"LONDON SIGHTSEEING TOUR" позакласний захід

Про матеріал
Віртуальна екскурсія столицею Великобританії. Знайомство учнів з визначними місцями столиці Великої Британії; розвиток інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови, історії та культури країни, мова якої вивчається.
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Навчальна: практика мовної діяльності: читання, аудіювання, письма; активізація лексики з теми "Лондон", розвиток словникового запасу.

Виховна: знайомство учнів з визначними місцями столиці Великої Британії; розвиток інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови, історії та куль­тури країни, мова якої вивчається;

Форма проведення: віртуальна екскурсія столицею країни.


-  плакати, малюнки з визначними місцями столиці (плакати розта­шовані згідно маршруту);

- парти ставимо у ряд та обтягуємо червоною тканиною; таким чином ми імітуємо "автобус", на якому вирушаємо на екскурсію;

- на партах приготовлений матеріал: карта для позначення маршруту; картки із завданнями для використання протягом екскурсії; інформаційні та роздавальні картки, словникові картки з новою лексикою;

-  квитки (вручаються кожному екскурсанту під час входу до "автобусу");

-  костюми поліцейського, королеви, маляра, лейб-гвардійця. Учні у костюмах проводять екскурсію разом з гідом.



The tourists: There is so much to visit in London. Let's go to the Tourist Information office to get some ideas about what we should see.

At the Tourist Information Office The tourists: Hello. Could you give us some information about London's most famous sights?

Information officer: What have you already seen in London? The tourists: We haven't seen anything yet. We have only just come. Information officer: All right. Have a look at the leaflets over there and take what you like. The tourists: This is great! We have heard and read so much about London.

Sights we are going to visit:

Trafalgar Square                     Hyde Park             Buckingham Palace

The Houses of Parliament         Big Ben              Westminster Abbey

Covent Garden

Information officer: Let's start with a London sightseeing tour on a double‑decker bus.

(In the Magic box there is a photo of an English bus. There are two main kinds of it in London. If you need to go from one part of London to another, you must buy a ticket and get in. It is red and has one or two decks).

Information officer: To get a ticket you have to answer a question about UK and London.

1. The UK is an island state, isn't it? Where is it situated? (In the northwest of Europe. It consists of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and many smaller ones).

2.  What channel separates the British Isles from the European continent? (English Channel and the Straits of Dover).

3. What are the most important rivers of the UK? (The Thames, the Severn)

4.  What is the highest mountain of the United Kingdom? (Ben Nevis in Scotland).

5.  How many countries does the UK consist of? Name them. (Four: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland).

6.  What are their capitals? (England - London, Scotland - Edinburgh, Wales - Cardiff, Northern Ireland - Belfast).

7.  What are the largest cities of the UK? (Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Glasgow).

8.  What is the population of London? (9 mln people).

9.  What is the population of the UK? (57.1 mln people).

10.  Traditionally London is divided into several parts. Can you name them? (There are fourmain parts: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster).

11.  What are London's most famous museums and art galleries? (The National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the British Museum, Museum of London, the National Museum).

12.  What is the administrative center of London? (Westminster).

13.  Who founded London in the first century A.D.? (Romans).

14.  What is the smallest country of Britain? (Wales).

15.  What is the symbol of England? (Rose).

16.  What is the financial and business center of London? (City).

17.  What is the favourite English domestic animal? (Dog).

18.  What is the widest river in Britain? (Thames).

19.  What is the weather in Britain? (Foggy).

20.  What proverbs and sayings do you know about the British weather? ("Other countries have a climate, in England we have a weather", " If you can see the sun  on the Welsh shores in the morning, look out for rain by noon").

Information officer: OK, fine. This is your guide, Mr. Mathews.

Tourists:  How do you do, Mr. Mathews! Pleased to meet you.

Guide: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Nice to meet you, too. You are welcome! Let us go to Trafalgar Square first.

Trafalgar Square is the center of London. It is the most famous square and the most beautiful places in London. It was so named in memory of the victory in the battle of Trafalgar, where on October 21, 1805 the English fleet under Admiral Nelson's command defeated the combined fleet of France and Spain. The victory was won at the cost of Nelson's life. In the middle cf the square we can see a tall column. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument. There are two beautiful fountains in the square. Quite often the square becomes a location for public meetings. So it can be said that Trafalgar Square is the heart from which the beat is emitted to all Londoners. There are many pigeons in the square and Londoners like to feed them. Let's do our first stop.


Task 1: Who will draw the picture of Trafalgar Square best? Write a postcard to your friend describing it.

Guide: Ladies and gentlemen, breathe deeply. This is Hyde Park and you know our parks are called the lungs of London.

Painter: Hello. You are lucky to be in Hyde Park or the Park, as we Londoners call it. The best thing about London is the parks. There are 5 beautiful ones in the city centre.

Let's start with St. James's Park, near Buckingham Palace. It's London's oldest. It belonged to Henry VIII - the King who had six wives. In the park you can feed the swans, geese, ducks and other water birds. The park which is connected with Hyde is called Kensington Gardens. There is the Albert Memorial, which Queen Victoria built in memory of her husband. One of the best times to visit London's parks is in spring. At this time of the year, Regent's Park is a beautiful place of blossoms and flowers. It's perhaps London's most elegant park, with its attractive gardens and lakes. You can visit the Zoo. There are animals from all the continents, about 6000 in all. But the Zoo's most popular residents are the pandas. Hyde Park was originally a royal hunting forest. You can walk along its shady avenues, sit on the grass admiring its beautiful flower-beds, or watch birds. It seems almost unbelievable that all around, there is a large city with its heavy traffic and exhaust. Another attraction of Hyde Park is the horse-riding lane known as Rotten Row, which is a mile and a half long. Near Marble Arch is Speaker's Corner where everyone can go and air their views to anyone who will listen.


Task 2: Match A and В

London's oldest

you can visit the Zoo

between Hyde and St. James's Park

has Albert Memorial

have some fun at Speaker's Corner

Guide: Now we are making our way to Buckingham Palace. You have a good chance to meet the Queen.

The Queen: Good afternoon! I'm the Queen of England, Elizabeth the Second. I live in this famous palace, first built in 1703, which is situated in the centre of the city. It's the London home of the kings and queens . As a matter of fact it serves two functions, not one. It's a family home, where my grandchildren play and grow up. It's also the place where presidents, kings and politicians come to meet me. Buckingham Palace is like a small town with a police station, two post offices, a bar, two sports clubs, a disco, a cinema and a swimming pool. There are 600 rooms and 3 miles of red carpet. Two men work full-time to look after 300 clocks. About 700 people work in my house.

One of the tourists: I have read that every day at Buckingham Palace there's a famous ceremony of Changing the Guard, at 11.30 a.m.

The Queen: Look! They are changing the Guard. Every day a new guard of 30 guardsmen marches to the Palace and takes the place of the old guard. A large crowd of people gather to see this famous and traditional ceremony.

Hyde Park Kensington Gardens Green Park St. James's Park Regent's Park


Task 3: Match what things /dates /facts these numbers refer to?

a. 600         b. 30        c. 2        d. 3        e. 300       f. 700       g. 1703

1.  Buckingham Palace was built.

2.  The number of rooms in Buckingham Palace.

3.  The length of a red carpet.

4.  The number of guardsmen who march to the Palace to take the place of the old guard.

5.  The number of people working in the Queen's house.

6.  So many men work full-time to look after 300 clocks.

7.  The number of clocks in the Queen's house.

Guide: Say good-bye to the Queen. We are going to the Houses of Parliament. Here it is.

Policeman: You shouldn't be noisy; in front of you is the Houses of Parliament, the home of the British government It consists of two Houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The House of Commons sits to the side of the Clock Tower and the House of Lords - to the Victoria Tower side. Here there is the historical Woolsack, where the Lord Chancellor takes his place to preside over the sittings. At the end of the House of Commons is the Speaker's Chair, on the right side of which the members of the parliamentary majority sit. The members of the groups that form the Opposition sit on the left, directly facing the Government benches.

Near here you can see the famous big Ben. By the way, is Big Ben the name of the clock, the Tower or the bell?

One of the tourists: Big Ben is the name of the bell only - not the clock, and not the tower. The bell is 7 foot 6 inches high, and 9 foot 6 inches across the mouth. It weights 13.5 tons.

Guide: In a moment you will see Westminster Abbey. It is a royal church. Here you can see tombs of many British kings and queens and other famous people and the beautiful Henry VII Chapel. This is the Tower of London. It was a fortress, a royal palace, and later a prison. It is a museum now and houses the Crown Jewels and other treasures. There are a lot of interesting collections in the Tower of London. The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. The Raven Master is the person who gives them food.

One of the tourists: I want to add some words about the Tower of London. According to tradition the Tower is guarded by the Yeoman Warders, or Beefeaters. They still wear their 16 th century bright and colorful Tudor uniforms.

One of the best known ceremonies in London is the ceremony of the Keys. Every night at 9.53 p.m. the Chief Warder of the Yeomen Warders of the Tower of London lights a candle lantern and then makes his way towards the Bloody Tower. In the Archway his Escort awaits his arrival. The Chief Warder, carrying the keys, then moves off with his Escort to the West Gate, which he locks. Then the Middle and Byward Towers are locked.

The party then returns to the Bloody Tower Archway, and there they are halted by the challenge of the sentry. (The dramatizition of the ceremony of the Keys)

The sentry: "Halt! Who goes there?"

The Chief Warder : "The keys."

The sentry : "Whose keys?"

The Chief Warder : "Queen Elizabeth's keys."

The sentry: "Advance, Queen Elizabeth's keys, all's well."

(The party approaches the Main Guard of the Tower).

The officer-in-charge: "Present Arms."

The Chief Warder: (doffing his Tudor-style bonnet) "God preserve Queen Elizabeth."

The Guard and the Escort: "Amen."


Task 4: Fill in the blank spaces with the words given above.


royal treasury   


the Crown Jewels          





Thomas More




Henry VIII's

Mary Tudor



The Tower of London was founded in the    ___century by William

the Conqueror. For many centuries the tower has been a fortress, a palace, a prison and__________.

It is now a museum of arms and armour and it has_____________.

The grey stones of the Tower could tell terrible stories of____________ and injustice. It was here that_________________, the greatest humanist, was falsely accused and executed. Among famous prisoners executed at the Tower were___________ wives Anna Boleyn and Catherine Howard.

When Queen Elizabeth I was a princess, she was sent to the Tower by _________and kept prisoner for some time.

The________whose forefathers used to find food in the Tower, still live here as part of its history. There is a______________that if the ravens disappear, the Tower will fall. The White Tower was built in___________ to protect and control the City of London. The Tower is guarded by the Yeomen Warders called.



1. 11th; 2. Royal treasury; 3.The Crown Jewels; 4.Violence; 5.Thomas More;

6. Henry VIIFs; 7.Mary Tudor;  8.Ravens; 9.Legend; 10. 1078; 11."Beefeaters".


Guide: Now we are going along Fleet Street. There is nothing else on earth quite like Fleet Street. It has been the home of the British press for 300 years. More than three centuries ago the great fire (1666) gutted the City of London, driving writers from their lodging - houses to the taverns of Fleet Street. There they were strategically located, for their news came from the travellers who arrived there in the coaches and from the skippers of vessels anchored below the Thames. On the right you'll see Co vent Garden. It is a tourist shopping center with cafes and restaurants.

One of the tourists: Oh, I've seen a very interesting film about it. It is known that Covent Garden was Britain's biggest market place. It had been London's most important market - place for three hundred years. Originally it was called Covent Garden (монастирський сад) because it was the garden of the monks of Westminster Abbey. The market was officially established by king Charles II in 1670. At that time, it was very small and was used mainly by Londoners. If you came here in the afternoon, you would only see enormous iron and glass buildings and a few tourists, perhaps, walking along the cobble-stones. If you came here at midnight, you would only see dark shadows and cats chasing mice. But if you came here at four o'clock in the morning , you would see that the iron and glass buildings had come to life; hundreds of men and women were buying and selling vegetables, fruit and flowers. The men who worked there said: "If there is any kind of fruit or vegetable which we haven't got- nobody has got it." Cars, vans and lorries filled every square inch of space. Everywhere there were voices of porters, carrying boxes of fruit and vegetables; of lorry drivers; of the men selling every kind of flower or plant, and every kind of fruit and vegetable. Unfortunately, this famous market - place had grown too big and had to be moved to another part of London. It was certainly a big event in London.

Guide: We'll stop here so that you can go shopping. (Role play).

At the department store


I. Shoe department

Shop assistant: Can I help you?

Diana: I should like to buy a pair of black shoes. Show me those high-heeled shoes, please.

Shop assistant: You are welcome. Here they are. You may take a seat and try

them on.

Diana: Thank you. Oh, the right shoe hurts me.

Shop assistant: Does it pinch?                                    

Diana: Yes, it pinches my toes. Could you show me another pair of shoes of the

same color but a little bit wider.

Shop assistant: Of course. Do, please.

Diana: Oh, these shoes are in fashion now. Let me try them on. Fine, my feet feel comfortable. I'll buy them. Thank you very much. Good-bye.

Shop assistant: Good-bye. I am sure you will wear them long.


II. Clothes department

Alison: What dresses of the latest fashion have you got?

Shop assistant: This dress has come into fashion recently. And the color is of the latest fashion, too.

Alison: Oh, I am afraid, this style doesn't fit me. And I never wear everything of one color - it has a monotonous effect, to my mind. Shop assistant: OK, tastes differ. Then try this one, please. That's about the thing you are looking for.

Alison: It is splendid! This dress suits me. Thanks.


III. Toy department

Mike: Can I see that toy bear?

Shop assistant: This one?

Mike: No, the one to the left.

Shop assistant: Here you are. It's very nice.

Mike: Fine, thanks. Can you show me this doll, please?

Shop assistant: I think it is too expensive. Have a look at this one, please. It is cheaper and as good as that one.

Mike: OK, thanks a lot.

Guide: I hope you've had wonderful time with us. Have a nice holiday in London. Enjoy your stay. And one more task for you is to fill in the card. Places of Interest

Piccadilly Circus

Covent Garden

Westminster Abbey

Buckingham Palace

Regent's Garden

Hyde Park

Fleet Street















1.  It is one of the most popular and largest parks in London. It is famous for its Speaker's Corner.

2. It was a big fruit and vegetable market. Now it is a tourist shopping center with cafes and restaurants.

3. It is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is on the top, she is at home.

4. It isn't a circus, it is the meeting point of six streets.

5.  It is a royal church. Here you can see the tombs of many British Kings and Queens and other famous people.

6.  It is the center of Britain's national newspapers.

7. It is a royal park containing the London Zoo, one of the biggest zoos in the world.


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