Магазини і покупки. Розробка уроку.

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку з англійської мови на тему"Магазини і покупки" Урок спрямований на розвиток навичок читання, говоріння та виконання лексико-граматичних вправ.
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Департамент освіти  і  науки

Київської обласної державної  адміністрації

Комунальний навчальний заклад Київської обласної ради

"Київський обласний інститут післядипломної освіти педагогічних кадрів"





Методичні матеріали для проведення уроків англійської мови з теми

«Магазини і покупки»

у 8 класі




Автор проєкту: Олексієнко Інна Олександрівна, слухач курсів підвищення фахової кваліфікації вчителів англійської мови, вчитель англійської мови Білоцерківської загальноосвітньої середньої школи I-III ступенів №7 імені генерал-полковника Геннадія Воробйова

Керівник: Крупа Альона Валеріївна, завідувач відділу міжнародних зв’язків


Біла Церква



Topic  :  SHOPS AND SHOPPING   Form 8

Lesson aim  to leаrn new words and  word combinations, to revise countable and uncountable nouns ,to repeat fruit and vegetables, clothes, food, school things, to consolidate a grammar structure - how much/ how many, to practice language skills, to write a shopping list.

Materials: Presentation  РOWER POINT, theme cards  FRUIT/VEGETABLES CLOTHES/FOOTWEAR, FOOD,  SCHOOL THINGS books, copybooks.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the lesson children will be able to

-make up dialogues

-describe things they need to buy

-complete the diologues

-speak about the price

Lesson procedure:

  • Introduction of  new material. Greeting.

-Good morning children. I am glad to see you. How are you?

Today we will speak about different kinds of shops and things which we can buy there.

Are you ready? Let’s start.

  • Warm up.

-What kinds of shops do you know?

 A supermarket, a department store, the bakers, the greengrocers, a dairy, the butchers

a toy store

  • Main part.

Look at our smartboard. Let’s read and translate the sentences.

When we want to buy something we must go to the shop. Where it  is sold. Sugar, tea,salt and coffee are sold at the Grossers. Bread , cakes and rolls are sold at the Bakers. Meat,sausages and chicken are sold at the Butchers. We buy vegetables and fruit at the Greengrocers. Fresh  fish, tuna, salmon and prawns are sold at the Fishmongers. Cakes and sweets are sold at the Confectory. When you want to buy clothes we go to the clothes shop. We buy jewellery,silver and gold watches at the Jewellerys. We buy books and  board games at the Bookshop.

  •  Consolidation of the vocabulary.

-What can we buy at the supermarket?

-What can we buy at a department store?

-What can we buy at the bakers?

-What can we buy at the greengrocers?

-What can we buy at a dairy?

-What can we buy at the buthers?

      -What can we buy at a toy store ?

  • Individual work. Countable-uncountable nouns

Now imagine that we are at the supermarket. Look at the table. There are some examples of things that you can buy at the market or at the department store. Start like this

  • I would like to buy…
  • Writing activity

Imagine you have got 100 euros to buy gifts. Make notes.

1 Who are you going to buy presents for? ( Family/friends)

2 What gifts are you going to buy?(one or two things for each person)

3 Which shops do you need to visit?

Now let’s do exercises in your copy-books.

  • Group work

Work in pairs. Talk about shops that you like going to and shops that you don’t like going to. Give reasons.

Student 1 -  I like going to sport shops because I enjoy buying/looking at/ trying on trainers

Student 2 - I don’t like going to music shops because I am not interesred in/ I hate buying/ I can’t afford CDs.

  • Action game. Snowballs.

Work in two groups. Act as in model. Use the words milk/apples/ sugar/ lemons/cakes/water…

Teacher - milk

Group 1- how much?(Right)

Teacher - apples

Group 2 -  how many?

  • Group work.

-Look at the board there are things you can buy at the market. Come here and ask about the price.


Customer –How much is the notebook please?

Shop-assistant -Two hryvnias.

Customer - I will take it.

Shop-assistant –Here you are. Anything else?

Customer- No thanks.

  •  Ball game "Countable/uncountable."

-In English language there are countable and uncountable nouns. We can count apples, bananas, oranges, tomatoes, potatoes. But we can’t count water, milk, lemonade, meat, sugar, rice, salt.

Let’s play a game. I will name food and you will catch the ball and say if it is countable or uncountable noun.

  • Listening activity.

-Listen and complete the dialogue with the words from the brackets.

     (24 pounds / black / brother/ jumper/ medium)

Shop assistant  Can I help you

Julia  Yes, I am looking for a __________

Shop assistant The _______ are over there, near the changing rooms.

       Julia OK. Thanks...This is one is nice. And its in the sale. Have you got it in     ______

       Shop assistant Yes, what size are you

       Julia  It isnt for me. Its a present for my ________. He is a________, I think

       Shop assistant Here you are. Could you come over to the till, please.         


       Julia Can I bring it back if it doesnt fit?

       Shop assistant Sure. Just keep the receipt.

  • Summarizing

Let’s summarize what we have learnt today?

Your marks for today’s lesson are____ I hope,  you’ve  enjoyed our lesson today.

Your homework for the next lesson to learn new words and to write a short paragraph about your  last shopping. Our lesson is over. Have a nice day.


До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
4 листопада 2021
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