Контроль зорового сприйняття, 3 клас

Про матеріал
Контроль зорового сприйняття за підручником "Англійська мова. English with Smiling Sam 3" О. Карп'юк містить чотири рівні завдань для перевірки зорового сприйняття учнів з англійської мови у І семестрі 3 класу.
Перегляд файлу

3 клас, І семестр

Контроль читання

The House

This is a house. The house is new and big. It has got three bedrooms, a living-room, a kitchen and a bathroom. The kitchen and the living-room are on the left. The bathroom and three bedrooms are on the right.

This is a living-room. It is light and clean. The sofa is near the wall on the left. The TV is near the wall on the right. The armchair is next to the sofa. The lamp is on the table. The table is in front of the window. The picture is on the wall near the window.


Task I. Read the text. Find in the text the following:

    1) будинок                          3) вітальня                       5) ванна кімната

    2) спальня                           4) кухня                           6) на право

Task II. Choose the correct answer. Put “Yes / No”.

1. The house has got ten bedrooms.

2. The bathroom is on the right.                   

3. The living-room is not light and clean.               

Task III. Complete the sentences.

1. The kitchen and the living-room are …

2. The bathroom and three bedrooms are …

3. The table is …

Task IV. Answer the questions.

1. Where is the sofa?                              4. Where is the armchair?

2. Where is the TV?                                5. Where is the table?

3. Where is the lamp?                             6. Where is the picture?


     3 клас, І семестр

Контроль читання

The House

This is a house. The house is new and big. It has got three bedrooms, a living-room, a kitchen and a bathroom. The kitchen and the living-room are on the left. The bathroom and three bedrooms are on the right.

This is a living-room. It is light and clean. The sofa is near the wall on the left. The TV is near the wall on the right. The armchair is next to the sofa. The lamp is on the table. The table is in front of the window. The picture is on the wall near the window.


Task I. Read the text. Find in the text the following:

    1) будинок                          3) вітальня                       5) ванна кімната

    2) спальня                           4) кухня                           6) на право

Task II. Choose the correct answer. Put “Yes / No”.

1. The house has got ten bedrooms.

2. The bathroom is on the right.                   

3. The living-room is not light and clean.               

Task III. Complete the sentences.

1. The kitchen and the living-room are …

2. The bathroom and three bedrooms are …

3. The table is …

Task IV. Answer the questions.

1. Where is the sofa?                              4. Where is the armchair?

2. Where is the TV?                                5. Where is the table?

3. Where is the lamp?                             6. Where is the picture?


До підручника
Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
16 жовтня
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