Listening comprehension

Про матеріал
Контроль аудіювання.Текст для слухання.12 запитань.Нові слова для розуміння тексту-Romans- римляни,public-публічні,ancient-старовинний,free-time activities-діяльність у вільний час
Перегляд файлу

1.      Some ancient Romans were

     а) rich                                                                    б) poor

2.      Ancient Rome had

     а) wide streets                                                       б) narrow streets

3.      There were lots of games for

     а) parents                                                              б) children

4.      There were also popular

     а) studing                                                              б) free-time activities

5.      The boy's favourite games were

     а) ball games                                                           б) computer games

6.      The girls had

      а) sport games                                                         б) dolls to play with

7.      The ancient Romans didn't have any their houses

              а) tables                                                                б) carpets

в) sofas

8.      They had lots of

              а) discos                                                                б) cinemas

в) theatres

9.      ......couldn't use the public baths

              а) Children                                                            б) Women

в) Men

10.    There were lots of......and toys for children

              а) shops                                                                б) games

в) schools

11.    ....was one of their favourite free-time activities

              а) Dancing                                                            б) Playing football

в) Hunting

12.    Their favourite drink was

              а) water                                                                 б) wine

в) milk

Ключ до тесту

1.    а (1 балів)

2.    б (1 балів)

3.    б (1 балів)

4.    б (1 балів)

5.    а (1 балів)

6.    б (1 балів)

7.    б (1 балів)

8.    в (1 балів)

9.    а (1 балів)

10.  б (1 балів)

11.  в (1 балів)

12.  б (1 балів)

21 травня 2020
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