Креативні завдання до уроків англійської мови

Про матеріал
The object: to increase students ' interest in learning English, to develop the ability to apply the learned lexical items and grammar rules in a particular situation. The 1st task. This task may be done in pairs. Copy this task and give to students. Pupils should define true/false statements. The 2nd task.This task may be done by any number students. Copy this task and give to students. Pupils should find 12 cities and write them under the pictures.
Перегляд файлу
  1. Quiz "Do you know Ukraine?"
  •        Theme: Ukraine
  •        The object: to increase students ' interest in learning English, to develop the ability to apply the learned lexical items and grammar rules in a particular situation.
  •        Form: 5
  •        Lexical areas: a flag, trident, independent, modern, Motherland
  •        This task may be done in pairs. Copy this task and give to students. Pupils should define true/false statements.
  •        Time: 5-7 minutes.

Do a quiz. Put “+” next to the true sentences and “-“ next to the false ones.

  1.     Ukraine is the largest country in Europe.
  2.     The Ukrainian flag is blue and white.
  3.     The symbol of Ukraine is the trident.
  4.     Ukraine became independent long ago.
  5.     Kyiv is a very modern city.
  6.     The Dnipro is the longest river in Ukraine.
  7.     Our main holiday is Thanksgiving Day.
  8.     We are proud of our Motherland.
  1.     The grid “Ukrainian cities”
  •        Theme: The geography of Ukraine
  •        The object: to intensify the work of students with the vocabulary material, their experience for successful assimilation of the forms and meanings of lexical units of across –

cultural content.

  • Form: 7
  • Lexical areas: Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Zaporizhia, Poltava, Donetsk, Chernihiv, Izium, Kerch, Uzhhorod, Kherson
  • This task may be done by any number students. Copy this task and give to students. Pupils should find 12 cities and write them under the pictures.
  • Time: 7-10 minutes.












25 жовтня 2023
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