Лексико-граматичний тест з теми "Спорт"

Про матеріал
Лексико-граматичний тест у двох рівнозначних варіантах з теми "Спорт" за підручником Карп'юк О. Друкую 2 варіанти на одному аркуші, обравши опцію "Дві сторінки на аркуші" у налаштуваннях принтера.
Перегляд файлу

7th  form “Sports”   Name ___________________________________

I v.

1. Translate.

1. a flame

2. to compete

3. wrestling

4. відбуватися

5. займатися карате

6. улюблена гра

2. Answer the questions.

1. What do you do to keep fit? __________________________________


2. What is the Olympic mascot? _________________________________

3. What are the advantages of sports? ____________________________


3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, play or go.

1. They __________________ karate on Sundays.

2. Have you ever ____________________ football?

3. Many people _______________________ jogging to be in a good shape.

4. She likes______________________ basketball.

5. My  friends __________________________  aerobics at school.

6. We ________________________ sailing last summer.

4. Put a question tag.

1. You don’t like this music,………………….…?

2. We’re leaving tomorrow,………………….…?

3. They went to  the concert yesterday,………………….…?

4. Sarah will be here soon,……………………… ?

5. It’s a good restaurant, ……………………..…?

6. Joan can’t come with us,…………………..…?

7th  form “Sports” Name ___________________________________

II v.

1. Translate.

1. a spirit

2. to represent

3. cycling

4. талісман

5. шкільна команда

6. вигравати матч

2. Answer the questions.

1. Why do people go in for sports? _____________________________


2. How often do the Olympic Games take place? __________________


3. What are the disadvantages of sports? _________________________


3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, play or go.

1. They _______________________ sailing in summer.

2. My friends _________________________ judo twice a week.

3. Have you ever ___________________________ ice-hockey?

4. She _______________________ aerobics at the gym.

5. Do you want to _______________________ hiking with me?

6. He likes ________________________ tennis.

4. Put a question tag.

1. Kate is a dentist,……………………………?

2. You don’t like this music,……………………?

3. Sally was watching TV at that time, ……………………?

4. They won’t be here, ………………….…?

5. He wanted to come,……………………..…?

6. You haven’t seen this newspaper,…………………….…?

До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
6 лютого 2020
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