Матеріал до уроку "The Cat and the Mouse"

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Once upon a time

bite off-bit off-bitten off






make sb. do sth.











1) would give                          14) don't / do not bake

2) will only give                      15) will give

3) got                                      16) had not promised

4) gives                                   17) would not have given

5) will only give                      18) had not given

6) brought                              19) would not have left

7) gives                                   20) had not left

8) gets                                     21) would not have been

9) will only give                       22) had not been

10) made                                23) would not have fetched

11) will only                            24) had not fetched

12) won't /will not give            25) would not have got

13) has











If Clauses

The Cat and the Mouse

     Once upon a time there lived a cat and a mouse. One fine day, the cat bit the mouse's tail off. "Give me back my tail," said the mouse. And the cat said, "Well, I (give) __________________1 you back your tail if you fetched me some milk. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you." The mouse, however, went to the cow. "The cat (give / only) _______________2 me back my tail if I fetch her some milk." And the cow said, "Well, I would give you some milk if you (get) ________________3 me some hay. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you."

     The mouse, however, went to the farmer. "The cat will only give me back my tail if the cow (give) ____________________4 me some milk. And the cow (only / give) ___________________5 me milk if I get her some hay." And the farmer said, "Well, I would give you some hay if you (bring) ________________6 me some meat. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you."

     The mouse, however, went to the butcher. "The cat will only give me back my tail if the cow (give) ____________________7 me some milk. And the cow will only give me milk if she (get) ___________________8 some hay. And the farmer (only / give) ____________________9 me hay if I bring him some meat." And the butcher said, "Well, I would give you some meat if you (make) _______________10 the baker bake me a bread. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you."

     The mouse, however, went to the baker. "The cat (give / only) ______________________11 me back my tail if I fetch her some milk. And the cow (give / not) _____________________12 me milk if I don't bring  her  hay.  And  the  farmer  will  only  give  me  hay  if  butcher (have)



______________13 some meat for him. And the butcher will not give me meat if you (bake / not) _______________________14 him a bread." And the baker said, "Well, I (give) _____________________15 you some bread if you promise never to steal my corn or meal." The mouse promised not to steal, and so the baker gave the mouse bread, the mouse gave the butcher bread. The butcher gave the mouse meat, the mouse gave the farmer meat. The farmer gave the mouse hay, the mouse gave the cow hay. The cow gave the mouse milk, the mouse gave the cat milk. And the cat gave the mouse her tail back.

     But imagine what would have happened otherwise:

If the mouse (promised / not) _________________16 never to steal corn or meal, the baker (not/give) __________________17 the mouse bread. If the baker (not / give) _____________________18 the mouse bread, the butcher (not /leave) ______________________19 her any meat for the farmer. If the butcher (not / leave) ___________________20 her any meat, the farmer (not / be) _____________________21 willing to give the mouse hay. If the farmer (not / be) ___________________22 willing to give the mouse hay, the mouse (not / fetch) ___________________23 milk from the cow. If the mouse (not /fetch) ___________________24 milk from the cow, she (not / get) ___________________25 back her tail.




- The End -



18 жовтня 2018
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