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Перегляд файлу

Simple Past

Goldilocks and the Three Bears


     Once upon a time there (be) _____________ three bears: huge Papa Bear, ordinary Mama Bear and tiny little Baby Bear. They (live) ______________ in a great big wood. One day, ordinary Mama Bear (cook)_________________ a delicious porridge for her family and (put) ______________ it into bowls: a huge bowl for huge Papa Bear, an ordinary bowl for ordinary Mama Bear and a little bowl for tiny little Baby Bear. To give the porridge some time to cool down, the three bears (go) ______________ for a walk. Near the great big wood, there (live) ________________ a little girl called Goldilocks. She (be / not) __________________________ allowed to go into the wood. But one day, she (sneak) __________________ out of the house and into the great big wood. After a while she (come) _____________________  to the bears' house. She (knock)_________________ at the door. She (look) _______________ through the windows. But nobody (seem) _______________ to be there. So, little Goldilocks (step)_______________ inside.

     In the kitchen, Goldilocks (smell) _________________ the porridge. She (get) _______________ very hungry and (try) ______________ the porridge in the huge bowl – too hot. Then she (taste) ______________ some of the porridge from the ordinary bowl – too cold. But the porridge in the little bowl (be) _____________ just right and Goldilocks (eat) ______________ it all up.

     In the sitting room, there (stand) ________________ the three bears' chairs. Goldilocks (sit) ______________ down in the huge chair – too hard. She (like / not) ________________ the ordinary chair either – too soft. She (love) _______________ the little chair, however. But she (sit / not) _________________ on this one very long as soon it (break) ____________ into pieces. So, Goldilocks (go) _______________ on exploring.

     In the bedroom there (be) ______________ three beds. Goldilocks suddenly          (feel) _____________ very tired. She (climb) __________________ onto the huge bed – too hard. Then she (crawl) __________________ into the ordinary bed – too soft. The little bed, however, (be) ___________ just right. So, Goldilocks                         (lie) ___________ down. And in next to no time, she (fall) ____________ asleep.

     After a while, the three bears (return) ______________ home. One look at their bowls and chairs and they (start) _____________ wondering. Something (was / not) _______________ right. They (come) ____________ into the bedroom. And there they (see) ______________ little Goldilocks in Baby Bear's bed. The three bears (watch) ______________ her for a while and then they (wake) ________________ her up. Goldilocks (open) _____________ her eyes. She (see) ______________ the bears, (begin) _______________ to scream and as fast as she (can) ___________, Goldilocks (run) ________________ out of the bears' house. The three bears (follow) _________________ her. But at the edge of the wood, the bears suddenly (stop) _________________. Frightened little Goldilocks (stop / not) ________________.    She (hurry) _______________ home to her parents and she never (visit) _______________ the bears' house again.




1) were             14) smelled, smelt       27) were             40) woke

2) lived             15) got                         28) felt               41) opened

3) cooked         16) tried                       29) climbed        42) saw

4) put                17) tasted                    30) crawled        43) began

5) went             18) was                        31) was              44) could

6) lived             19) ate                         32) lay                45) ran

7) was not         20) stood                     33) fell               46) followed

8) sneaked         21) sat                         34) returned       47) stopped

9) came             22) did not like            35) started          48) did not stop

10) knocked     23) loved                      36) was not        49) hurried

11) looked        24) did not sit               37) came            50) visited

12) seemed       25) broke                      38) saw

13) stepped       26) went                       39) watched




© by Lingo4you - www.lingo4u.de











Simple Past


Goldilocks and the Three Bears


     Once upon a time there (be) _______________1 three bears: huge Papa Bear, ordinary Mama Bear and tiny little Baby Bear. They (live) ________________2 in a great big wood. One day, ordinary Mama Bear (cook)_________________3 a delicious porridge for her family and (put) ______________4 it into bowls: a huge bowl for huge Papa Bear, an ordinary bowl for ordinary Mama Bear and a little bowl for tiny little Baby Bear. To give the porridge some time to cool down, the three bears (go) ____________5 for a walk. Near the great big wood, there (live) __________________6 a little girl called Goldilocks. She (be / not) ___________________7 allowed to go into the wood. But one day, she (sneak) _______________8 out of the house and into the great big wood. After a while she (come) ______________9 to the bears' house. She (knock) __________________10 at the door. She (look) __________________11 through the windows. But nobody (seem ______________12 to be there. So, little Goldilocks (step)________________13 inside.

     In the kitchen, Goldilocks (smell) _______________________14 the porridge. She (get) _______________15 very hungry and (try) ______________16 the porridge in the huge bowl – too hot. Then she (taste) ______________17 some of the porridge from the ordinary bowl – too cold. But the porridge in the little bowl (be) __________18 just right and Goldilocks (eat) ____________19 it all up.

     In the sitting room, there (stand) ___________________20 the three bears' chairs. Goldilocks (sit) _________________________21 down in the huge chair – too hard. She (like / not) __________________________________22 the ordinary chair either – too soft. She (love) _______________23 the little chair, however. But she (sit / not) __________________24 on this one very long as soon it (break) ____________25 into pieces. So, Goldilocks (go) _______________26 on exploring.

     In the bedroom there (be) _________________27 three beds. Goldilocks suddenly (feel) _______________28 very tired. She (climb) _____________29 onto the huge bed – too hard. Then she (crawl) ________________30 into the ordinary bed – too soft. The little bed, however, (be) _________31 just right. So, Goldilocks (lie) __________32 down. And in next to no time, she (fall) _______________33 asleep.

     After a while, the three bears (return) ________________34 home. One look at their bowls and chairs and they (start) _________________35 wondering. Something (was / not) _________________36 right. They (come) ____________37 into the bedroom. And there they (see) _______________38 little Goldilocks in Baby Bear's bed. The three bear (watch) ______________39 her for a while and then they (wake) ____________40 her up. Goldilocks (open) _____________41 her eyes. She (see) _______________42 the bears, (begin) _____________43 to scream and as fast as she (can) ____________44, Goldilocks (run) ______________45 out of the bears' house. The three bears (follow) ______________46 her. But at the edge of the wood, the bears suddenly (stop)________________________47. Frightened little Goldilocks (stop / not) ____________________48. She (hurry) __________________49 home to her parents and she never (visit) _______________50 the bears' house again.


















































Little Red Riding Hood


     Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood. Together with (she) ___________1 mum, (she) ____________2 lived in a big forest. One fine day, the mother said, “(You) ___________ 3 grandma is ill. Please go and take (she) __________4 a cake and a bottle of wine. Grandma's house is not too far away from (we) __________5 house, but please do always keep to the path and don't stop!“ So, Little Red Riding Hood made (she) ___________6 way to grandma's house.

     In the forest (she) ______________7 met the big bad wolf. Little Red Riding Hood greeted (he) ______________8 and the wolf asked:

“Where are (you) __________9 going, Little Red Riding Hood?“

   “To (I) ______________ 10 grandma's house,“ answered Little Red Riding Hood.

“Can you tell (I) _________11 where (you) ____________12 grandma lives?“

“(She) ___________13 lives in a little cottage at the edge of the forest.“

“Why don't (you) ___________14 pick some nice flowers for (she) ____________15?“

    asked the wolf.

“That's a good idea,“ said Little Red Riding Hood and began looking for flowers.

     Meanwhile, the wolf was on (he) ____________16 way to grandma's house. The house was quite small but nice and (it) ______________17 roof was made out of straw. The wolf went inside and swallowed poor old grandma. After that (he) _________18 put on (she) ____________19 clothes and lay down in grandma's bed.

     Some time later, Little Red Riding Hood came to the little cottage. (She) _________20 went inside and was shocked by the sight of (she) ___________21 grandma.

“Oh grandma, what big eyes, hands and mouth (you) __________22 have got!“ Little Red Riding Hood said.

     There, the wolf jumped out of bed and swallowed (she) ____________23, too. Then (he) _________24 lay down again and fell asleep.

     After a while, the hunter passed by Grandma's house. (He) __________25 heard somebody snoring, thought that there was something wrong and consequently went inside. In the bedroom, (he) ________26 saw the wolf. First, the hunter wanted to shoot (he) __________27. But then (he)________28 saw the wolf's big belly. So, the hunter took out (he) _______29 knife and cut the wolf's belly open. Out came Little Red Riding Hood and (she) _______30 grandma.

“Thank you for saving (we) _______31,“ whispered Little Red Riding Hood.

     Then, all of (they) _________32 went to fetch some stones and put (they) _________33 in the wolf's belly. Soon the wolf woke up. (He) _________34 was very thirsty and went to the well in the garden to get some water. When the wolf wanted to lean over and drink, the stones in (he) _________35 belly were too heavy and pulled (he) ___________36 down into the well.

     Grandma, the hunter and Little Red Riding Hood were happy, ate (they) _______37 cake and drank the wine. But in the well, the wolf thought, “Why do such things always happen to (I) ________38? “








1) her         14) you         27) him

2) she         15) her         28) he

3) Your       16) his          29) his

4) her          17) its          30) her

5) our          18) he         31) us

6) her          19) her        32) them

7) she          20) She       33) them

8) him          21) her        34) He

9) you          22) you       35) his

10) my         23) her        36) him

11) me         24) he         37) their

12) your        25) He        38) me

13) She       26) he

















If Clauses

The Cat and the Mouse

     Once upon a time there lived a cat and a mouse. One fine day, the cat bit the mouse's

tail off. "Give me back my tail," said the mouse. And the cat said, "Well, I (give) _____________________1 you back your tail if you fetched me some milk. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you." The mouse, however, went to the cow. "The cat (give / only) ____________________2 me back my tail if I fetch her some milk." And the cow said, "Well, I would give you some milk if you (get) ________________3 me some hay. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you."

     The mouse, however, went to the farmer. "The cat will only give me back my tail if the cow (give) ________________________________4 me some milk. And the cow (only / give) _________________________________5 me milk if I get her some hay." And the farmer said, "Well, I would give you some hay if you (bring) _____________6 me some meat. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you."

     The mouse, however, went to the butcher. "The cat will only give me back my tail if the

cow (give) __________________________7 me some milk. And the cow will only give me milk if she (get) _____________________8 some hay. And the farmer (only / give) ___________________9 me hay if I bring him some meat." And the butcher said, "Well, I would give you some meat if you (make) ___________________10 the baker bake me a bread. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you."

     The mouse, however, went to the baker. "The cat (give / only) ___________________

_________________11 me back my tail if I fetch her some milk. And the cow (give / not) _______________________________12 me milk if I don't bring her hay. And the farmer will only give me hay if butcher (have) ______________13 some meat for him. And the butcher will not give me meat if you (bake / not) ______________________14 him a bread." And the baker said, "Well, I (give) ________________________15 you some bread if you promise never to steal my corn or meal." The mouse promised not to steal, and so the baker gave the mouse bread, the mouse gave the butcher bread. The butcher gave the mouse meat, the mouse gave the farmer meat. The farmer gave the mouse hay, the mouse gave the cow hay. The cow gave the mouse milk, the mouse gave the cat milk. And the cat gave the mouse her tail back.

     But imagine what would have happened otherwise:

If the mouse (promised / not) _______________________16 never to steal corn or meal, the baker (not/give) _____________________________17 the mouse bread. If the baker (not / give) __________________________________18 the mouse bread, the butcher (not /leave) _____________________________19 her any meat for the farmer. If the butcher (not / leave) ____________________________20 her any meat, the farmer (not / be) ________________________________21 willing to give the mouse hay. If the farmer (not / be) ________________________________22 willing to give the mouse hay, the mouse (not / fetch) ________________________________23 milk from the cow. If the mouse (not /fetch) _________________________________24 milk from the cow, she (not / get) ________________________________25 back her tail.






1) would give                     14) don't / do not bake

2) will only give                  15) will give

3) got                                  16) had not promised

4) gives                              17) would not have given

5) will only give                  18) had not given

6) brought                          19) would not have left

7) gives                              20) had not left

8) gets                                21) would not have been

9) will only give                   22) had not been

10) made                            23) would not have fetched

11) will only                        24) had not fetched

12) won't /will not give        25) would not have got

13) has









(Adjectives, Adverbs - Form and Comparison)

The Three Little Pigs

     Once upon a time there were three little pigs who wanted to see the world. When the

they left home, their mum gave them an advice: "Whatever you do, do it the (good) __________________1 you can." So, the three pigs wandered through the world and were the (happy) _____________2 pigs you've ever seen. They played (funny) __________________3 games all summer long but then came autumn and each pig wanted to build a house.

     The first pig was not only the (small) _______________________4 but also the (lazy)

____________________5 of the pigs. He (quick) ______________________6 built a house out of straw. The second pig made his house out of wood which was a bit (difficult) __________________________________7 than building a straw house. The third pig followed his mum's advice and built a strong house out of bricks – the (difficult) _____________________________8 house of all. The pig worked very (hard) ____________________9 but finally got his house ready before winter.

     During the cold winter months, the three little pigs lived (extreme) _____________10

well in their houses. They (regular) _________________________11 visited one another and had the (wonderful) ___________________________________12 time.

     But one night, a wolf came to the place where the three little pigs lived. It was the (horrible) _____________________________13 looking wolf in the whole wide world.

Being (terrible) ____________________________14 hungry he went (straight) _________________________15 to the straw house. "Let me in, little pig," the wolf shouted out (angry) ____________________16, "or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down!" The pig didn't let him in and as the house was made out of straw, the wolf blew it down (easy) __________________________17. The little pig ran to his brother's house as (fast) _________________________18 as he could. But the wolf followed him to the wooden house. "Open up, little pigs," he shouted even (angry)__________________________19. Then he huffed and puffed and it didn't take him much (long) _________________20 to blow the house down. So, the two pigs (nervous) ________________________21 ran to their brother who lived in the brick house. The wolf followed them (grim) ________________________22. "Open the door," he shouted (fierce) _____________________23. As the pigs didn't open the wolf huffed and puffed (heavy) _________________________24. But the stone house didn't fall down. From all the huffing and puffing the wolf became even (hungry) ________________25. With his last power he (slow) ______________________26 climbed up the house to get in through the chimney. The pigs saw this and (hasty) ___________________27 lit a fire. When the wolf climbed down the chimney, he fell into the fire which was (awful) _____________________28 hot. He burnt his bum (bad) _______________29 and ran away.

     From that day on, the pigs had no more trouble with the wolf and they lived (happy) ______________________30 ever after.








1) best                       11) regularly                      21) nervously

2) happiest                12) most wonderful           22) grimly

3) funny                     13) most horrible /-bly       23) fiercely

4) smallest                 14) terribly                        24) heavily

5) laziest                    15) straight                       25) hungrier

6) quickly                   16) angrily                        26) slowly

7) more difficult          17) easily                         27) hastily

8) most difficult          18) fast                             28) awfully

9) hard                       19) more angrily               29) badly

10) extremely             20) longer                         30) happily














(All Tenses)

The Gingerbread Man

     Once upon a time there (be) ______________1 a little old man and a little old woman, and they (live) ______________2 all alone in a little old house. They (feel) ______________3 quite lonely because they (have) ______________4 no children. So one day, the little old woman (make) ______________5 a little boy out of gingerbread. When the little old woman (decorate) _____________________________6 her gingerbread boy, she (put) ______________7 him in the oven. Some time later the little old woman (open) ______________8 the oven door to (take) ______________9 her little gingerbread boy out again. But he just (jump) ______________10 out of the oven and (run) ______________11 away. The little old man and the little old woman (run) ______________12 after him to (catch) ______________13 their little gingerbread boy. But the gingerbread boy (be) ______________14 faster than the little old man and the little old woman. He (laugh) ______________15 and (shout) ______________16 , “(Run) ______________17 as fast as you (can) ______________18 . You (catch/not) ______________19 me. I (be) ______________20 the gingerbread man.” And they (can/not) ______________21 catch him.

     The little gingerbread boy (run) ______________22 on and on and after a while he (pass) ______________23 a cow. The cow (say) ______________________24 , “Hello, little gingerbread boy. You (look) ____________________________25 delicious. Please stop, I (want / eat) ________________________26 you.” But the gingerbread boy just (laugh) ______________27 , “I (run) ______________28 away from the little old man. And I (run) ______________29 away from the little old woman. So just (run) ______________30 as fast as you (can) ______________31 . You (catch/not) ______________________32 me. I (be) ______________33 the gingerbread man.” And the cow (can/not) ______________34 catch him.

     The little gingerbread boy (run) ______________35 on and on and after a while he (come) _________________36 to a horse. The horse (tell) __________________37 the gingerbread boy, “Please stop, you (look) ___________________38 very good to (eat) __________________39 .”  But the gingerbread boy just (laugh) _______________40 , "I (run) ______________41 away from the little old man. I (run) ______________42 away from the little old woman. I (run) __________________43 away from the cow. And I (run) ______________44 away from you! So just (run) ______________45 as fast as you (can) _________________46. You (catch/not) ______________________47 me. I (be) ________________48 the gingerbread man.” And the horse (can/not) _________________49 catch him.

     After the gingerbread boy (run) _________________________50 for another while, he (see) _________________51 a fox. The gingerbread boy (cry) ________________52 ,  “I (run) _______________53 away from the little old man. I (run) _______________54 away from the little old woman. I (run) __________________55 away from the cow. And I (run) ______________56 away from the horse. So just (run) ______________57 as fast as you (can) ________________58! You (catch/not) __________________59 me. I (be) ______________60 the gingerbread man.”  But the fox (reply) _____________61 , “I (know) ___________________62  I (can/not/catch) ______________________63 you.


You (be) ______________64 too fast for me. But even if I (can) ______________65 catch you, I (not/do) _____________________66 it.”

     The little gingerbread boy ran on and on. But suddenly he (come) ______________67 to a river. He (be) _____________68 in deep trouble because he (know/not) __________________69 how to swim. And the little old man, the little old woman, the cow and the horse (run/still) ___________________70 after him. The fox (say) _____________71 , “Jump on my tail and I (take) ______________72 you across the river.” So the little gingerbread boy (jump) __________________73 on the fox's tail. They (swim) ____________________74 just a little distance when the fox (turn) _____________________75 his head to the little gingerbread boy, “You (be) __________________76 too heavy for my tail. Please little gingerbread boy, (jump) _________________77 on my back.” So the little gingerbread boy (jump) _______________________78 on the fox's back. In the middle of the river, the fox (ask) ____________79 the little gingerbread boy, “You (be) ___________80 too heavy. My back (sink) _________________81 . (jump) _______________82 on my nose and you (stay) _____________________83 dry.” So the little gingerbread boy (jump) _____________________84 on the fox's nose. But as soon as they (reach) ___________________________85 the other side of the river, the fox (throw) ______________86 back his head and (eat) ______________________87 the little gingerbread boy.
















1 were, was              23 passed                   46 can                                   67 came

2 lived                       24 said                        47 will not catch                    68 was

3 felt                         25 look                        48 am                                    69 did not know

4 had                        26 want to eat             49 could not,                         70 were still

5 made                     27 laughed was not able to running

6 had decorated       28 have run                 50 had been running             71 said

7 put                         29 have run                 51 saw                                  72 will take

8 opened                  30 run                          52 cried                                 73 jumped

9 take                        31 can                         53 have run                          74 had swum

10 jumped                 32 will not catch          54 have run                          75 turned

11 ran                        33 am                         55 have run                          76 are

12 ran                        34 could not                56 have run                          77 jump

13 catch                    35 ran                          57 run                                   78 jumped

14 was                      36 came                      58 can                                   79 asked

15 laughed                37 told                         59 will not catch                    80 are

16 shouted                38 look                        60 am                                    81 is sinking

17 Run                      39 eat                          61 replied                              82 jump

18 can                       40 laughed                  62 know                                83 will stay

19 will not catch        41 have run                 63 cannot catch                    84 jumped

20 am                        42 have run                 64 are                                   85 reached

21 could not              43 have run                 65 could, were able to          86 threw

22 ran                        44 will run                   66 would not do                    87 ate












































































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