I have a friend. His name is Andrij Klymov.
Andrij is seventeen. He is a strong boy and an excellent sportsman. Like many young people, he is fond of sport. We talk with him about everything and about what sport is, in particular. I must confess, that sport is some sort of amusement, fun, and certainly, it's not serious about me. But if people want to prevent an illness, they should take care of their health. That is why it's necessary for them to go in for sports. It doesn't matter what kind of sport it is - cricket, football, hockey, rugby, tennis, any activity you can be engaged in, especially outdoors. Let's take athletics. I think athletes ought to practise or train hard if they want to achieve good results. For example, Andrij plays rugby very well. He says if he has constant exercises, regular training, healthy life, proper rest and sleep, he will certainly feel fit and ready for competitions. His results depend on his willpower, his eagerness to achieve his aim, his physical fitness and abilities, his age, of course, and, very often, on the instructions and the way the instructions are given to a sportsman. As for me, I like to do some exercises from time to time.
I like to watch international sports competitions. Andrij considers that it's much better to attend these competitions than to watch them on television. It's more exciting to be among the fans, he thinks.
I am a great enthusiast of boxing which, I think, is so thrilling to watch. But my friend Ann says that she prefers to attend quieter competitions. She is sure that boxing is a very rough sport and hates it.
Ann is fond of aerobic dancing. It's a brilliant composition of sport and fun. It simply refers to the kind level of physical effort that increases the body's consumption of oxygen. In fact, aerobics means "the need of oxygen in order to live". My opinion is that jogging, swimming, brisk walking and bicycling are definite kinds of aerobies, as well as aerobic dancing. Anm goes in for aerobic dancing three times a week and as a result has a beautiful figure.
If you ask me what kind of sport l go in for, you'll be given three attempts. You'll probably say if it isn't horse racing. Golf? Maybe, cricket? By no means. I am fond of chess. It's the kind of sport I've never objected to.
Strong - сильний; to be fond of smth. - любити що-небудь; to confess - зізнатись; amusement -розвага; certainly - звичайно; to prevent - запобігати; illness - хвороба; to take care of - піклуватися; to go in for sports - займатися спортом; outdoors - на свіжому повітрі; to feel fit - бути у формі; to attend - відвідувати; among - серед; quieter - більш спокійний; rough - жорстокий, грубий; to hate - ненавидіти, не терпіти; to prefer - надавати перевагу; level - рівень; effort - зусилля; to increase - збільшувати; consumption - споживання; oxygen - кисень; jogging - біг підтюпцем; brisk walking - швидка ходьба; bicycling - їзда на велосипеді; horse racing - верхова їзда; chess - шахи; to object - заперечувати.
In particular, to confess, to be engaged, to achieve good results, to have constant exercises, to depend on his will-power, eagerness to achieve the aim, physical fitness, from time to time, to be among the fans, a great enthusiast, to attend competitions, aerobic dancing, a brilliant composition, physical effort, body's consumption of oxygen, the need, in order to, a beautiful figure, three attempts, by no means of, to object.
(Figure, results, beautiful, competitions, objected, fun, athletes, sport, jogging, achieve, aerobic, brilliant, different, brisk, chess, prevent, boxing, rough, enthusiastic).
Досягти мети, прекрасний спортсмен; інструкції, які дають спортсмену; їзда на велосипеді, спокійні змагання, відчувати себе у формі, час від часу, повноцінний відпочинок, фізична форма, фізичні можливості, здоровий спосіб життя, постійні вправи, воля, регулярні тренування, сильний хлопець.