Контрольна робота з письма для 7 класу (ІІ) семестр

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота з письма для 7 класу (ІІ семестр) включає перевірку вживання відносних та зворотніх займенників, минулого часу (The Past Simple) та минулого перфектного часу (The Past Perfect) .
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Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 7 класу (II семестр)


I. Complete the sentences with the relative pronouns (which, who, where).

1. The man _______ phoned didn't give his name.

2. Emma lives in a house _______ is 100 years old.

3. Do you know anybody ______ wants to buy a car?

4. We stayed in a hotel ______ the Queen was.

5. Superman is the best-known hero ______ fights for truth and justice.


II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of reflexive pronouns:

1. Oh, I burnt ___________. It really hurts.

2. We enjoyed ___________ at the party last night.

3. She made this toy by ____________.

4. You cannot live by ___________. You are too young.

5. They entertained ___________ with comedies.

III. Put the verbs into the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Perfect).

  1. Yesterday a boy ____ (destroy) the snowman that we ___ (to build).
  2. Jimmy ___ (tell) us about the film that he ___ (see).
  3. We ___ (find) the mobile phone that Marvin ___ (lose).
  4. He ___ (sing) a song that I ___ (hear / never) before.
  5. After the man ___ (come) home he ___ (feed) the cat.

IV. Choose the right variant of the verb form.

1. The lesson ............. five minutes ago.

a) begins  b) began c)will begin

2. Sam’s friends ............. a party next Saturday.

a)  will have  b) have c) had

3. We ............. never.......... English pudding.

a) are eating  b) will eat  c) have eaten

4. The Smiths usually ............ their holidays at the seaside.

a) spent  b) were spending c) spend

5. She ............. an interesting book at the moment.

a) is reading b) reads  c) will read

6. I’m really hungry. I ……… yet.

a) don’t eat  b) haven’t eaten c) didn’t eat

7. We ……… here for three years.

a) have worked        b) worked            c) are working


I. Complete the sentences with proper reflexive pronouns.

  1. Can you gather apples _________________?
  2. Max will go to Venice__________________
  3. The children washed their pets__________________
  4. I do the washing up______________________________
  5. She saw _________ in the mirror for the first time.


II. Complete the sentences with the relative pronouns (who, which, where).

  1. Aladdin is a film _____________ has an excellent computer animation.
  2. Buckingham Palace is a palace ____________ the Queen of the UK live.
  3. Yaroslav the Wise is a person____________ built St. Sophia Cathedral.
  4. You always ask questions ______ are difficult to answer.
  5. That’s the shop _____ they sell skateboards.

III. Put the verbs into the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Perfect).

  1. After Fred ____ (spend) his holidays in Italy he ____ (want) to learn Italian.
  2. Jill ____ (phone) Dad at work before she ___ (leave) for her trip.
  3. When she ___ (arrive) the match ____ already ____ (start).
  4. They ___ (ride) their bikes before they ___ (meet) their friends.
  5. Susan ___ (turn on) the radio after she ___ (wash) the dishes.


IV. Choose the right variant of the verb form.

1. The pupils ............. to the museum an hour ago.

a) go   b) will go  c) went

2. Jill’s parents ............. back in two days.

a) will come  b) came  c) come

3. He ............. never .......... hot milk.

a) has drunk b) will drink c) was drinking

4. The Browns always........... small presents to their guests.

a) gave  b) give  c) have given

5. She ............. an interesting film at the moment.

a) is watching b) will watch  c) watches

6. They ……… a week ago.

a) have arrived  b) arrived c) were arriving

7. Our neighbour ……… in hospital since Friday.

a) was   b) has been  c) will be

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Всього відгуків: 1
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  1. Приймаченко Валентина Василівна
    Оригінальність викладу
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До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 жовтня 2021
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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