контрольна робота на тему "health care"

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контрольна робота на тему "health care" контроль читання з теми здоров'я Група №3 читання підручник Карпюк Оксана Карпюк Крістіна
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At the Hospital

Last week, I wasn’t feeling well. I had a headache and an earache, and I also started to have a sore throat. My mother was worried, so she took me to a new hospital to see a doctor. When we arrived, a nurse checked my temperature and asked me about my symptoms. I told her that I felt pain in my throat and that I had a cough and a runny nose. The doctor examined me and said that I had caught a cold. He also checked if I had the flu or allergies. Luckily, it was just a common cold. The doctor advised me to take medicine and drink a lot of warm tea. He also told me to stay in bed and rest. Before we left, we saw other patients in the hospital—some had a stomachache, while others had a bruise or a fever. Health care workers were helping everyone feel better. Now, I am at home, taking my medicine and following the doctor’s advice. I hope to recover soon and avoid getting sick again!

Multiple-choice questions (choose the correct answer):

  1. Why did Max go to the hospital?
    a) He had a stomachache
    b) He had a headache and an earache
    c) He had a broken leg
  2. Who took Max to the hospital?
    a) His father
    b) His friend
    c) His mother
  3. What did the nurse check first?
    a) His blood pressure
    b) His throat
    c) His temperature
  4. What illness did the doctor say Max had?
    a) The flu
    b) A cold
    c) An allergy
  5. What did the doctor advise Max to do?
    a) Take medicine and rest
    b) Go for a walk every day
    c) Exercise more

True/False (Mark the statements as True (T) or False (F)):

  1. Max visited a hospital because he broke his arm. (___)
  2. The doctor said Max had the flu. (___)
  3. The nurse checked Max’s temperature. (___)
  4. The doctor advised Max to take medicine and drink warm tea. (___)
  5. Max is now at home, following the doctor’s advice. (___)


  1. Translate the words

Lungs, brain, pain, keep fit, to catch a cold, first aid.



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