Контрольна робота "Домашні справи" 7 клас

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови по темі "Домашні справи" за піручником Карпюк для 7 класу. Включає різнорівневі завдання та граматичні структури somebody, something, anybody...
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Variant 1

I. Match the words and word-combinations

1. water           a) a mess

2. fix               b) the floor

3. to sweep     c) things

4. tidy up        d) the ironing

5. make          e) the room

6.to do            f) plants


II. Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Would you like ....................... to eat? (everything/something)

2. The prisoners didn’t want to eat ................... . (anything/something )

3. Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost .......... ? (something/anything)

4. ………………… in this shop is very expensive. (Everything/anything)

5. We went shopping but we bought …………… . (nothing/ anything)

         6. Does ……………. have a pen I can borrow? (anybody/nobody)

2. Complete somebody, anybody, everybody, somewhere, anywhere, everywhere.

1. It’s dark. I can’t see …………… .

2. They know …………… about computers.

3. You can play ………. in this park.

4. Do you know …………….. in Paris? – Yes, I’ve got some friends there.

5. I’m looking for my pencil. I can’t find it …………….. .

6. ………… must speak English.

IV. Write about your family member’s duties.













Variant 2

I. Match the words and word-combinations

1. to feed              a) a mess

2. to iron               b) the floor

3. to sweep           c) pizza

4. to make             d) a pet

5. to share            e) a new skirt

6.to cook              f) a bike


II. Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Do you live ......................... near Jim? (somewhere/anywhere)

2. There's ........................... at the door. Can you go and see who it is? (somebody/nobody)

3. The film is really great. You can ask ............... who has seen it. (somebody/everybody) 

4. …………………. came to my party and I was very sad. (Everybody/Nobody)

5. I left my book ………. . (everywhere/somewhere)

6. I’ve looked …………. for my phone. I must lost it. (everywhere/somewhere)


III. Complete somebody, nobody, nothing, something, somewhere, nowhere.

1. Tom lives ………….. near London.

2. What is he doing here? – He is waiting for …………… .

3. They were hungry, so they wanted to eat ……………. .

4. There is …………… in the cupboard. It is empty.

5. I made the cake myself. ……. helped me.

6. We can’t see our CDs. They are ………….. .

IV. Write about your family member’s duties.


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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
19 грудня 2021
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