Контрольна робота для учня-екстерна з англійської мови за 7 клас

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Дана контрольна робота підготована у трьох варіантах. Завдання підібрано для оцінювання усіх чотирьох видів мовленнєвої діяльності. Ідеально підійде для учнів, які навчаються за підручником О. Карпюк.
Перегляд файлу

Variant I

I Listening (3 points)

Listen to the text and decide if the sentences are true or false

1 Stardust is a comedy film.

2 This film was created in London.

3 The main character is Trystan.

4 Siena Miller played Victoria in Trystan.

5 The film was directed by Matthew Vaugh.

6 The star changed into a beautiful girl.

II Reading (3 points)

Read the text and answer the questions.

The doctor was a very clever man. He visited Taras at his home. He took pulse and listened to his breath. Then the doctor examined the boy`s throat. It was bright red.

Doctor checked Taras`s temperature. It was rather high. He said it wasn`t flu but just a bad cold.

Taras was sneezing and coughing all the time. But the doctor promised that he would be better in several days. He prescribed some medicine for his headache and his sore throat. He asked mother to buy the medicine and Taras to stay in bed for 3 days. He told Taras he had to drink warm milk with butter, honey and mineral water. Then he would recover soon.

With these words the doctor left the room.

1Was the doctor a man or a woman?

2 Did the doctor examine the boy`s pulse?

3 Was his throat red?

4 Did the boy have the high temperature?

5 Who bought the medicines for Taras?

6 How long did Taras stay in a bed?

III Writing/Grammar (3 points)

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect Tense.


1) When I arrived at the cinema, the film_______ (start).



2) She ________(live) in China before she went to Thailand.



3) After they _______(eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick.


4) If you____________ (listen) to me, you would have got the job.


5) Julie didn't arrive until after I _____________(leave).


6) When we_____________ (finish) dinner, we went out.

IV Speaking (3 points)

1 Tell about your school and about your favourite after-school activity.

2Tell about you and about your family.














Text for listening

Stardust is a fantasy film. It is based on the novel which was written by Neil Gaiman. It was filmed in Scotland was directed by Matthew Vaugh. It was released by Paramount pictures.

The film is about Trystan (Charly Cox) who likes Victoria (Sienna Miller) and promises her a fallen star. To find it, he has to cross a wall and escape his village. Outside is a magic world and Trystan finds a star. The star is changed into a beautiful girl, Yvaine (Claire Danes). She is chased by Lamia (Michelle Pfeiffer), a witch who wants to steal her youth and beauty and Trystan helps her,























                                 Variant II

I Listening (3 points)

Listen to the text and answer the questions.

1Is it warm in summer in Great Britain?

2 Does it often rain in Britain?

3 What is the weather like in autumn?

4 Do they have snow in all parts of Britain?

5 Do the people like to talk about the weather?

6 Does the weather change often?

II Reading (3 points)

Read the text and decide if the sentences are true or false.

                            The Toreadors from Vasiukivka

Yava and Pavlusha are good friends. They go to school as all children do but they aren`t very good at studying. They want to become famous but everything they do only brings them more troubles!

One day they decide to dig a ``metro line`` under a pigsty. Unfortunately, as they are half way through a fat pig called Manynya falls through the ground right down into their ``metro``! Grandpa finds and punished them.

Their best known adventure is when they decide to become bullfighters! However, fighting a real bull is scary so they go for a cow!


To dig-копати

A pigsty-свинарник

 A bull-буйвол


1Yava and Pavlusha are brothers.

2 They are not very good at studying.

3 They have troubles very often.

4 They diged ``a metro line`` under the house.

5 They weren`t punished.

6 They were afraid of bulls.

III Writing/Grammar (3 points)

Complete the rules with ``must`` or ``mustn`t``.

1 You _____ wear your school uniform.

2 You _____ take pets to school.

3 You ______ be late for lessons in the morning.

4 You ______ speak English in your English lessons.

5 You ______ run in the corridor.

6 You ______ do your homework after lessons.

IV Speaking (3 points)

1 What is ``Householding``? What are your duties about the house?

2 Do you like cooking? What is your favourite meal?


















                        Text for listening

                                 The climate of Great Britain

The climate of Great Britain is not usually very hot in summer and never very cold in winter. There are often clouds in the sky and it often rains. Rain falls in summer, rain falls in winter. It falls in spring and it falls in autumn. In autumn and winter there are often cold white fogs. When there is a fog, the traffic in the streets and on the roads does not go fast. Cars and lorries must turn on their lights.

Snow falls in the north and in the west of the country. It doesn`t usually snow in the south, but when it snows, it does so only once or twice a year, and the snow does not lie on the ground for long. In spring and summer and sometimes in autumn there are two or three weeks when there is no rain and the sun shines brightly all the time.

People in Britain like to talk about the weather. It changes very often, you see.

















                                 Variant III

I Listening (3 points)

Listen to the text and decide if the sentences are true or false

1 Stardust is a historical film.

2 This film was created in the USA.

3 The main character is Trystan.

4 Siena Miller played the main woman role in Trystan.

5 The film was directed by Matthew Vaugh.

6 The star changed into a beautiful girl.

II Reading (3 points)

Read the text and answer the questions.

The doctor was a very clever man. He visited Taras at his home. He took pulse and listened to his breath. Then the doctor examined the boy`s throat. It was bright red.

Doctor checked Taras`s temperature. It was rather high. He said it wasn`t flu but just a bad cold.

Taras was sneezing and coughing all the time. But the doctor promised that he would be better in several days. He prescribed some medicine for his headache and his sore throat. He asked mother to buy the medicine and Taras to stay in bed for 3 days. He told Taras he had to drink warm milk with butter, honey and mineral water. Then he would recover soon.

With these words the doctor left the room.

1Was the doctor a clever man?

2 Did the doctor examine the boy`s pulse?

3 His throat was red, wasn`t it?

4 Was the boy`s temperature, OK?

5 Who bought the medicines for Taras?

6 Did the doctor visit Taras the next day?


III Writing/Grammar (3 points)

        Fill in too or enough.

  1.         I can`t carry this suitcase. It`s____________ heavy.
  2.         This bag isn`t big _______. I can`t out all my possessions in it.
  3.         Is your meal warm _________? If not, I`ll put it in the microwave.
  4.         Mom was __________ worried to go to sleep, so she stayed up all night.
  5.         I don`t like this fizzy drink. It is much ___________ sweet.
  6.         I`ll ring you up later. I haven`t got __________ time at the moment.













IV Speaking (3 points)

1 Tell about your school and about your favourite after-school activity.

2Tell about you and about your family.














                       Text for listening

Stardust is a fantasy film. It is based on the novel which was written by Neil Gaiman. It was filmed in Scotland was directed by Matthew Vaugh. It was released by Paramount pictures.

The film is about Trystan (Charly Cox) who likes Victoria (Sienna Miller) and promises her a fallen star. To find it, he has to cross a wall and escape his village. Outside is a magic world and Trystan finds a star. The star is changed into a beautiful girl, Yvaine (Claire Danes). She is chased by Lamia (Michelle Pfeiffer), a witch who wants to steal her youth and beauty and Trystan helps her,














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