Контроль навичок говоріння: Англомовні країни

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Перевірка мовної компетенції здобувачів освіти з англійської мови на тему : "Англомовні країни"
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Тема: Контроль   мовної компетенції " Англомовні країни".

1.Great Britain

  • In which ocean Great Britain is situated ?(Atlantic)
  • Which climate is dominated on the island? (maritime)
  • Where  the island of Ireland is situated? (to the west of Great Britain)
  • The population of Great Britain? ( around 66 million people)
  • Which countries refer to Great Britain? (England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales)

2. Canada

  • Where the Canada is situated?  (in North America)
  • How many provinces and territories in Canada`s federation?  (10 provinces and 2 territories)
  • Which languages are national in Canada?  (english and french)
  • What is the capital of Canada?  (Ottava)
  • Which colors are on the flag of Canada?  (red and white)
  • Who was born in Canada?  (famous actor James Carrey)

3.New Zealand

  • What sea is separated from Australia?  (Tasman)
  • How many islands it consist of?  (2, the South and North)
  • How many volcanoes it has?  (more than 50)
  • Who were the first settlers?  (Maori)
  • Who called the island  Nova Zeelandia?  (cartographs)
  • The population of New Zealand?  (about 4 mallion)
  • What are the official languages?  (English and Maori)
  • Which industry on the island?  (agriculture)
  • What was filmed  there?  (The Lord of the Rings’ and ‘The Last Samurai’)
  • Who is the Head of the State?  (Elizabeth II)





Контрольна робота: написати ессе на тему: American dream - myth or reality?


Мета: перевірити уміння висловлювати свою думку , використовувати link words та практику  користування словниковим запасом.

8 червня 2021
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