Контрольна робота з теми "It's your life. Family and friends"

Про матеріал
Робота включає завдання для перевірки знань лексики, навичок читання та розуміння прочитаного, граматичних знань (Present Simple, Present Continuous and Future Simple) з теми «It’s your life» у двох варіантах. Розвивати логічне мислення та культуру письма; розвивати самостійність.
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Test 8 form

I Variant 

Task I.  Match the words with their translation.

  1.      Reliable                                   a) чесний
  2.      Honest                                     b) песимістичний
  3.      Amаsing                                  c) з надмірним захистом
  4.      Pessimistic                              e) заздрісний
  5.      Sociable                                  f) надійний
  6.      Overprotective                        g) дивовижний
  7.      Helpful                                    h) корисний
  8.      Jealous                                     i) дружній


Task II. Fill in the right words into the sentences. There are two extra words.

(honest, ambitious, lazy, helpful, sociable)

1. Doesn’t like working hard is …

2. Always tells the truth is …

3.Is always happy to give more than usual is …

4. Always likes to be in the company of other people is …

5. Want to be successful is …


Task III. Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. He (to work) in the city centre. 
2. I (to write) an essay now. 
3. You (to go) to school on Sundays? 
4. We (not to dance) every day. 
5. They (to play) in the hall now? 
6. Where he (to live)? – He (to live) in a village. 

Task IV. Match the sentences to the tenses.

1) She is still watching old films.          a) Past Simple

2) I have already read “Kobzar”.           b) Present Continuous

3) He didn’t arrive in Sumy.                  c) Present Perfect


Task V.  Write an informal letter to your friend about yourself.




Test 8 form

II Variant 

Task I.  Match the words with their translation.

  1.      Understanding                      a) лінивий
  2.      Lazy                                      b) честолюбний
  3.      Kind                                      c) товариський
  4.      Ambitious                             e) справедливий
  5.      Strict                                     f) той, що розуміє
  6.      Fair                                       g) добрий
  7.      Complaining                         h) той, що жаліється
  8.      Friendly                                 i) строгий


Task II. Fill in the right words into the sentences. There are two extra words.

(pessimistic, amusing, fair, complaining, reliable)

1. Never lets you down is …

2. Often believes bad things will happen is …

3. Is never happy with what he or she gets is …

4. Usually treats everybody the same is …

5. Usually tells jokes is …


Task III.  Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. He (to sleep) now? 
2. They (to read) many books. 
3. The children (to eat) cakes now. 
4. He (to help) his mother every day. 
5. You (to play) the piano well? 
6. Look! Michael (to dance) now.


Task IV. Match the sentences to the tenses.

1) He often watches old films.               a) Present Simple

2) We had put our coat on.                     b) Present Continuous

3) My mother is cooking now.               c) Past Perfect


Task V. Write an informal letter to your friend about yourself.



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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
21 жовтня 2024
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