Контрольна робота з читання по темі "Школа"

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Контрольна робота з читання по темі "Школа"(початкові школи в Україні). Може бути використано як контроль навичок читання в кінці семестру.
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“Primary Schools in Ukraine”


      Primary schools in Ukraine admit children from six to ten years old. The school year begins in September and classes usually begin at half past eight. Children go to school five days a week from Monday to Friday. They have got four or five lessons a day. Pupils study Ukrainian, Reading, Maths, Science, English and other subjects. Ukrainian children start learning English in the first form and have it ones a week. Pupils have got lunch after the fourth lesson. All schoolchildren must come to school on time and wear a school uniform.







“Primary Schools in Ukraine”


      Primary schools in Ukraine admit children from six to ten years old. The school year begins in September and classes usually begin at half past eight. Children go to school five days a week from Monday to Friday. They have got four or five lessons a day. Pupils study Ukrainian, Reading, Maths, Science, English and other subjects. Ukrainian children start learning English in the first form and have it ones a week. Pupils have got lunch after the fourth lesson. All schoolchildren must come to school on time and wear a school uniform.

NAME:_________________________ FORM:___________



Test on reading

“Primary Schools in Ukraine”

І variant


1. Choose the right answer.


1. The school year begins   ____________.


A. in September   B. in January  C. in November


2. Classes usually begin ____________


A. at half past nine  B. at half past eight            C. at nine o’clock


3. Children go to school ____________


A. from Monday to Sunday   B. seven days a week   C. from Monday to Friday


4. They have got ____________lessons a day.


A. five               B. four           C. four or five


5. Pupils have got lunch ____________


A. at home         B. after the fourth lesson  C. before the first lesson


6. All schoolchildren must ____________


A. wear a school uniform      B. wear jeans   C. wear a sport uniform 


2. Put “ + ” next to the true sentences and “ – ” next to the false ones.


1. Children from six to ten years old study at  primary schools .


2. The school year begins in the first month of autumn. 


3. Children go to school six days a week.


4. Pupils have got dinner at school.


5. All schoolchildren must come to school on time.


6. Pupils must wear jeans at school .

NAME:_________________________ FORM:___________


Test on reading

“Primary Schools in Ukraine”

ІІ variant


1. Choose the right answer.


1. The school year begins   ____________.


A.   in November        B. in September     C. in January


2. Classes usually begin ____________


A. at half past nine  B. at nine o’clock          C. at half past eight


3. Children go to school ____________


A. from Monday to Friday   B. seven days a week   C. from Monday to Sunday


4. They have got ____________lessons a day.


A. four             B. four or five  C. five           


5. Pupils have got lunch ____________


A. after the fourth lesson       B. at home       C. before the first lesson


6. All schoolchildren must ____________


A. wear a sport uniform      B. wear a school uniform    C. wear jeans


2. Put “ + ” next to the true sentences and “ – ” next to the false ones.


1. The school year begins in the first month of autumn.


2. Pupils have got dinner at school.


3. Children from six to ten years old study at  primary schools .


4. All schoolchildren must come to school on time.


5. Children go to school six days a week.


6. Pupils must wear jeans at school .

До підручника
Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови 3 клас (Ростоцька М. Є., Карпюк О. Д.)
20 серпня 2019
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