контрольні робота з теми шкільне життя та подорожі

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Контрольні роботи містять завдання з теми "Шкільне життя " та " Подорожі". Також контрольні містять завдання з граматичної теми "Present Perfect ''.для шкіл з російською мовою викладання.
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School life

Ι Choose the correct variant.

  1. Maths

    a) математика    b) физика

    2. Science

    a) музыка           b) точные науки

    3. Design and Technology

    a) дизайн и технологии b) биология и                         география  

    4. Drama 

     a) дизайн          b) драма

     5. Assembly

     a) собрание      b) экзамен

     6. Tutor room

      a) класс              b) учительская

      7) Tuck Shop

       a) школьный магазин  b) столовая

       8) locker

       a) ящик               b) коробка

ΙΙ Choose the correct preposition

  1. … ten o’clock

a)  on      b) in      c) at

2. … Wednesday

a)  at        b) on     c) in

3. …five past twelve

a)  on       b)in       c) at

4. … break

a)  at        b) on      c) in

5. … with days

a) at         b) on      c) at

6. … with times

a) at       b) in         c) on

7. … lunch time

a) on      b) in          c) at

9. … quarter to three

a) at      b) on        c) in

ΙΙΙ. Read the sentences and choose the correct variant.

  1. You … speak very fast.

a) should    b) shouldn’t

2. Lessons … begin after assembly.

a) should   b) must

3. They … behove so.

a) mustn’t   b) shouldn’t

4. Teachers … speak very fast.

a) should     b) shouldn’t

5. Children … do all the homework that the teacher gives them.

a) must         b) should

6. She … wear a uniform.

a) must         b) mustn’t

7. I’ve got a cold. I … stay in bed today.

a) shouldn’t   b) must

8. There … be 5 of them.

a) mustn’t      b) should

9. She … speak English well.

a) should        b) can

10. We do not use … in this way in questions.

a) may            b) can

11. … you help me?

a) may not      b) can





Ι. Choose the correct variant.

1. to fly

a) летать b) прыгать

2. a pilot

a)   водитель                   b) пилот

3. a trip

a)  поездка       b) выставка

4. a passenger

a)   пассажир           b) художник

5.a stewardess

a) медсестра   b) стюардесса

6. a port

a) порт         b) станция  

7. a bus conductor

a) автобусный кондуктор        b) проводник

8. a crew

a) команда      b) кабина

ΙΙ. Read the sentences and fill in the gaps with for or since.

  1. Mr. Collins has worked for his company … 2001.
  1. since b) for
  1. Mr. Collins is in London now. He has been there …Monday
  1. since b) for
  1. The Collins have lived in their house … fifteen years.
  1. since b) for
  1. The Collins have lived in Lancaster … 1990.
  1. since  b) for
  1. The Collins have had their new car … last year.
  1. since  b) for
  1. Mr. Collins hasn’t been to the cinema … a few months.
  1. since   b) for
  1. Jenny has visited the new leisure centre … a few weeks.
  1. since   b) for
  1. Jimmy has been in the school football team … September.

a) since    b) for

9. Jenny has been at the hairdresser’s … one hour.

a) since   b) for

ΙΙΙ. Choose the correct variant.

  1. It … so far today.
  1. hasn’t rained   b) haven’t rained
    1. I … lawn tennis before.
  1. has played       b) have played
    1. It … yesterday.

a) rained              b) have rained

4. I … lawn tennis at school.

a) have played     b) played

5. Rachel …to Scotland.

a) have gone        b) has gone

6. I … everything.

a) have done        b) done

7. Emma …her suitcase last night.

a) has packed      b) packed

8. I … about it last week.

a) learned            b) have learned

9. The train … when we arrived.

a) had left           b) have left

10. After Jimmy … Edinburgh he made a story about it for his website.

a) have visited      b) had visited

11. Last year the Collins … to Cyprus.

a) went                  b) had gone










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