Лексико-граматичний тест

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Лексико-граматичний тест з англійської мови за темою "National Cuisine" для 10 класу (за підручником Карп'юк О.)
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10th form Test on UNIT 4.National Cuisine


1.Translate the words into Ukrainian:                                      

1) well-to-do family       

2) to dispense with

3) ale

4) prawns

5) salmon

6) a brawn

7) batter

8) coherence

2.Translate the words into English:

1) набір страв

2) страва

3) випадок / нагода 

4) особливість

5) складатися з

6) містити в собі

7) тушкувати

8) нащадок

3. Match the words with their definitions.

  1. cuisine
  1. to give someone food by putting it in front of them, especially at a restaurant
  1. specialty
  1. a particular style of preparing food which is typical of a certain country or area
  1. delicacy
  1. n amount of food that someone takes or is given at one time
  1. serve
  1. the amount of food that is cooked or prepared for each person (used especially in recipes or on food packaging)
  1. portion
  1. a rare and expansive kind of food which people think is very good to eat, especially the people of a particular country or area
  1. serving
  1. an amount of food that is enough for each person, especially one served in a restaurant, bar,etc.
  1. helping
  1. a type of food that is always very good in a particular restaurant, country or area

4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

*fast food* junk food* takeaway food* staple food*

1) ________ is a basic type of food that is needed and used all the time.

2) ________ is food you order from a restaurant then take home to eat.

3) ________ is food such as hamburgers which is prepared and served quickly in a restaurant and which you can take away with you.

4) ________ is food that is not healthy because it contains a lot of fat, salt, sugar, etc., and does not contain the things that your body needs.

5. Choose the correct answer.

1) If I went to London I visited / would visit the Tower.

2) If he didn’t need / wouldn’t need his camera he could lend it to us.

3) If Ryan and Ellie didn’t live / wouldn’t live in Oxford, we could see them more often.

4) Katie got / would get better marks at school if she studied harder.

5) If I were / would be you I’d call the police.


До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
31 березня 2022
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