого уроку з теми "William Shakespeare"

Про матеріал
Конспект відкритого уроку з теми "William Shakespeare" містить матеріали, що дають можливість генерувати нові ідеї для проведення відкритого уроку. За допомогою наведених матеріалів можна провести різні види роботи з учнями, зробити урок насиченим і результативним.
Перегляд файлу

Тема: Шекспір – видатний англійський письменник


Мета: Практикувати учнів в аудіюванні та читанні автентичного тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення(skimming) та максимально повного й точного розуміння всієї інформації що міститься в тексті(scanning); розвивати навички учнів у самостійному висловлюванні на основі прочитаного тексту; виховувати інтерес до читання літературних творів видатних авторів


Обладнання: автентичний текст для читання «Shakespeare», «True or false», «A strip story», текст для позакласного читання «Romeo and Juliet», відео «Shakespeare lives», «Romeo and Juliet (анімація British council)»


Тип уроку: урок позакласного читання


Хід уроку


  1. Організаційний момент


  1. Good morning , pupils! How are you today?

Who is duty?(бесіда з черговим)

  1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T: The topic of our today’s lesson is «Shakespeare, the greafest English writer»

By the end of the lesson you should be able:

  • To identify main ideas and details from authentic text for reading.
  • To discuss the text of your homereading.


  1. Актуалізація опорних знань учнів


T: Read the following quotations about books, translate and say do you agree

or disagree with them(на дошці або на картках)

  1. «Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body»
  2. «I would sooner read a time-table or a catalogue than nothing at all»
  3. «Old wood best to burn , old wine to drink, friend to trust, and old authors to read»

Ps: Are discussing the given quotations.


  1. Активізація опорних знань


  1. Пред’явлення тексту для читання
  1. Pre-reading activities. Етап підготовки

Бесіда з учнем.

  1. T: 1) Do you known any of Shakespeare’s plays?

    2) Do you like to read then?

    3) Are the plays just as relevant today as they were in the sixteenth         


     б)  1) Перегляд анімаційного фільму «Shakespeare lives»(Britishcouncil)  

           2) While-Reading activites. Етап читання тексту та виконання вправ під час читання.



 William Shakespeare was the greatest writer in the English language. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of eighteen he married Anne Hathaway, who was eight years older that himself. A few years later he moved to London, where he worked as an actor and a playwright.

 Shakespeare wrote thirty-seven plays and 154 sonnets (a kind of poem). His most famous plays are the four great tragedies — Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet, and King Lear. He also wrote several historical plays. Eight of these plays were about English kings, including Richard II, Henry V and Richard III. Others dealt with Roman history and included Julius Caesar and Anthony and Cleopatra. But not all of Shakespeare’s plays were serious. He also wrote comedies, such as A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Twelfth Night.

 Shakespeare died in Stratford on 23 April 1616, but his plays are still very popular today. They have been translated into several different languages, and many of them have been made into films, both in English and other languages.

Shakespeare’s plays are about the great issues of life-love, hatred, jealousy, power, ambition, death and so on. So, his plays are just as relevant today as they were in the sixteenth century. To show this, modern directors sometimes do the plays in modern dress, and one of Shakespeare’s plays has even been turned into a modern musical. His romantic tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, was the basis for the musical West Side Story.


а) Переглядове читання тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення про його зміст (skimming).

Т: Look through the text and say if all of Shakespeare’s plays were serious.

What are Shakespeare’s plays about?

б) Читання тексту з метою максимально повного й точного розуміння всієї інфор­мації, що міститься в тексті та критичного її осмислення (scanning).


       True or False.

  1. William Shakespeare was born in 1954 in Stratford-upon-avon.
  2. At the age of twenty he married Anne Hathaway.
  3. A few years later he moved to Briton.
  4. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets.
  5. His most famous plays are the four great tragedies — Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet, and King Lear
  6. He also wrote comedies.
  7. His plays have been translated into several different languages.
  8. Modern directors always do the plays in modern dress.
  9. Romeo and Juliet was the basis for the musical West Side Story.

































3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання післятексто- вих комунікативних вправ.


Answer the questions.

  1. Who was William Shakespeare?
  2. When and where was he born?
  3. At what age did he marry?
  4. Who was his wife?
  5. Where did he move a few years later to?
  6. What was his job?
  7. How many plays and sonnets did he write?
  8. What are his most famous plays?
  9. Did William Shakespeare write any comedies?
  10. When and where did he die?
  11. Are his plays just as relevant today as they were in the sixteenth century? Why?


T: Tell about William Shakespeare and his works using the questions as a plan.


  1. Систематизація опорних знань учнів


  1. Представлення тексту для позакласного читання “Romeo and Juliet”.


ROMEO AND JULIET (After W. Shakespeare)

Part I

In the town of Verona, in Italy, there were the Capulets two rich families, the Capulets and the Montagues. There was an old quarrel between those two families and when a Capulet met a Montague, they always began to fight. There was a daughter, Juliet by name, in the Capulet family, who was fourteen years old at the time of the story, and a son, Romeo, in the Montague family, who was sixteen.

One day old Capulet made a great supper and invited many people to it, but no one of the house of the Montagues.

When dancing began, Romeo saw a young and very beautiful girl whom he did not know. This was Juliet, and Romeo fell in love with her.

Juliet could not sleep that night, she fell in love with Romeo too. She went up to the window of her room and from there she saw Romeo in the garden. They talked about their love and the quarrel between their families. Romeo asked Juliet to marry him. They decided that nobody must know about their love and about their plan to marry.


Capulets - Капуелеті

Montague - Монтекі

Juliet - Джульетта

Romeo - Ромео

fell in love - закохався

Part II

In the early morning Romeo went to see Friar Lawrence, an old man, who could marry him to Juliet. Friar Lawrence was a friend of the Capulets and also of the Montagues. He thought that the marriage between Romeo and Juliet could end the old quarrel, so he decided to marry them.

The next day Romeo and Juliet came to Friar Lawrence and he married them. Juliet went home to wait for her young husband, Romeo, who promised to come at night into the Capulet’s garden and meet Juliet there.

Some days passed and Juliet's father caljed his daughter to him and told her that she must marry a young man whose name was Paris. Juliet did not know what to do. She was afraid to tell her father about her marriage to Romeo. She told him that she was too young to marry, but old Capulet got very angry and did not want to listen to her. Then Juliet went to Friar Lawrence for help.

He listened to the girl and then told her to go home and be ready to marry Paris. But the night before her marriage she must drink some medicine from a little bottle which the friar gave her. “This medicine will put you to sleep for forty-two hours,” said the friar. Juliet went home and she did as the friar told her.

When her mother came into the room, Juliet lay on her bed. She was unconscious. The mother thought that Juliet was dead. The parents cried bitterly, then they put Juliet into the family tomb.

Romeo heard that Juliet was dead and he was very unhappy. He bought some poison and went to the tomb of the Capulets where Juliet lay and found Paris there. Romeo fought with him and killed the young man. Then he looked at Juliet for the last time, kissed her on the lips and drank his poison. He fell down at Juliet’s feet.

At this moment Juliet woke up and saw Romeo. But the young man was dead. Juliet took a dagger that was on the floor and killed herself.


friar - чернець

promised - пообіцяв

was afraid - боялася

got angry - розгнівався

unconscious - без свідомості

bitterly — гірко

tomb - склеп

poison - отрута

dagger - кинджал


  1. Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовки до читання тексту.

Бесіда з учнями.

Т: Have you read a romantic tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare? What is this tragedy about?

It “Romeo and Juliet” relevant today?

What makes you think so?

What is “Romeo and Juliet” about?

Is the story “Romeo and Juliet” based on Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy?

  1. While-Reading Activities. Етап читання тексту та виконання вправ під час чи­тання.

Т: Look through the first and the second part of the text to refresh your Home Reading, do the following activity then.

a) Translate the sentences with the words in bold type into Ukrainian.



Частина I

 У місті Верона, в Італії, жили дві багаті родини, Капулетті та Монтеккі.

 У родині Капулетті була донька на ім’я Джульетта, якій було 14 років, коли відбувалася ця історія, а в родині Монтеккі був син Ромео, 16 років.

 Це була Джульетта, і Ромео закохався в неї.

 Вони говорили про своє кохання та свари між родинами.

 Ромео попрохав Джульетту вийти за нього заміж.

 Вони вирішили, що ніхто не повинен знати про іхнє кохання та про іхні плани одружитися.

Частина II

 Уранці Ромео пішов побачитися з монахом Лоренцо, старою людиною, який міг одружити їх з Джульеттою.

 Джульетта пішла додому, очикуючий молодого супруга.

 Ромео пообіцяв прийти вночі в сад Капулетті та зустріти там Джульетту.

 Вона боялася сказати своєму батькові про своє одруження з Ромео.

 Вона сказала йому, що вона дуже молода, щоб виходити заміж, але старий Капулетті дуже розгнівався й не захотів слухати її.

 Вона була непритомна.

 Її батьки гірко плакали, потім вони поклали ії в родинний склеп. Джульетт взяла кинжал, який лежав на полу і покінчила з собою.


  1. Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання післятексто- вих комунікативних вправ.

Т: A Strip Story. Make the mixed strips in logical order, read and retell the summary of the text. (Учитель розрізає на смужки по одному реченню написаний ним короткий зміст тексту “Romeo and Juliet”.

Групі учнів з 4-х чоловік пропонується 1 комплект розташованих не в логічному порядку речень. Учні повинні скласти їх послідовно відповідно до змісту тексту






In the town of Verona, in Italy, there were two rich families, the Capulets and the Montagues.


In the family of the Capulets there was a daughter beautiful daughter, Juliet.

She was 14 years old.

In the family of the Montagues there was a son, Romeo, who was 16.

There was an old quarrel between those two families.

But young people fell in love with each other.

Romeo asked Juliet to marry him.

They married secretly with the help of an old friar, Friar Lawrence.

But Juliet father wanted her to marry a young man Paris.

Juliet did not know what to do.

So she went to Friar Lawrence for help.

He gave her some medicine which would put her to sleep for 42 hours.

Juliet took the medicine.

When her mother came into the room, Juliet lay on her bed.

Juliet’s mother thought her daughter was dead.

They put Juliet into family tomb.

Romeo heard that Juliet was dead and he drank poison on Juliet’s tomb and died.

When Juliet woke up she saw dead Romeo, took a dagger and killed herself.


T: Which group will be the first to make up a Strip Story?


  1. Домашнє завдання


T: Which famous writers do you know?

Write and tell us about from your country.


  1. Підсумок уроку


Т: What have we done today?

Do you agree that Shakespeare’s plays are just as relevant today as they were in the sixteenth centry?


Do you know any of Shakespeare’s plays?

Have Shakespeare’s works been translated into your language?

Who is the most famous writer in your language?

What do you know about him/her?


Список використаної літератури

  1.               Бондарь М.В. Англійська мова 9 клас плани-конспекти уроків. Ранок 2002.
  2.               Плахотник В.М., Мартинова Р.Ю., Захарова С.Л. Англійська мова: Підруч. для 9 кл. серед. шк. Освіта 2001.
  3.               Hutchinson T. Hotline. Oxford, 1997.
  4.               British Council, Learn English Kids, Shakespeare Lives - Animation



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