Країнознавча вікторина з англійської мови по темі "Australia"

Про матеріал
Країнознавча вікторина з англійської мови по темі "Австралія" спрямована на швидку перевірку знань про дану англомовну країну.
Перегляд файлу

              Quiz on Australia


  1. What is the official name of the country?
  2. Who are the natives of Australia?
  3. What is the capital of Australia?
  4. What animals are depicted on the Australian emblem?
  5. Which tree-loving animal lives in Australia?
  6. Who discovered Australia?
  7. Who is at the head of the country?
  8. What is the longest river in Australia?
  9. What are the largest deserts of Australia?

10.What city hosted the 2002 Summer Olympic Games?


              Multiple Choice Test on Australia


  1. What animals eat eucalyptus trees?
  1. Dingo
  2. Koala
  3. Possums
  1. What flightless bird lives in Australia?
  1. Parrot
  2. Emu
  3. Eagle
  1. Which Australian animals are born the size of a large been and then grow taller than a man?
  1. Emu
  2. Koala
  3. Kangaroo
  1. What animals often attack sheep and are dangerous for people?
  1. Wild dog dingo
  2. Ostrich
  3. Platypus
  1. Which of the Australian animals sleeps during the day?
  1. Emu
  2. Koala
  3. Wallaroos



До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
29 березня 2022
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