Контрольна робота, письмо

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови, контроль навичок письма 8 клас, 2 семестр
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Form 8


  1. Use Possessive case. Перефразуйте, використовуючи присвійний відмінок іменника.

Example:  the bag of  this  woman – this woman’s bag

 The flat of my sister,  the son of  her mother,  the name of  this man,  the mark of our student,  the balls of  children,  the parents of  that boy , the hobby of  these gentlemen , the food of  those dogs ,  the parents of  that  boy .

  1. Use definite article “the” with geographical names.
  1. What's___________ longest river in ________ world? Is it______ Amazon or ______. Nile? I'm terrible at ____________ Geography.
  2. What's___________ longest river in ________ world? Is it______ Amazon or ______. Nile? I'm terrible at ____________ Geography.
  3. Burt loves islands.

He has been to _________ Cuba,_________ Bali, _________ Bahamas, _____ Philippines. And ______ next year, he wants to go to __________ Madagascar.

  1. __ British Prime Minister lives in _______ Downing Street 10 and goes to work by______car.
  2. The capital of ____ Australia is____ Canberra.
  3. The capital of ____Australia is ______Canberra.
  4. ____ Africa is much larger than ______ Europe.
  5. ____Hoverla is the highest peak.
  6. ___ River Thames is in ___ United Kingdom.
  7. Smiths prefer to spend the winter holidays in ____ Himalayas
  1.       Use reflexive pronounse (myself, yourself, herself, himself, ourselves, themselves, yourselves).
  1. I wrote this poem____ .
  2. He cut ____ with a knife while he was doing the dishes.
  3. My mother often talks to ___ .
  4. Alice and Doris collected the stickers ____ .
  5. Bob made this bike _____ .
  6. We had to explain _____ to the teacher.
  7. I cleaned the house______.
  8. Alice saw in the mirror_____ .
  9. Tina and Bob are very organised. They planned their hoidays ____.
  1.        Imagine your travel to the UK. Describe it.What places of interest would you like to visit?


До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
17 травня 2023
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