Контрольна робота. Тема: Вільний час

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Контрольна робота для учнів 7 класу на тему: Вільний час.. Choose the correct variant. Fill in the gaps by inserting who, where, what. . Insert Reflexive pronouns.. Write a review about your favorite movie.
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Control work. 7 form.  Topic: Leaser time.

I. Choose the correct variant.

    1. A funny humorous film.

            a) a cartoon   b) a thriller    c) a comedy

  1. The title of the movie, in which the main character is Peter Parker.
  1. Titanic    b) Spider Man   c) Walle-E
  1. William Shakespeare was born in.
  1. England   b) Scotland    c) The USA
  1. C:\Users\Марина\Desktop\imgpreview.jpgThe name of the Shakespeare Theater.
  1. The Globe   b) The Royal Theatre   c) The Big Theatre
  1. How many parts are in review?
  1. 3    b) 2    c) 1
  1. What type of  film is shown in the picture?
  1. musical    b) fantastical    c) melodrama  

II. Fill in the gaps by inserting who, where, what.  

1. Leonardo DiCaprio is a man …… played the fantastic role of  Jake in the movie Titanic.

2. In the movie, ….. was shot by a well-known director, there were cool sound effects.

3. In the city of Tokyo, ….. the theme melodrama unfolds, old buildings were shown.

III. Insert Reflexive pronouns.

  1. Children like to play….
  2. Tom locked at…. In the mirror.
  3. He can fix his car…..
  4.  The cat play with a ball….
  5.  We don’t like to watch a cartoon ….
  6. I just say to…. A good luck.

IV. Write a review about your favorite movie.




Control work. 7 form.  Topic: Leaser time.

I. Choose the correct variant.

     1. A funny humorous film.

            a) a cartoon   b) a thriller    c) a comedy

2. The title of the movie, in which the main character is Peter Parker.

  1. Titanic    b) Spider Man   c) Walle-E
  1. William Shakespeare was born in.
  1. England   b) Scotland    c) The USA
  1. C:\Users\Марина\Desktop\imgpreview.jpgC:\Users\Марина\Desktop\imgpreview.jpgThe name of the Shakespeare Theater.
  1. The Globe   b) The Royal Theatre   c) The Big Theatre
  1. How many parts are in review?
  1. 3    b) 2    c) 1
  1. What type of  film is shown in the picture?

a) musical    b) fantastical    c) melodrama  

II. Fill in the gaps by inserting who, where, what.  


1. Leonardo DiCaprio is a man …… played the fantastic role of  Jake in the movie Titanic.

2. In the movie, ….. was shot by a well-known director, there were cool sound effects.

3. In the city of Tokyo, ….. the theme melodrama unfolds, old buildings were shown.


III. Insert Reflexive pronouns.

  1. Children like to play….
  2. Tom locked at…. In the mirror.
  3. He can fix his car…..
  4.  The cat play with a ball….
  5.  We don’t like to watch a cartoon ….
  6. I just say to…. A good luck.

IV. Write a review about your favorite movie.





Control work. 8 form.  Topic: Great Britain

I. Choose the correct variant.

1. What activity is it? 

                To read books about theatre, to watch performances and films?

a) chatting online    b) collecting stamps   c) going to the theatres or cinemas

2. Translate idiom «Бабине літо».

a) Indian summer    b) summer is hot  c) summer the best season

3. Symbol of  Northern Ireland.

a) a shamrock   b) a daffodil   c) a red dragon

4. What is the UK flag called?

a) European Union    b) The Union Jack    c) The Flag Three  

C:\Users\Марина\Desktop\772438_9.jpeg                                                                         Crosses

5. What is the capital of Great Britain?

a) London     b) England   c) The Thames

6. How many parts are The UK formed?

a) 5      b)  4   c) 3

II. Answer the questions.

  1. Name the symbols of the United Kingdom.
  2. What is the United Kingdom washed?
  3.  What country is painted on the map?

III. Select the Missed Word.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1_____ situated on the British Isles.  The British Isles are separated from the continent by the narrow strait of water which is called the 2_______ Channel. 3_______ United Kingdom consists of four parts. England, the 4._______ part, occupies the most of the island of Great Britain.  The longest rivers are the Thames and the 5. _______ .







La Mansh






















IV.  Translate sentences.

  1. Природні умови вивчаються метеорологами.
  2. Я ніколи не був у Північній Ірландії.
  3. Іноді дощі такі сильні у Великобританї, що вони кажуть: "Л'є  як із відра".
  4.  Вологий і м'який клімат хороший для рослин.
  5. Кількість опадів досить велика,  на заході опадів випадає більше, ніж на сході.
  6. Уельс розміщений на південному заході Великої Британії, на сході межує з Англією.




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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
14 серпня 2019
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