Контрольна робота із теми "Великобританія. Україна" 5 клас за підручником А. Несвіт

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Розробка контрольної роботи із теми "Великобританія. Україна" 5 клас за підручником А. Несвіт включає перевірку лексичних одиниць та практичне володіння граматичним матеріалом: неозначений артикль з географічними назвами та вживання Present Perfect.
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Контрольна робота із теми “Великобританія. Україна” 5 клас за підручником А. Несвіт.

Variant I

 I Read and complete the sentences.

  1. The United Kindom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in……. .
  2.  Great Britain is an …… country.
  3.  People who live in Great Britain are …….  .
  4. The official language  is …….  .
  5. ….… is a capital of England.
  6. Great Britain is the country of long …….  and many interesting ………  .


II Fill in the articles   a,   the or - where necessary.

  1. ……Thames is …. short river.
  2. Children like to travel in ….. Lake District.
  3.  .….. United Kingdom consist of four parts.
  4. Scotland is  colder than …… England.
  5.  .… National Park of Snowdonia is situated in Wales.
  6.  .….. Snowdon is …… highest mountain in Wales.


III  Read  and complete the sentences with have or has.

  1. …...you ever spent your holidays in the Crimea?
  2. I …  not seen him for ages.
  3. He …. already learnt the ruler.
  4. ….. they read any stories by Jack London?
  5.  She …… not spoken yet.
  6. We …. just heard tomorrow’s weather forecast.


IV Write the email to your friend about your trip to Great Britain.




Variant II

 I Read and complete the sentences.

  1. Ukraine  is …… state.
  2. The Dnipro is the  …… river in Ukraine.

Ukrainians are very …….. and ……. people.

  1. Our country has got  rich ….. and beautiful …… .
  2. Ukraine is ……. country.
  3. Ukrainians love their traditions and keep them with ……. .

II Fill the articles  the or --- where necessary.

  1.  .…. Black Sea washes the country in the south.
  2.  The most important river of Ukraine is ….. Dnipro.
  3. …..Lake Yalpuh is the biggest lake in Ukraine.
  4. There are …. Carpathian Mountains in the west of the country.
  5. …..   Mount Hoverla is the highest peak.
  6. Ukraine is situated in ….southeastern part of….. Europe.


III Read and complete the sentences with have or has.

  1. The pupils  … already writen a dictation.
  2. She … just told them an interesting story.
  3.  .… you already eaten your breakfast?
  4. We … never been to London.
  5. Susan ….  helped me to solve a difficult problem.
  6.  They ….. not come from the south yet.


IV Write email from your english friend about his trip to Ukraine.


До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
13 березня 2021
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