Контроль сприймання на слух

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Контроль сприймання на слух з англійської мови за підручником "Англійська мова. О. Карп'юк. English with Smiling Sam 3". Робота містить чотири рівні завдань для перевірки сформованості навичок аудіювання (3клас,І семестр).
Перегляд файлу

Form 3. Term I.


Listening Test



Text:  In the Village”

Tom and Kate live in Ukraine. Tom’s grandpa is a farmer. He has a farm in the village. Look! This is a horse. The horse is black and brown. These are his seventeen pigs. The pigs are pink.

Tom and Kate like to watch the cows, pigs, geese, hens, and ducks. The children like playing games.

This is a new grandpa’s house. Kate and Tom like the new TV in the living-room. They like watching cartoons on TV. Kate’s favourite room  is a kitchen. It is on the left. Tom’s favourite room is a bedroom. It is on the right.

Tom and Kate like the grandfather’s farm and house.


















Form 3. Term I.


Listening Test



Task I. Listen to the text “ In the Village”. Choose the correct answer. Put “+” or “-”.

  1. Tom and Kate live in England.
  2.     Tom’s grandfather is a farmer.
  3. The horse is white and black.
  4. These are sixteen pigs.
  5. Kate’s favourite room is a bedroom.
  6. The bedroom is on the right.


Task II.  Continue the sentences.

  1. Tom’s grandpa has a . . .
  2. He is a …
  3. This is a new grandpa’s . . .
  4. Kate and Tom like the new TV in the . . .
  5. Kate’s favourite room is a …
  6. Tom’s favourite room is a . . .


Task III. Name the animals on the farm.


Task IV. Fill in the gaps in the text.


In the 1)________

Tom and Kate live in 2)_______. Tom’s grandpa is a 3)_______. He has a 4)_____ in the village. Look! This is a 5)_____. The horse is black and brown. These are his 6)______ pigs. The pigs are 7)_____.

Tom and Kate like to watch the cows, pigs, geese, hens, and ducks. The children like 8)_______.

This is a new grandpa’s 9)______. Kate and Tom like the new TV in the 10)________. They like watching cartoons on TV. Kate’s favourite room  is a 11)___________. It is on the left. Tom’s favourite room is a 12)_________. It is on the right.

Tom and Kate like the grandfather’s farm and house.



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Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
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