Контроль читання 3 клас 1 семестр

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Контроль читання 3 клас 1 семестр
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Контроль читання                           І семестр                                         3 клас

                                                          Variant I

Read and choose the best title for the text.

My parents              My family

My weekends          My hobby

My name is Roman. I am from Ukraine. I’m nine and I study at school. I have got a happy family: my mother, father and a little sister. We live in a flat in Sumy.

   My mum is a teacher. Her name is Kate. And my daddy is a businessman. His name is Igor. My sister is only 3 years old. Her name is Natasha. I like to play with her.

   We often have dinners together, talk and watch TV. On Sundays we go to a park. I ride a bike.

True or false.

  1. Roman’s family is very large.
  2. Roman’s mum is a doctor.
  3. Roman has got a little brother.
  4. They often watch TV on weekends.
  5. Roman likes to ride a bike.

Choose the correct word.

  1. Our family is lamp/ large/ like: my parents, my sister and brother and me.
  2. We live in a big shop/ hobby/ flat.
  3. I often ride/ like drive my bike on the weekend.
  4. We often spend dinners/ weekends/ week together.
  5. I love your/ my/ his parents very much.

weekend – вихідні дні

flat - квартира

         together – разом

         large  - великий









Контроль читання                                І семестр                             3 клас

                                                        Variant II

                                                My favourite lesson

My name is Denis and I am a pupil of the third form. We have got many lesson at school: Reading, Writing, Maths, Physical Training (PE), Nature Study, Arts and English.

    My favourite lesson is English. We have got two lessons every week: on Tuesday and Friday. We read texts, write many exercises and dictations, speak and make dialogues at the English lessons. We often play interesting and funny games in English. I want to know English very well!

Choose the correct answer.

Denis is in the … form.

  1. First        b) second    c) third   d) fourth

His favourite lesson is … .

  1. Maths   b) English     c) PE      d) Reading

He has got … English lessons a week.

  1. Three    b) one     c) four     d) two

Pupils always play many interesting … at the English lessons.

  1. texts   b) exercises    c) games    d) dictations

There are two lessons of English every week on … and …. .

  1. Friday, Tuesday   b) Thursday, Friday    c) Monday, Friday   d) Friday, Wednesday

True or false

  1. Denis is a pupil of the second form.
  2. His favourite lesson is Reading.
  3. They read texts at the English lessons.
  4. They play interesting games at the English lessons.
  5. Denis want to know English.

exercises – вправи

dialogues – діалоги

know – знати

want - хотіти


Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
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  1. Паламарчук Олена
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
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5 серпня 2019
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4.7 (1 відгук)
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