Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 8 класу (за підручником Несвіт А.) за темою "Mass media. The press".

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота передбачає перевірку знань лексики за темою та рівень засвоєння нового граматичного матеріалу (Past/Present Passive Voice). Складено у двох варіантах.
Перегляд файлу

Unit 1. Massmedia: the press.

                                                        Name_______________________________________    Date____________

  1. Make your choice with the definitions: mach the word to the definition or choose the correct variant.


  1. the main means of communication with large number of people, esp. television, radio and newspaper.

Mass media

  1. the sending out of programmes on radio and television


  1. a business of preparing and printing books, newspapers, magazines, etc. and making them available to the public.


  1. publication containing news and information


  1. people who pay the money to have each edition delivered to their house.


  1. mainly a national newspaper,  newspaper that is produced to a high standard.
  2. a popular newspaper on a smaller pieces of paper, usually with many pictures and without much serious news.
  3. newspaper about the news related to place where you live.


  1. Sign up the elements of newspaper.



the article

logo and title


a column




a photo


  1. Complete the sentences with the Passive Voice given in brackets.


  1. Any kind of information  _______________________ (to found) on the Internet. (Present Simple Passive)
  2. Interesting articles  __________________ (to publish) in this newspaper. (Present Simple Passive)
  3. The interview  __________________  (to make ) by journalist yesterday morning. (Past Simple Passive)
  4. The gathering of the news _______________ (to speed) up in 2000s. (Past Simple Passive)
  5. That story ____________ (to place) in the previous newspaper. (Past Simple Passive)
  6. _________ they ___________   (to invite) to a meeting with a famous journalists this week? (Present Simple Passive)


  1. Make Past or Present Active Voice.


  1. New articles are often written by this journalist.

.    ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Many magazines were read by his friend last summer.

. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



  1. Make your choice with the definitions: mach the word to the definition or choose the correct variant.

Mass media

a) people who pay the money to have each edition delivered to their house.



b) the sending out of programmes on radio and television.




c) the main means of communication with large number of people, esp. television, radio and newspaper.



d) a business of preparing and printing books, newspapers, magazines, etc. and making them available to the public.



e) the thing that helps newspapers and other kinds of mass media to make the money.



a) a person who takes the pictures, prints them, searches for necessary pictures on the Internet

b) a person who proofreads stories for spelling, grammar and punctuation and writes the headlines.

c) a person who designs a layout of a newspaper and deciding what stories to run, where to place them, etc.



  1. Sign up the elements of newspaper.



the article

logo and title


a column




a photo


  1. Complete the sentences with the Passive Voice given in brackets.


  1. That newspaper _______________________ (to start) in 1780. (Past Simple Passive)
  2. New articles and stories __________________ (to present) in this newspaper. (Present Simple Passive)
  3. The photo __________________  (to bring ) to editor-in-chief yesterday morning. (Past Simple Passive)
  4. The world wide gathering of the news _______________ (to speed) up at the beginning of the 21st century. (Past Simple Passive)
  5. That item ____________ (to place) in the latest issue of our local newspaper. (Present Simple Passive)
  6. _________ they ___________   (to invite) to a meeting with a famous journalists this week? (Present Simple Passive)


  1. Make Past or Present Active Voice.


  1. New stories are often written for their school newspaper.

.    ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. His laptop was used by him to read the news.

. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
24 вересня 2019
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