Нестандартний урок в 5 класі на тему "Школа в майбутньому"

Про матеріал

Використання комп'ютерних засобів дозволяє інтенсифікувати діяльність вчителя та учня; підвищити якість вивчення предмету.

Переваги використання ІКТ

- Індивідуалізація навчання.

- Інтенсифікація самостійної роботи учнів.

- Розширення Підвищення мотивації та пізнавальної активності за рахунок різноманітності форм роботи:

поставиш вірно пропущені літери, дасиш відповіді на поставлені запитання - відкриєш картинку чи почуєш музику тощо. Такі заняття викликають у дітей емоційний підйом, навіть слабкі учні охоче працюють з комп'ютером.

- Інтегрування звичайного уроку з комп'ютером.

- Дозволяє частину своєї роботи перекласти на ПК .

Перегляд файлу

Нестандартний урок

в 5 класі на тему









КЗ «Олександрівське НВО №1»

загальноосвітня школа

 І-ІІІ ступенів №1

Вчитель Железковська О.Ю.




Topic: School in Future

Type of the Lesson: combined

Practical goals: to practice using vocabulary on the topic, to revise Future Tense in exercises, to teach students grammar material: the usage the modal verb can in Future Simple and activise it in speaking, writing, reading.

Educational goals: to enlarge students’ knowledge about English grammar

Developing goals: to develop students’ creativity, their imagination.


Upbringing goals: to bring up students’ interests towards learning English.


Equipment: a textbook by Oksana Karpiuk Form 5, handouts, markers, paper, interactive board

                  Lesson Structure

  1. Introduction to the lesson.
  1. Greeting and Aim -2 min.

T. Dear children, good morning! I am glad to see you. Today we’ll speak about the verb can, it is a very interesting verb (The handout with the verb is on the blackboard). As for the topic. Look at the blackboard. You can see pictures which are associated with our lesson’s topic. (pictures: a blackboard, an exercise-book, a piece of chalk, a pen, a pencil, …) how do you think what is the topic of our lesson? (Possible answer: I think the topic of our lesson is “School”).


T. You are quite right but I’ll add a little that our topic is “School in Future”. By the end of the lesson you should be able to answer the question: What school will be in future? In some minutes you’ll think of the school of your dream.


  1. Warming up – 2 min.

(the words of the rhyme on the blackboard)

T. Are you ready for the lesson?

I can read,

I can write,

I can improve my skills.

I can play,

I can name all the words and you?

I’ll be ready in a minute,

I’ll be ready in a minute

And what about you?



II. The Main part of the Lesson.

  1. Speaking.

a) T. (A game with a ball.) On the blackboard you can see the words with translation. Remember these words for our game. – 3 min.

On the blackboard:

to use English -

to write e-mails –

to send e-mails –

to improve skills –

to learn interesting facts –

to play games –

to run –

to speak foreign languages –

to go in football –

to play computer games –

to watch films –

to find an interesting information –

to make projects –

to print –

to communicate through the Internet –

to do homework –

to rest –

to work with the computer –

to have a long break –

to get good marks –

to know three foreign languages –

to go by car –


The teacher throws the ball and asks the students to translate the expressions or make up their own sentences using the model: e.g. I shall find an interesting information in four days.


 b) Work in groups. – 5 min.


T. Look at the blackboard, you can see the pictures of modern devices. (a computer, internet, a mobile phone, a TV, a CD, a video, …). (The teacher divides the students into 4 groups). You will have 3 minutes. Tell me please, how can we use these devices at our English lessons? Start your answers from the words: Using the computer (the Internet, TV, a video, tape recorder) we can …


              2. Presentation of Grammar Material.

a) The teacher’s explanation. – 3 min.



T. “Can” is a special verb. Why? We say “I like to read” but “I can read” there’s no to after can. We say “He reads” but “He can red”. There’s no –s in the 3-d person singular.

Look at the blackboard and put the verb in the Future Simple.


Present Simple

Future Simple










improve skills

use the computer

watch films

speak with friends

send e-mails

make projects












be able to


improve skills

use the computer

watch films

speak with friends

send e-mails

make projects


b) Practicing of the new grammar material in exercises:

         - Oral Speech. – 2 min.

T. Make up sentences with the verb can in Future Simple using the modal.


e.g. I shall be able to watch a film in 2 days.


          -Writing. – 4 min.

Complete the sentences. Use “shall/will be able to”.

I ________ go to new modern school in two days. I ________ meet new friends there. They ________ show their school. I _________ learn three foreign languages at this school. I _________ speak with my parents through the Internet. They __________ send me e-mails. I _________ play many games.


  • Relaxation. Jazz-chant. – 2 min.
  • Project Work. – 8 min.


T. You’ll work in groups and make a project “In a Hundred Years Our School …

The first group will be able to speak about the classroom.

The second group will be able to speak about future teacher.

The third group will be able to speak about breakes.

The fourth group will be able to speak about sport in future.


                     3. Reading. -5 min.

T. Read exercise 1, page 62 and answer the questions of exercise 2, page 63.


                    4.Creative Work. - 4 min.



T. There’s a picture of the future school on the blackboard. Decorate your school with necessary things sticking the pictures on our imaginable future school.

I see that you have a wonderful school. Let’s your dreams come true. You could answer the topic’s question.



                       5. Pair Work.    


T. Ask each other questions using the model: e.g. Will you be able to go to school by car in future? – Yes, I shall. I shall be able to go by car to school.

III. The Conclusion of the Lesson.

  1. Homework.

T. Write a composition: “My Future School”. – 1 min


  1. Summarizing. -2 min

T. What have you done at today’s lesson? What was the most interesting for you? What was the most difficult? What was the easiest?


  1. Marks. -2 min 


























До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
26 липня 2018
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