Контрольна робота з письма ( 9 клас , 1 семестр )

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Контрольна робота з письма ( 9 клас , 1 семестр ) Мета: перевірити знання учнів з письма.
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                                                   Variant 1


I. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. chatterbox – _____________ 4. to connect – _______________

2. gossipy –_________________ 5. to download – _____________

3. to prove – ________________6. native – __________________


II. Use the gerund or the infinitive of the verb in brackets to

fill in the gaps.

1. Mary enjoys _________ to music. (to listen)

2. She waited __________ a movie ticket. (to buy)

3. Would you mind __________this letter for me ? (to post)

4. They suggested ___________by bus. (to travel)

5. She is interested in ______________ a doctor. (to become)

6. We plan _____________ to Europe this summer. (to go)


     III. Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronouns (who, which, where, when, whose or that)

1. It’s a new kind of car___________ doesn’t use petrol.

2. I like restaurants __________ they don’t play music.

3. She’s the person __________won the competition.

4. I complained to the man___________ dog is always barking.

5. We stopped to help a man __________ car had broken down.

6. Moira lost the keys __________ were in her bag.


   IV. Rewrite the sentences using the relative pronouns.

1. I have one black cat. His name is Blacky.


2. We ordered a book. It was very expensive.


3. Kate plays the piano brilliantly. She only 7 years old.


4. A monk is a man. The man has devoted his life to God.






                                                   Variant 2


I. Translate into Ukrainian.

1.   a cartoon – _______________ 4.   dentist – ________________

2.   a documentary –___________ 5.   surgeon – _______________

3.   accountant – ______________6.   translator – ______________


II. Use the gerund or the infinitive of the verb in brackets to

fill in the gaps.

1. She advised me __________ a doctor as soon as possible. (to see)

2. I don’t mind _____________ the washing up. (to do)

3. Kate is really good at _____________ (to cook).

4. She stopped _____________ hello to her friends. (to say)

5. Tom agrees ______________ me. (to help)

6. She is fond of _____________ picnics. (to have)


     III. Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronouns (who, which, where, when, whose or that)

1. At the party I met a girl ___________ father is a millionaire.

2. Tony has a computer program_______ translates Spanish to English.

3. The student ____________ I wanted to see was ill.

4. The UK is one of the few places _______ you can drive when you are 17.

5. My friend, ___________ was here last night, gave me a CD.

6. Take a look at this jacket ____________ I bought this morning.


   IV. Rewrite the sentences using the relative pronouns.

1. You made an offer. We cannot accept it.


2. They are singing song. I don’t know the song.


3. You are sitting on a bench. The paint on the bench is still wet.


4. A herbivore is an animal. The animal feeds upon vegetation.


Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Кушнір Євгенія Анатоліївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Задоянчук Оксана
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
19 грудня 2020
Оцінка розробки
4.9 (2 відгука)
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