Контроль читання 7 клас І семестр

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7th grade


I Read the text. Choose the correct answers.

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

My mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school every day. We can’t use our phones during lessons, but when there’s a break I always read my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. My mum often calls me – she always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I also use my phone to listen to music, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. My mobile phone is my world!


 Sally’s mum and dad / teachers pay for her phone.

1 Sally always / never takes her phone to school.

2 Sally uses her phone duringlessons / when there’s a break.

3 Sally has a lot of / a few friends on social media.

4 Sally often makesphone calls / sends textmessages.

5 Sally’s mum never / often calls her.

II Read the text. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences.

A surprise in the forest

I’m Linda, and  my home is in the centre of a large city. The city centre is busy and noisy, and  the traffic is terrible. So when our family goes on  holiday, we usually travel somewhere relaxing. Last summer, we stayed in a hotel in the countryside. I went cycling with my brother a few times. We explored the forest near the hotel, too.

One morning, we were walking in the forest when we heard a noise. Something was climbing up a tree. It was a bear! “Is it dangerous?” I asked  my brother. ”I’m  not sure,” he answered. Soon the bear stopped climbing. I quickly took my mobile phone out of my bag. While the bear was sitting comfortably in the tree, I took a photo. Then we ran back to the hotel!

It was an interesting but scary experience. After that, we didn’t go back to the forest!

1 Are there many cars in Linda’s city?


2 Where did Linda’s family stay last summer?


3 What were Linda and her brother doing when they saw a bear?


4 What was the bear doing when Linda took a photo?


5 After Linda took the photo, what did she and her brother do?




III Read the text. Then match the headings (1–5) with the paragraphs (A–E).

William Shakespeare

A Shakespeare was born in Stratford-Upon-Avon, a small town in England, in 1564. He went to school there, but he didn’t go to university - his family wasn’t rich, and university was expensive in those days.

B Shakespeare got married when he was only eighteen. About ten years later, he left Stratford and travelled to London: he wanted to be an actor, and all the important theatres were in London.

C Shakespeare’s wife and children stayed in Stratford, but he sometimes visited them. Stratford was 150 kilometres from London, and the journey took two days. There weren’t any cars or trains in those days; people rode on horses or walked.

D Shakespeare soon became interested in writing. When he was thirty, he wrote Romeo and Juliet. Everybody loved it! Many of his plays were very popular. He made a lot of money, and when he was about thirty-five he bought a big house in Stratford for his family.

E When he was about fifty, Shakespeare came back to Stratford to live with his family. He died a few years later.

1 Leaving home ___

2 A famous writer ___

3 A great life comes to an end ___

4 Too poor for a higher education ___

5 A long way from his family ___



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