At the Hospital
Last week, I wasn’t feeling well. I had a headache and an earache, and I also started to have a sore throat. My mother was worried, so she took me to a new hospital to see a doctor. When we arrived, a nurse checked my temperature and asked me about my symptoms. I told her that I felt pain in my throat and that I had a cough and a runny nose. The doctor examined me and said that I had caught a cold. He also checked if I had the flu or allergies. Luckily, it was just a common cold. The doctor advised me to take medicine and drink a lot of warm tea. He also told me to stay in bed and rest. Before we left, we saw other patients in the hospital—some had a stomachache, while others had a bruise or a fever. Health care workers were helping everyone feel better. Now, I am at home, taking my medicine and following the doctor’s advice. I hope to recover soon and avoid getting sick again!
Multiple-choice questions (choose the correct answer):
True/False (Mark the statements as True (T) or False (F)):
Lungs, brain, pain, keep fit, to catch a cold, first aid.