Контроль читання 5 клас Тема « Робочий день»

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Проведення контроля читання ( розуміння прочитаного) в 4-7 класах двічі на рік є вимогою програми вивчення англійської мови в початковій та в середній школі. Але як власне перевірити розуміння ? Переказ або відповіді на питання на рідній мові?—якось не солідно, все ж таки ми вчимо англійську. Відповіді на питання по англійські? –Знову проблема—адже на цьому рівні діти ще мають багато проблем з англійською граматикою. Тож ми отримуємо «червону» роботу з якої зрозуміло, шо власне текст ( сюжет і навіть деталі) дитина зрозуміла. Яку оцінку поставити, чи враховувати граматичні і лексичні помилки? Багато вчителів переймалися цією проблемою.

Вихід—завдання, які є серед завдань ЗНО, але яких , на жаль, майже немає в підручниках. Учням пропонуються декілька текстів ( наприклад описи різних людей), і питання—котрий з цих людей має це, цікавиться цим, і так далі. Учні, відповідаючи пишуть номер тексту ( опису), або ім'я людини. При цьому питання може стосуватися як однієї людини , так і всіх. Крім того, лексика в тексті і в питаннях відрізняється. Щоб відповісти правильно учні повинні дійсно зрозуміти текст. Тексти вони мають перед собою весь час і просто змушені перечитувати і думати. Такі завдання розвивають навички критичного мислення.

Завдання, які пропонуються, я використовувала на уроках саме для вказаного рівня.

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Контроль читання 5 клас  Тема « Робочий день»


Which of the people….

1. Is a night owl?                                                                                                 14. Goes home at 6 pm?

2.  sometimes works at night?                                                                          15. First works, then has breakfast?

3. doesn’t do sport?                                                                                           16. Eats with friends?

4. is an early bird? 

5.  gets up early at weekends?

6.  relaxes  in the afternoon? 

7.  goes jogging in the morning?

8. goes jogging at the weekend?

9. likes working outdoors?

10. works with people ?

11.  likes reading?

12.  doesn’t watch TV?

13. Has lunch at home?

     A.   Tom Jones is a farmer.  Though his work is tiring, he likes it  a lot.

He gets up at half past four  in the  morning and milks the cows. It takes him two hours to do the work.  After  that he goes home to have breakfast.  After breakfast , at 7, he goes to the farm again to feed the animals. He also cleans after them. He works until lunch time. Tom usually has lunch from noon till 1 pm.  After lunch he sleeps for an hour and goes to the fields to work there.  At  6 he milks and feeds the cows. Then he goes home to take a shower and have dinner.  Then he sometimes watches TV or reads a book and goes to bed at about nine.

Tom doesn’t go out during the week,  but on Saturday afternoon he relaxes. He often plays football with his friends. Sometimes  they eat out at the local restaurant.

Because of his lifestyle  Tom  has dark complexion  and strong arms.  He loves animals and enjoys working in the open air.


B.    John  Miles is a taxi driver.  His working day starts at different time. Usually he goes to work at 8 am, but when he has night shifts he goes to work at 8 pm !  His work is tiring, but  never boring. He likes meeting with different people.

John usually gets up at seven o’clock, quickly gets dressed and goes jogging in the park. He thinks it’s very important because at work he sits most of the time. He has breakfast at half past seven and goes to work.  He has his lunch at different time. He usually takes  sandwiches and tea from home, but sometimes he eats at a café.  His work usually finishes at 5 pm but then he washes his car. So he gets home at 6 pm.  In the evening John usually plays with his children  or helps his wife about the house.  From 9 until 11 pm he usually watches TV.

At the weekends John usually goes to the cinema or on  a picnic  with his family. Sometimes he meets with his friends to play football.

John  loves his job and is satisfied with his life.  

 C.    Angela Davis is a teacher . She always gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning, even at the weekend.  She always has a shower and she usually has breakfast at about half past seven.  She  always catches a bus to get to school and she arrives there at  eight thirty.  Sometimes she corrects  pupils’ homework before the lessons.  Angela usually has lunch during the lunch break  from 11.30 until 12.30. She usually has a few lessons in the afternoon, so she rarely gets home before five.  In the evening Angela cooks,  and  gets ready for the lessons. To relax she usually listens to the music or reads a book.  She doesn’t like to watch TV.  Angela usually goes to bed at about half past  eleven.

Angela doesn’t go out very often during the week, so at the weekend  she always goes out with her friends.  They go for a walk, eat out or go to the cinema.  On Sunday mornings Angela usually goes jogging  to be healthy.

She  is satisfied with her life. She likes working with children.

D.  Jack Warren is an actor at the local theatre.

He usually gets up late in the afternoon and takes a shower. He has lunch at about 1pm and goes to work to practice for the show.  It usually takes him  two or three hours. At about four Jack usually goes home to relax before the show. The show usually starts at 8pm and finishes at 10 pm. After that Jack usually has dinner with other actors from the show.  He usually goes to bed at about 1 am.

In his free time Jack reads books and watches TV. On  his days off  when there is no show John often visits his parents in the village.  He also goes out with his friends  for  dinner.

John is satisfied with his life but he doesn’t like that he must work late.



Shifts –      зміни ( роботи)                                                         must   повинен

Days off—вихідний день                                                            Be healthy   бути здоровим


До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 5 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
25 липня 2018
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