Матеріал до уроку "Deciding on a place to eat"

Про матеріал


• розвивати навички читання

• удосконалювати вміння і навички усного мовлення.

• розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію

• розвивати навички самостійної роботи з матеріалом

• виховувати в учнів вміння творчо та логічно мислити

Перегляд файлу

                                               Deciding on a place to eat


1 Look at the photo and answer the questions.

Where are the people and what are they doing?

What do people consider when deciding on a place to eat?




2 Read the dialogue. How many different places do Minnie, Stan and Hasif consider?


Minnie, Stan and Hasif are staying in the UK. They have been exploring the area on foot.

Minnie: We’ve been walking around for ages. Why don’t we take a break?

Stan: Great idea. (1) ………………………………

Hasif: there’s a great coffee shop down the road, but I’m a bit hungry. Do you fancy something to eat?

Stan: Sounds good. What about Tom’s Diner? I hear they do tasty burgers.

Minnie: (2) ………………………… What about something healthier?

Hasif: I heard Crazy Nachos is a cool place. It’s really popular.

Minnie: What type of food do they serve?

Hasif: Crazy Nachos? (3) …………………………  I love their Tex-Mex and their guacamole is to die for.

Stan: How about something even healthier? We could walk to Greens. They do a great range of salads and green smoothies.

Minnie: Nice idea, but I don’t think I could walk another step. Is there anywhere closer?

Stan: I know. Let’s try that new Thai place, My Thai. I’ve heard that the food is absolutely delicious and it’s just round the corner.

Minnie: (4) …………………………

Stan: Yes, there are a lot of vegetarian dishes and a few spicy ones, too.

Minnie: Good plan, Stan. Let’s have a look.

Hasif: Here we are. (5) …………………………

Minnie: I think they are quite reasonable. Mmm. Green curry with bamboo shoots, sounds yummy!

Hasif: And they have chicken wings with sweet chilli sauce! Everyone happy?

Stan: Yes. I think My Thai is the best option. (6) ………………………..



3 Read and complete the dialogue with the phrases (a–f).

a Mexican of course!

b I’m not so keen on burgers.

c Is there anything healthy on the


d Let’s go in!

e How about getting a coffee?

f What do you think of the prices?


4 Look at the expressions from the dialogue. Who says each one: Minnie, Stan or Hasif? Find two more examples from the dialogue for three of the headings.


Making suggestions

Why don’t we (take a break)?

Do you fancy (something to eat)?

Making a decision

I think (My Thai) is the best option.


Responding to suggestions

Sounds good.


Asking questions

What type of food do they serve?


5. Work in pairs. You are in a city in the UK. You are deciding where to eat. Make suggestions about the restaurants you’d like to visit. Respond to your partner’s suggestions and decide which place would be the best option.



23 серпня 2018
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