Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 9 класу

Про матеріал
Комплексна контрольна робота з англійської мови за 1 семестр для учнів 9 класу включає наступні види діяльності: читання, аудіювання та письмо. Завдання 1 з аудіювання передбачає прослуховування інформації (аудіо додається) про Британські традиційні молодіжні організації та доповнення речень. У завданні 2 пропонується прочитати текст і обрати правильну відповідь за змістом тексту. Завдання 3 перевіряє навички використання Герундія та Інфінитиву у реченнях. Завдання 4 - написати листа другові за темою "Одяг". Правильні відповіді та аудіо до завдання 1 додано у папці.
Перегляд файлу

Term 1

Form 9

Task 1:

1. punks, hippies and rockers

2. Scout association

3. Lord Baden Pauel, 1908

4.  1910, Girl guides association

5. The national union of students

6. The young men`s Christian association and the young women`s Christian association

7. The young hostel association

8. The youth club

Task 2:

  1. d
  2. c
  3.  b
  4.  d
  5.  d
  6. d

Task 3:

  1. listening
  2. to buy
  3. posting
  4. travelling
  5. which/that
  6. where
  7. who
  8. whose


Перегляд файлу

Test   1 term

Form 9______

Name __________________________________________

Task 1: Listen to the information about British traditional youth organizations and complete the sentences below.

  1. Different trends like ___________, ______________ and _________________ appeared in the British society.
  2. ____________________ is the most famous traditional youth organization.
  3. This organization was founded by _________ in _________.
  4. An organization for girls was founded in ________ and was called.
  5. ____________ was formed to defend interests of students.
  6. _____________ and _______________ are religious organizations.
  7. _______________ provides hostels for young travelers.
  8. ________________ offers a wide choice of sporting and social activities.

Task 2: Read the text and chose the correct answers.

Cleaning Up

  Last weekend, my class went on a field trip. It was a great success, and we became famous on the Internet after posting photos of our “Trash challenge.”

There is a big national park next to my town. People go fishing and rock climbing there on weekends. Some people just go and have picnics.

  Trash is a problem. On Mondays it’s usually covered in a whole lot of horrible plastic bags, cups, and empty cans.

 This term in school we’re learning about the environment. You know, things about recycling and reducing waste, and taking care of the planet. We talked about what we could do as a class to help. First, we all came up with ideas.

  There were many good ones, like having a campaign to clean the oceans and save the whales or helping a charity to take care of animals and plants that are in danger of extinction. In the end, we decided that it was best to concentrate on something that was close to home and easy to do something about. We all got permission from our parents, and our teacher booked a bus.

  On the actual day, we each took four empty trash bags and gloves to help us with our new goal.

  Most of it was easy. There were some really disgusting things that needed to be picked up, and one person cut themselves with a broken jar. The rest went quite quickly. In just a few hours, all the trash had disappeared, and our bags were all full.

  We took pictures before and after. A few days later in class, we recorded a video that showed everyone what we had done and invited students from all over the world to accept the challenge. I’m looking forward to watching their videos!


1. Choose the phrase that tells where the trash challenge took place.

a) on Mondays

b) all over the world

c) this term in school

d) a big national park

2. Choose the phrase that explains how the kids invited other people to the challenge.

a) we took pictures

b) our teacher booked a bus

c) we recorded a video

d) in class

3. Choose the detail that best supports the phrase: “we each took four empty trash bags and gloves to pursue our new goal”.

a) got permission from our parents

b) all the trash had disappeared

c) concentrate on something

d) our teacher booked a bus

4. Looking at the above details, which sentence best states the main idea of the text?

a) They picked up trash and challenged others to.

b) They visited a park and learned about it.

c) They made a video about littering.

d) They learned about recycling.

5.  Which words express the order of ideas in the text?

a) last weekend; ¬ first; in a few hours

b) on Mondays; before and after; the rest

c) in the end; quite quickly; a few days later

d) ¬first; there; in the end

6. They posted the video online, they went to the park and cleaned it.

a) after that

b) a few days after

 c) ¬ finally

d) before

Task 3: Use the gerund or the infinitive of the verb in brackets from 1 to 4 to fill in the gaps. Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronouns (who, which, where, when, whose or that) from 5 to 8.

1. Mary enjoys _________ to music .( to listen)

2. She waited __________ a movie ticket. (to buy)

3. Would you mind __________this letter for me ? (to post)

4. They suggested ___________by bus. (to travel)

5. It’s a new kind of car___________ doesn’t use petrol.

6. I like restaurants __________ they don’t play music.

7. She’s the person __________won the competition.

8. I complained to the man___________ dog is always barking.


Task 4: Write an informal letter to your pen-friend and tell him/her about

- what it is cool to wear in your country

- when you buy something new to wear

- what your favourite clothes

- who helps you to buy clothes


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
31 жовтня
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