Контроль читання 3 клас 1 семестр

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота з читання для учнів третього класу. В завданні запропоновано прочитати текст і виконати вправи на розуміння прочитаного.
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Name______________  Form_________ Date__________________

Reading  comprehension test for 3rd form

  1. Read the text.

Anny and Fred

Anny is slim and tall girl. She’s got long curly hair. Anny is twenty eight. She is a manager. She works in a bank. Anny likes to pet animals.

This is Fred. He is thirty one. He is short and plump. Fred has got short straight hair. He works in a hospital. Fred is a doctor.

  1. Mark sentences true (T) or false (F).

Anny is short and plump.                                              T/F

She is 28.                                                                    T/F

Anny is a manager.                                                       T/F

Fred is a teacher                                                         T/F

He is short and plump.                                                 T/F

Fred works in a hospital.                                              T/F

  1. Fill the blanks.


Anny is ____ and tall. She’s got long curly _____. She is a________.

Fred is short and _______. He is a ________. He works in a ______.