Контрольна робота з письма ІІ семестр

Про матеріал
Завдання спрямовані на перевірку рівня засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу та вміння використовувати його на практиці. Контрольна робота містить завдання для 2-х варіантів.
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The 5-th form                                                  II semester                                       Writing

                                                                       I variant   

I.Group the words according to the topics

Ukraine,  Clothes, Outdoor activities

Trousers, skirt, shelter, independence, making a snowman, cap, swimming, socks, fishing,  foreign tourists, coat, ancient, sunbathing, jacket, raincoat.


II.Choose the correct word

1.Girls was/ were at school  last Friday.

2.I wasn’t/weren’t hungry in the evening.

3.Was/were your mother in Kherson in summer?

4.Mike  was/were at the stadium yesterday.

5.Father and grandfather  was/were at work in the morning.


III.Complete the sentences with “in, at, on”

1.Parents went to London …. August.

2.We stayed … home …. the evening.

3.Children were …bed when mother came home.

4.Where is Serhiy? –He is … work.

5.We never have 7 lessons …Thursdays.


IV.Choose the correct variant:

1.Mother has ….. a cake for my birthday.

a)bought     b)make,     c)buy.

2.Children have …. the text

a)see,   b)translate,    c)translated.

3.I haven’t ……homework yet.

a)did,   b)do,     c)done.

4.We have  just ….. to school.

a)meet,    b)come,   c)came.

5.Have you already ….your dinner?

a)do,    b)had,   c)see.


The 5-th form                                                  II semester                                                   Writing

                                                                          II variant


I.Group the words according to the topics 

 Great Britain, Clothes, Public Places

Train station, crossroad, fur coat, queen, cross, library, slacks,  kingdom,  the Union Jack, pounds, scarf, square , traffic lights, mittens, raincoat, hospital


II.Choose the correct word

1.Grandparents was/ were at the cinema yesterday.

2.I was/were at school on Saturday

3.Was/were your father in Kherson last week?

4.We  was/were at the football match yesterday.

5.You  was/were at work in the morning.


III.Complete the sentences with “in, at, on”

1.Parents were …work 3 days  ago.

2.We ate ….the restaurant last night.

3.Children stayed …home, because they were ill.

4.Where is Taras? –He is …the classroom.

5.We always have IT…Fridays.


IV.Choose the correct variant:

1.Mother has ….. a new dress

a)met,     b)bought,     c)buy.

2.Children have  just…. to school

a)come,   b)go,    c)came

3.I haven’t ……this film yet.

a)seen,   b)see,     c)saw.

4.We have  already ….. an English test.

a)write,    b)wrote,   c)written

5.Have you already ….your mother at the bus station?

a)do,    b)met,   c)meet.

До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 липня 2019
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