Презентація до уроку "Слава Україні"

Про матеріал
Презентація містить матеріали для проведення уроку про російську військову інтервенцію в Україну- текст та завдання до нього. Акцент направлений на розвиток лексичних навичок та розвиток патріотичних почуттів здобувачів освіти.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to its heroes!

Номер слайду 2

Pre-reading activities. Learn the new vocabulary: To invade the country- вторгнутися в країну. The invaders- загарбники, нападники Invasion- вторгнення, навала. To bombard- бомбардувати. The Armed Forces of Ukraine-ЗС України. To protect the Motherland- захищати Батьківщину. Heroic defenders (defense) –героїчні захисники (оборона)

Номер слайду 3

a war- війна. Numerous victims- багато чисельні жертви To hide in shelters- ховатися в укриттях To defeat the enemy- перемагати ворога. To save Russians living in Ukraine from Banderivtsi –рятувати росіян, що живуть в Україні від бандерівців. To demilitarize- демілітаризувати it’s a bad lie –це брехняthe right to interfere- право втручатисяto support- підтримувати

Номер слайду 4

I. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian: Special operation, full-size attack or war?February 24, 2022 is the most tragic day of modern Ukrainian history. Many cities were bombarded by the Armed Forces of Russia early in the morning. These were mainly military bases and airports but then the invasion spread all over the country. The Russian invaders say they came to save Russians living in Ukraine from Banderivtsi and to demilitarize our country. It’s a bad lie. Schools, hospitals, houses in Kyiv, Kherson, Mariupol, Donetsk, Kharkiv,Sumy, Mykolayiv were destroyed. Hundreds of Ukrainian people were killed, more than 100 children among them.

Номер слайду 5

Thousands of people left Ukraine and found some shelter in Poland, Moldova, Check republic, Germany and other countries. Our heroic defenders, the Armed Forces of Ukraine protect our Motherland and defeat the enemy. We live in an independent country and no one has the right to interfere. We will get the victory. Many countries of the world help us and support. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to our heroic defenders!

Номер слайду 6

II. Answer the questions: Special operation, full-size attack or war?February 24, 2022 is the most tragic day of modern Ukrainian history. Many cities were bombarded by the Armed Forces of Russia early in the morning. These were mainly military bases and airports but then the invasion spread all over the country. The Russian invaders say they came to save Russians living in Ukraine from Banderivtsi and to demilitarize our country. It’s a bad lie. Schools, hospitals, houses in Kyiv, Kherson, Mariupol, Donetsk, Kharkiv,Sumy, Mykolayiv were destroyed. Hundreds of Ukrainian people were killed, more than 100 children among them. Thousands of people left Ukraine and found some shelter in Poland, Moldova, Check republic, Germany and other countries. Our heroic defenders, the Armed Forces of Ukraine protect our Motherland and defeat the enemy. We live in an independent country and no one has the right to interfere. We will get the victory. Many countries of the world help us and support. 1. What happened on February, 24? 2. Why did the Russians come to Ukraine?3. What places were destroyed in our country? 4. Where did many Ukrainians go? 5. Who protects our Motherland? 6. What do other countries do for us?

Номер слайду 7

Find the equivalents in the text1. широкомасштабний наступ2. війна  та вторгнення3. ЗСУ4. військові бази та аеропорти5. допомагати та підтримувати українців6. росіяни, що живуть в Україні7. були зруйновані8. незалежна держава9. ніхто не має права10.отримати перемогу. 

Номер слайду 8

Find synonyms in the text1. people who did something important for the country and its people2. the process of taking the territory and riches of other countries using violence3. to help someone with money or just morally4.not to allow to have a large army or lots of weapons5. to ruin, to break6.armed people who came to kill and rob7. a temporary primitive house to hide and live

Номер слайду 9

Find antonyms: Something true. Civil. Ancient. Happy. To shorten. A friend, a supporter. A duty, obligation. Colonial, dependent. To create, to build. Failure

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, профільний рівень) 10 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
1 квітня 2022
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