Міністерство освіти і науки України
Відділ освіти, культури, молоді та спорту
Щиборівської сільської ради Хмельницького району Хмельницької області
Щиборівська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів
Матеріали для поглиблення лексичного запасу.
Англійська мова
Онишко Наталія Сергіївна
вчитель англійської мови
Виконала Онишко Наталія Сергіївна, вчителька англійської мови.
2. Scorpions Artist Biography by Barry Weber (Біографія групи, написана Бері
3. List of songs by the Scorpions which are mentioned in this book. (Cписок пісень групи «Скорпіонс», використаних тут.
Автори слів та музики.)…………………………………………………….с.10
4. Клаус Майне – соліст групи «Скорпіонс». Біографія…………………с.11
5. Тексти пісень та завдання, складені на основі цих текстів……… с.13-41.
6. Список використаної літератури………………………………….. с.42.
Соціокультурна компетенція – основна складова комунікативної компетенції. Основою змісту формування соціокультурної компетенції є знайомство з культурою країни, мова якої вивчається, яка в різних її проявах сприяє формуванню особистості людини.
Задача сучасної освіти – виховання громадянина, людини, здатної вести діалог з представниками іншої культури; людини толерантної, що вміє представити свою власну культуру. Тому поряд з тим, що ми навчаємо іноземній мові, ми через навчання вводимо школярів у світ іншої культур. Пісні як і навчальний матеріал при навчанні іноземної мови реалізують навчальну, освітню і розвиваючу функції.
Пісні мають навчальну функцію, оскільки вони є засобом більш міцного засвоєння лексичного матеріалу і розширення потенційного словника учнів, полегшуючи засвоєння важкодоступних звуків, звукосполучень, інтонаційних моделей, вдосконалюють уміння експресивного усного мовлення, у них краще засвоюються і активізуються граматичні конструкції.
У піснях часто зустрічаються власні імена (іменники), відомості з географії та історії країни, мова якої вивчається, факти повсякденного життя, інформація про поведінкову культуру поведінки, яка включає особливості поведінки в різних ситуаціях, що сприяє реалізації освітньої функції в процесі навчання і формуванню соціокультурної компетенції учнів. Таким чином, пісні є ефективним додатковим матеріалом, який знайомить з країнами, історіями, звичаями, вдачею, культурою, музичною творчістю.
Пісні виконують розвиваючу функцію, так як сприяють естетичному вихованню учнів, вихованню самосвідомості, розкриттю їх творчих здібностей і розвитку у них музичного слуху, позитивно впливають на розвиток усіх сторін особливості.
Використання пісень, мовою, яка вивчається, дуже актуально особливо на молодшій та середній ланках навчання іноземної мови.
По-перше, учні з самого початку долучаються до культури країни, виучуваної мови, навчаються співвідносити культурні цінності мови, що вивчається, і рідної мови, виявляючи позитивні тенденції і спільність культур, так як діти цього віку, на думку психологів, особливо чутливі і піддаються впливу чужої культури.
По-друге, при роботі з цим своєрідним лінгвокраїнознавчим матеріалом створюється гарний поштовх для всебічного розвитку особистості учня, тому що спеціально відібранні пісні стимулюють образне мислення і формують гарний смак.
Пісенний жанр як один з важливих жанрів музичної творчості завдяки наявності вербального тексту, здатний точно і образно відобразити різні сторони соціального життя народу країни виучуваної мови.
Соціокультурна компетенція випускника початкової школи з англійської мови визначаються наступним набором знань і умінь:
• Знань назв країни, які говорять англійською, столиць;
• Знання імен деяких літературних персонажів популярних дитячих творів;
• Знання сюжету деяких популярних дитячих творів;
• Знання сюжету деяких популярних авторських і народних казок;
• Уміння відтворювати напам’ять невеликі прості вивчені твори дитячого фольклору на англійській мові;
• Знання і дотримання деяких форм мовного і не мовного етикету англомовних країн в ряді ситуацій спілкування: при зустрічі, у школі, допомагаючи по дому, під час спільної гри, при розмові по телефону, у гостях, за столом, в магазині.
Таким чином, пісенний матеріал на уроках англійської мови активно сприяє процесу отримання вищезазначених знань і умінь для формування соціокультурної компетенції.
групи, написана Бері
Known best for their 1984 anthem "Rock You Like a Hurricane" and the 1990 ballad "Wind of Change," German rockers Scorpions have sold over 22 million records, making them one of the most successful rock bands to ever come out of Continental Europe. Formed in 1969 by Rudolf Schenker, the original lineup consisted of rhythm guitarist/vocalist Schenker, lead guitarist Karl-Heinz Follmer, bassist Lothar Heimberg, and
drummer Wolfgang Dziony. In 1971, Schenker's younger brother Michael joined the band to play lead guitar and good friend Klaus Meine became the vocalist. The group recorded Lonesome Crow in 1972, which was used as the soundtrack to the German movie Das Kalte Paradies. Although they failed to get into the public's eye, the early incarnation of '70s rock band UFO noticed Michael Schenker's guitar playing and hired him as their lead guitarist; Michael, therefore, would leave the band in 1973. Guitarist Uli Jon Roth replaced him, and under his guidance the group released four consecutive albums under the RCA record label: Fly to the Rainbow (1974), In Trance (1975), Virgin Killer (1976), and Taken by Force (1977).
Although these albums failed to attain any serious attention in the United States, they were all quite popular in Japan. By the time Taken by Force was released, Roth made the decision to leave the band and form Electric Sun after feeling that his musical ideas would take the group in an entirely different direction. Tokyo Tapes, a double live album that the group recorded in Tokyo with Roth, was released in 1978. Shortly after Roth's departure, Michael Schenker was kicked out of UFO for his constant alcohol abuse and came back to play with Scorpions in 1979, who had recently signed with Mercury Records. The group released Lovedrive that same year and played its first American tour, but Lovedrive failed to attract attention, and was banned in the United States because of its sexually explicit cover. Still coping with his drug and alcohol addiction, Michael missed tour dates repeatedly and guitarist Matthias Jabs was hired to fill in for him on nights when he was absent. Michael would eventually leave Scorpions a second time after realizing that he was failing to meet their expectations.
With a lineup of Klaus
Meine on vocals, Rudolf Schenker on rhythm guitar, Matthias Jabs on lead, Francis Buchholz on bass, and Herman
Rarebell on drums, the band released Animal Magnetism in 1980 and embarked on another world tour. Surprisingly, Animal Magnetism went gold in the
United States, and the Scorpions immediately went back into the studio to record their next release. Problems arose, however, and the project was
postponed because Meine lost his voice and would have to have surgery on his vocal cords. Many thought Meine had been fired from the band, and rumors spread that metal singer Don Dokken had already replaced him. Scorpions proved these rumors untrue when Meine returned for the 1982 release Blackout, which contained the cult hit "No One Like You." A major success worldwide, Blackout sold over a million copies in the U.S. alone. But as popular as Blackout was, it was Scorpions' powerful follow-up, Love at First Sting, that succeeded in making them superstars. Released in 1984, the album boasted the MTV single "Rock You Like a Hurricane" and would eventually achieve doubleplatinum status. The group undertook one of its most successful world tours yet, boasting an outstanding stage show with high-energy performances.
After releasing World Wide Live in 1985, the band took a long hiatus and remained uninvolved from the music industry for two years. Their tenth studio album, Savage Amusement, was finally released in 1988, and the hit ballad "Rhythm of Love" brought them another major success. In 1990, the album Crazy World was released and would eventually become Scorpions' biggestselling record to date, drawing on the strength of the hit ballad "Wind of
Change." Not too surprisingly, Crazy World was the last
successful Scorpions release in the U.S. By the time their Face the Heat album hit
the shelves in 1993, many longtime fans had already lost interest in the band, due to the alternative explosion of the early '90s. Face the Heat did eventually reach gold, and in 1995 the band released another live album, Live Bites. With bassist Ralph Rieckermann and drummer James Kottak, they released Pure Instinct in 1996. Mercury assembled a double album of the band's greatest hits, Deadly Sting: The Mercury Years, and released it in 1997.
Eye II Eye, an album in
which the band experimented with pop-techno melodies, was released in the summer of 1999. Moment of Glory, featuring the Berlin Philharmonic
Orchestra and several revamped versions of Scorpions cult classics, was released in fall 2000. Continuing to be productive into the 21st century, Scorpions issued their 15th studio album, Unbreakable, in 2004, followed by the concept album Humanity: Hour 1 in 2007. In 2010, Scorpions released Sting in the Tail, and announced they would be retiring after heading out on the road for a farewell tour. The following year, while still on tour, the band released Comeblack, a greatest-hits album of sorts featuring the German rockers re-recording some of their most well-known songs, as well as covers by T. Rex, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones. Nevertheless, the band spent 2013 performing several acoustic concerts for MTV Unplugged, and collecting some of the best performances for a double-live album released later that same year. In early 2015, Scorpions delivered their 18th studio album, Return to Forever, a collection of 12 songs written between 2011 and 2014, and put to tape in Sweden with producers Mikael Nord Andersson and Martin Hansen. Their next release, 2017's Born to Touch Your Feelings: Best Rock Ballads, was an anthology of rock ballads drawn from the band's back catalog plus two new compositions.
List of songs by the Scorpions which are mentioned in this book.
Cписок пісень групи «Скорпіонс», використаних тут.
Автори слів та музики.
№ |
Title |
Composer |
Author |
1 |
A Moment in a Million Years |
Klaus Meine |
Klaus Meine |
2 |
Always Somewhere |
Rudolf Schenker |
Klaus Meine |
3 |
Born to Touch Your Feelings |
Rudolf Schenker |
Klaus Meine |
4 |
Holiday |
Rudolf Schenker |
Klaus Meine |
5 |
Humanity |
Klaus Meine, Desmond Child, Eric Bazilian, Marti Frederiksen |
Klaus Meine, Desmond Child, Eric Bazilian, Marti Frederiksen |
6 |
Maybe I Maybe You |
Anoushiravan Rohani |
Klaus Meine |
7 |
Send Me an Angel |
Rudolf Schenker |
Klaus Meine |
8 |
Still Loving You |
Rudolf Schenker |
Klaus Meine |
9 |
When the Smoke Is Going Down |
Rudolf Schenker |
Klaus Meine |
10 |
When You Came Into My Life |
Rudolf Schenker, Klaus Meine, Titiek Puspa, James F. Sundah |
Rudolf Schenker, Klaus Meine, Titiek Puspa, James F. Sundah |
11 |
Klaus Meine |
Klaus Meine |
Meine ( born May 25 , 1948 in Hano ver ) is a vocalist with the German rock band Scorpions . His name occupies an important place in the top lists of the best vocalists in history. He was born on May 25, 1948 , in Hanover , to Erna and Hugo Maine. At the age of 6, Klaus went to school and graduated with honors in 1964. He later graduated from the Hanover College of Design with a degree in decorating. From an early age, Klaus had a very strong passion for singing, so it remained his hobby.
Klaus later met a man who would be
his best friend for the rest of his life - Rudolf Schenker . Rudolf told Klaus that he was assembling his own band, but for some reason Klaus didn't pay much attention to it. Later, Klaus met Rudolf's younger brother, Michael, who was 14 years old at the time. Klaus joined Michael's band because he couldn't see the suffering of a guy who couldn't find a vocal. Immediately after Klaus's entry, Michael's band, Copernicus, began to "gain momentum." But unfortunately due to Michael's hot temperament, bassist and drummer Copernicus left the band. Hearing about this, Rudolf decided to once again offer Klaus the position of vocalist, and now he did not hesitate to agree. Klaus joined the band, setting Rudolf a condition that Michael, who had already written his own song, would join him. The title of this song is In Search of Piece Of Mind . She was included on Scorpions Lonesome Crow 's first album .
Thus was formed the "backbone" of the Scorpions - Schenker-Maine. Matthias Jabs will later join it . Klaus works and tours with Scorpions, writes lyrics, music is written by Rudolf and Uli Roth. Everything seemed to be going well, but in 1980 one day Klaus could not take the high note. At first he thought it was a common cold, but when the voice disappeared, he decided to see a doctor. After a brief examination, a preliminary diagnosis was made - a fungus on the vocal cords. Klaus could only be saved by surgery, but "hardly anyone will be able to restore his voice." After a long rehabilitation, Klaus was finally able to speak, but no one recognized his voice. Klaus told Rudolf to start looking for another vocalist, because he realized that his career as a singer was over. But Rudolf did not want to leave his best friend in trouble, and, mobilizing all his contacts, he found Klaus a vocal coach, a specialist in voice rehabilitation.
Klaus trained day and night for a year, and it was amazing. In 1982 , Klaus' first new album, Blackout , was recorded . The album became extremely popular. In the US, this album was characterized by one word "BANG!". There were even rumors that doctors gave Klaus metal ties…
Klaus is still the vocalist of the Scorpions, because he has no replacement. He is the band's "calling card", as is the performance of Rudolf Schenker and Matthias Jabs .
Time, it needs time
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, only love
Can bring back your love someday
I will be there, I will be there
I'll fight, babe, I'll fight
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, only love
Can break down the wall someday
I will be there, I will be there
If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Your pride has built a wall, so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again
I'm loving you
Try, baby try
To trust in my love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, our love
Just shouldn't be thrown away
I will be there, I will be there
If we'd do again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Your pride has built a wall, so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again
If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Yes, I've hurt your pride, and I know
What you've been through
You should give me a chance
This can't be the end
I'm still loving you
I'm still loving you, I need your love
I'm still loving you
I. Match two parts of the sentences:
1.Time, it needs time a)That I can't get through
2. Love, only love b)What you've been through
3. Your pride has built a wall, so strong c)All the way from the start
4. If we'd do again d)To win back your love again
5.I've hurt your pride, and I know e) Can bring back your love someday.
6.I would try to change the things that f)To trust in my love again
7. Try, baby try g)killed our love
II. Complete the sentences:
1.Love, only love can bring back …..
2.Is there really no chance to start …
3.Your pride has built a wall, so strong that …..
4.Love, our love just shouldn't be…
5.I would try to change the things that….
6.Yes, I've hurt your pride, and I know what you've…..
7.You should give me a chance this can't……
When You Came Into My Life
You give me your smile
A piece of your heart
You give me the feel I've been looking for
You give me your soul
Your innocent love
You are the one I've been waiting for
I've been waiting for
We're lost in a kiss
A moment in time
Forever young
Just forever, just forever in love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away
Cause your love has found it's way
To my heart
Ooh, ahh
Ooh, ahh
You make me dream
By the look in your eyes
You give me the feel, I've been longing for
I wanna give you my soul
All my life
Cause you are the one I've been waiting for
I've been waiting for so long
When you came into my life
It took my breath away
And the world stopped turnin' round
For your love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away
Cause your love has found it's way
To my heart
Into my heart
Just forever in love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away
And the world stopped turnin' round
For your love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away
Cause your love has found it's way
To my heart
When you came into my life
I. Match two parts of the sentences:
1.When you came into my life a)I've been waiting for
2.Cause your love has found it's b)turnin' round for your love
3. You give me the feel c)your soul
4.You are the one d)it took my breath away
5.And the world stopped e)way to my heart
6.You give me f)I've been looking for
II. Complete the sentences:
1.You are the one I've ….
2.When you came into my life it ……
3.We're lost in a …….
4. Cause your love has found it's …… 5. You make me dream by the ……..
The lights are slowly fading down
There's no one else, just you and me Nothing ever changed
I see your faces in the crowd
It seems I know each one of you
For all my life
I wish this night could last forever But it's time to go
I saw you laugh, I saw you cry
All for one and one for all Nothing ever changed
The way you sang just blew my mind
It gave me chills from head to toe
What a glorious night
To me it could have lasted forever But it's time to go
A moment in a million years
Is all I've got for you
A moment in a million years
To make some dreams come true
A moment that I won't forget
Until the day I die
A moment in a million years Called life
The bus is waiting right outside
To hit the road and once again
I leave you all behind
I chase another dream tonight
And by the time you'll be home
I'll be far away
I wish this night could last forever But it's time to go
A moment in a million years
Is all I've got for you
A moment in a million years
To make some dreams come true
A moment that I won't forget
Until the day I die
A moment in a million years Called life
A moment that I won't forget
Until the day I die
A moment in a million years
Called life
I. Match two parts of the sentences:
1.I wish this night could a)I' ll be far away.
2.It gave me chills from b)my mind 3.And by the time you'll be home c)last forever.
4.A moment in a million years is all I've d)the day I die
5.A moment that I won't forget until e)you and me
6.The way you sang just blew f)got for you 7.The lights are slowly g)head to toe.
8.There's no one else, just h)fading down
II. Complete thesentences:
1.There's no one else, just you and me nothing …..
2.I wish this night could last forever but it's …..
3.And by the time you'll be home I'll ……
4.A moment in a million years is all …….
5.A moment in a million years to make some …….. 6.I chase another …….
7.The way you sang just ………
Auf wiedersehen
It's time to say goodbye
The party's over As the laughter dies An angel cries
It's au revoir to your insanity
You sold your soul to feed your vanity
Your fantasies and lies
You're a drop in the rain
Just a number not a name
And you don't see it
You don't believe it
At the end of the day
You're a needle in the hay
You signed and sealed it
And now you gotta deal with it
Be on your way
Adios amigo there's a price to pay
For all the egotistic games you played
The world you made Is gone
You're a drop in the rain
Just a number not a name
And you don't see it
You don't believe it
At the end of the day
You're a needle in the hay
You signed and sealed it
And now you gotta deal with it
Run and hide there's fire in the sky
Stay inside
The water's gonna rise and pull you under
In your eyes I'm staring at the end of time
Nothing can change us
No one can save us from ourselves
You're a drop in the rain
Just a number not a name
And you don't see it
You don't believe it
At the end of the day
You're a needle in the hay
You signed and sealed it
Now you gotta deal with it
Goodbye Goodbye
I. Insert the missing parts of the text by listening to the song.
a)to feed your vanity;
b)As the laughter dies;
c)deal with it;
d)Is gone;
e)a needle in the hay;
f)Just a number not a name;
g) save us from ourselves.
Auf wiedersehen
It's time to say goodbye The party's over
An angel cries
It's au revoir to your insanity You sold your soul (2)……..
Your fantasies and lies
You're a drop in the rain
And you don't see it
You don't believe it
At the end of the day
You're(4) ……………….
You signed and sealed it
And now you gotta deal with it
Be on your way
Adios amigo there's a price to pay
For all the egotistic games you played The world you made
You're a drop in the rain
Just a number not a name
And you don't see it
You don't believe it
At the end of the day
You're a needle in the hay You signed and sealed it
And now you gotta (6)…………….
Run and hide there's fire in the sky
Stay inside
The water's gonna rise and pull you under
In your eyes I'm staring at the end of time Nothing can change us
No one can(7)……….
You're a drop in the rain
Just a number not a name
And you don't see it
You don't believe it
At the end of the day
You're a needle in the hay
You signed and sealed it
Now you gotta deal with it
When the Smoke Is Going Down
Just when you make your way back home
I find some time to be alone
I go to see the place once more
Just like a thousand nights before
I climb the stage again this night
'Cause the place seems still alive When the smoke is going down
This is the place where I belong
I really love to turn you on
I've got your sound still in my ear
While your traces disappear
I climb the stage again this night
'Cause the place seems still alive When the smoke is going down
I climb the stage again this night
'Cause the place seems still alive
When the smoke is going down
When the smoke is going down
When the smoke is going down
I.Put the sentences in the right order to make a story:
a) I go to see the place once more;
b)I find some time to be alone;
c)Just like a thousand nights before;
d)Just when you make your way back home;
e)I've got your sound still in my ear;
f)This is the place where I belong;
g)While your traces disappear;
h)I really love to turn you on.
II. Find the verbs in the Present Simple.
The wise man said just walk this way To the dawn of the light
The wind will blow into your face As the years pass you by
Hear this voice from deep inside
Its the call of your heart
Close your eyes and your will find
The passage out of the dark
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
The wise man said just find your place In the eye of the storm
Seek the roses along the way
Just beware of the thorns
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
The wise man said just raise your hand
And reach out for the spell
Find the door to the promised land
Just believe in yourself
Hear this voice from deep inside
Its the call of your heart
Close your eyes and your will find
The way out of the dark
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
I.Translate the comments ; II.Retell the text of the song.
1.Haven't heard this song for quite awhile but it found me once again the other day. For me this song Is nothing short of a message from God and his Angels. The last several years have been sadness, loneliness and darkness for me as life has taken me down a road of loneliness and despair as I have lost the ones that I loved so much. I have faith and hope that God will deliver me from this sad and empty road life has put me on because God loves me and all of us. Thanks Scorpions, this song is a masterpiece.
2.My dad was a big fan of you since he was a kid. In 2007 My mom bought him 2 tickets for a concert in France for his birthday. I can't forget the smile on his face when he received the gift. I was so happy to go with him at this concert. During the show I saw him crying when you played this beautiful song and he told me, this is the song of my life. He passed away 2 years after the concert and now I am the one who cries listenning to this song. This moment is one of my best memories as a child. There were only me, my father and Scorpions
3.I just love the Scorpions. I pull them out every so often and listen to their music again and again. 🥰 This song especially I love not just the music but the words are so profound. The older I get the more sense these words make. Now that is classic!
May be I, may be you
Can make a change to the world
We're reaching out for a soul
That's kind of lost in the dark
May be I may be you
Can find the key to the stars
To catch the spirit of hope
To save one hopeless heart
You look up to the sky
With all those questions in mind
All you need is to hear
The voice of your heart
In a world full of pain
Someone's calling your name
Why don't we make if true
May be I, may be you
May be I, may be you
Are just dreaming sometimes
But the world would be cold
Without dreamers like you
May be I, may be you
Are just soldiers of love
Born to carry the flame
Bringin' light to the dark
You look up to the sky
With all those questions in mind
All you need is to hear
The voice of your heart
In a world full of pain
Someone's calling your name
Why don't we make if true
Maybe I, maybe you
I.Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
You look up to the …. With all those ……… in mind
All you need is to hear
The ……… of your heart
In a world full of pain
Someone's calling …… name
Why …….. we make if true
May be I, may be you
May be I, may be you
Are just ……. sometimes
But the world would be cold
……….. dreamers like you
II. Write down the nouns, the pronouns and the verbs into different columns.
Let me take you far away
You'd like a holiday
Let me take you far away
You'd like a holiday
Exchange the cold days for the sun
A good time and fun
Let me take you far away You'd like a holiday
Let me take you far away
You'd like a holiday
Let me take you far away
You'd like a holiday
Exchange your troubles for some love
Wherever you are
Let me take you far away
You'd like a holiday
Longing for the sun here we come
To the island without name
Longing for the sun here we come
On the island many miles away from home
Here we come on the island without name
Longing for the sun here we come
To the island many miles away from home
Away from home
Away from home
Away from home
Away from home
I. Say what the italicized words mean.
Let me take you far away
You'd like a holiday
Let me take you far away
You'd like a holiday
Exchange the cold days……. the sun
A good time….. fun
Let me take you far away You'd like a holiday
Let me take you far away
You'd like a holiday
Let me take you far away
You'd like a holiday
Exchange your troubles for some love
….. you are
Let me take you far away You'd like a holiday
Longing for the sun here we come
……. the island …….. name
Longing for the sun here we come On the island many miles ………. home
Here we come on the island without name
Longing for the sun here we come
To the island many miles away from home
Away from home
Away from home
Away from home
Away from home
II.Fill in the blanks with the link words from the box.
for and Wherever To without away from
On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself,
’this could be heaven or this could be hell’
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say...
Welcome to the hotel california
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the hotel california
Any time of year, you can find it here
Her mind is tiffany-twisted, she got the mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget
So I called up the captain, ’please bring me my wine’
He said, ’we haven’t had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine’
And still those voices are calling from far away, Wake you up in the middle of the night Just to hear them say...
Welcome to the hotel california
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
They livin’ it up at the hotel california
What a nice surprise, bring your alibis
Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said ’we are all just prisoners here, of our own device’
And in the master’s chambers, They gathered for the feast
The stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can’t kill the beast
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back To the place I was before
’relax,’ said the night man, We are programmed to receive. You can checkout any time you like, But you can never leave!
I.Choose the corresponding adjective to every noun:
II.Play the song and tell students to listen very attentively trying to remember as much as possible.
• Split the class into 2 or 3 groups angive each group strips of paper withscrambled lyrics of the song (the lyricsof the cut song into strips).
• Ask students to put the lyrics of the song in order as they listen.
• Groups read the lyrics of the song
Play the song again and encourage students to sing along. Give each student a worksheet and ask them to answer the questions about what is happening in the song.
Wind Of Change
Follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change
The world is closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close, like brothers
The future's in the air
Can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past, forever
I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
The wind of change
Blows straight into the face of time
Like a storm wind that will ring the freedom bell
For peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
I.Make word-combinations.
1.the wind |
a)their dreams |
2.August summer |
b)night |
3.we could be so close, |
c)of time |
4.share |
d)like brothers |
5.glory |
e)bell |
6.the face |
f)wants to say |
7.the freedom |
g)memories |
8.my guitar |
h)night |
9.storm |
i)wind |
10.distant |
j)of change |
II. Say how do you understand those word-combinations.
Born to Touch Your Feelings
I was born from the sound of the strings
For someone to give everything
To be a song just for your feeling
Close your eyes and I'll try to get in To waken your heart like the spring
'cos I was born to touch your feelings
Steal the time, take a song and be glad
Be free as the birds, don't be sad
Your time will come, I'll make you feel it
You're still young like the sun after rain
Follow the light, it's not in vain
And you will see I'll touch your feelings.
You've got your songs, they are everyday For a while, just the only way To feel alright...
You were born just to lose or to win
To be someone's child in the wind
To live between your mind and feelings
Find your way, check it out, learn each day
Follow the light, it's not in vain
And you will see I'll touch your feelings.
You've got your songs, they are everyday For a while. just the only way To feel alright.
I.Write down the sentences in the imperative mood.
II. Translate those comments into Ukrainian.
I was 13 years old, my brother Rikk got home with an 8 track tape and tossed it at me. He said here, listen to it if you like it it's yours. It was the Scorpions Taken by force tape which I had never heard of but Ohhh Baby! After listening to it I instantly fell in love with their music. Born to touch your feelings was one of the songs from this tract. And Scorpions deeply touched me, ever since then they are one of my favorite bands. No one like you Klaus!
Doctor: Last 5 minutes in your life Me: I want to listen Scorpions- Born to touch your feelings Doctor: But it's 7 minutes. God: I allow it.
My sister gave me this album on a tape as a Christmas present. I still have that tape. This ballad is one of the greatest song ever.
Список використаної літератури
1.Радько А.В. Формування комунікативних компетенцій засобами інтерактивних технологій на уроках англійської мови. – Методична розробка.
2.Вебер.Б. Біорафія групи Скорпіонс. https://24smi.org/celebrity/54555scorpions.html
3.Біографія Клауса Майне. https://rock-history.ru/persons/klaus-meine.html 4.Тексти пісень авторів: Klaus Meine, Desmond Child, Eric Bazilian, Marti Frederiksen, Rudolf Schenker, Titiek Puspa, James F. Sundah.