Матеріал до уроку англійської мови за темою "Небесна сотня / Heavenly Hundred Heroes"

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 Honoring the Heavenly Hundred Heroes

Part 1: Reading & Understanding

          Read the short passage below about the

Heavenly Hundred Heroes, then complete the exercises.

“The Heavenly Hundred Heroes were brave Ukrainian citizens who stood for

freedom, dignity, and democracy during the

Euromaidan  protests in 2013-2014. They believed in a better future for their country and were ready to defend their rights. If

people fight for justice, they can change the

world. Their sacrifice reminds us that if we stay united, we will build а stronger Ukraine.”

Task 2: Define if the statements                                    Task4:



imageare true or false:                       Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1.  If people (remember) the HeavenlyHundred, they (honor) their bravery.

2.  If we (learn) from history, we (avoidrepeating mistakes.

Task 3: Choose the     3. If young generations (respect) their correct answer.     sacrifices, Ukraine (become) stronger.

4.  If citizens (fight) for democracy, they (wintheir rights.

5.  If we (stay) united, we (overcome) anychallenges.

17 березня
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