Контрольна робота з англійської мови у 8 класі "Музика"

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Тест на закріплення та повторення матеріалу з теми "Музика". Розвиток навичок письма.
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Test. Music


І. Match the words with their translations:

  1. Conductor   a) барабани
  2. Perform   b) діяти, грати
  3. Flute    c) балет
  4. Drums   d) дерижер
  5. Choir    e) хор
  6. Ballet    f)  флейта

II.  Answer the questions

1. When do you listen to music? 

2. Do you usually listen to music on the radio, on TV, on CDs, or at the concert?

3. Can you play any musical instruments?

4. What is your favourite kind of music? 

5. How is a popular type of music in which the words are spoken, not sung called? 

6. Which new style of music did the Beatles invent?


IІІ.Change the sentences using the Past Simple Passive

  1. A pop star bought a house.
  2. S.Richter played piano sonatas at the concert.
  3. Mozart composed this beautiful music.
  4. The called the band “Take That”
  5. Someone helped them to record their first single.
  6. They changed the band’s name to the Beatles.


28 квітня 2021
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