Контроль читання 6 клас І семестр

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The 6-th form                               Reading                                             I semester

                                                              I variant

My name is Linda. I am the youngest child in our family. My elder sister Inna is my best friend. She is a pretty young woman of 28 years old. I like her because she is very helpful. I can always ask her to help me with my homework. She is busy 5  days a week. She works in our local supermarket. Inna is a good cook. When we are at home she always cooks something tasty and unusual.

We like to go shopping together. We buy brown bread and buns at the baker’s. Sometimes we buy bread rolls to make hamburgers for our Sunday picnics.  Linda likes to buy cheese and butter at the dairy. We never buy milk there, because the milkman always brings some bottles of milk to our house in the morning.

I think the best place to do the shopping is a supermarket where my sister works. It’s a good place to save time and money and have fun.

There is a tradition in our family to gather all the relatives on Christmas Day. So we prepare to it. We buy much food and presents for everyone. Mum and Inna make Christmas pudding and turkey. I help them to clean the house and buy presents. I also have to decorate the Christmas Tree. I love it very much.

I.Find English equivalents for these Ukrainian phrases:

Щось смачненьке, найкраще місце для покупок, економити час і гроші, подарунки для всіх, різдвяна індичка, наймолодша дитина

II.Mark true and false statements: 

1.Linda is a small girl.

2.Her sister works at the supermarket 5 days a week.

3.They don’t buy milk  at the dairy.

4.Girls don’t like to go shopping together.

5.On Christmas Day they visit their granny.

6.Linda loves to make Christmas pudding with her mum.

III.Answer the questions:

1.What is Linda’s sister’s name?

2.Is Inna a helpful person?

3.Where does she work?

4.What does she and mum make on Christmas?

5.Who brings milk to their house?

6.Who decorates Christmas tree?

The 6-th form                  Reading                                             I semester

                                                        II variant

My name is Dan. I am the youngest child in our family. My elder sister Elizabeth is my best friend. She is a charming young woman . I like her because she is very intelligent. I can always ask her for advice. She is busy 5  days a week. She works in our local hospital. Liz is  good at cooking. When we are at home she always cooks something tasty and unusual.

We like to go shopping together. We buy fish and seafood at fishmongers. We buy  bread rolls at the baker’s to make hamburgers for our Saturday picnics.  Liz likes to buy marmalade and sweets at the confectionary.

I think the best place to do the shopping is our local  supermarket . It’s a good place to save time and money and have fun.

There is a tradition in our family to gather all the relatives on Christmas Day. So we prepare to it. We buy much food and presents for everyone. Mum and Elizabeth make Christmas pudding and turkey. I help them to clean the house and buy presents. I also have to decorate the Christmas Tree. I love it very much.

I.Find English equivalents for these Ukrainian phrases:

Дуже розумна, питати поради, економити час і гроші, рибний магазин, чарівна жінка, ялинка

II.Mark true and false statements: 

1.Dan has a good friend at school.

2.His sister works at the supermarket.

3.They  have picnics on Sundays.

4.Elizabeth likes to do the shopping at the confectionary.

5.On Christmas Day they have guests at home.

6.Dan loves to decorate Christmas Tree.

III.Answer the questions:

1.What is Dan’s sister ?

2.Is she an intelligent person?

3.What is Liz good at ?

4.Where do they buy seafood ?

5.When do they gather relatives ?

6.Why is a supermarket a good place to do the shopping?