Матеріали до інтегрованого уроку з англійської мови та географії "At the Map of Ukraine"

Про матеріал

Додатковий матеріал до вивчення теми"Україна",розрахований на інтеграцію з географією. Можливо використовувати як цілий урок або використовувати елементи.

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Матеріали до  інтегрованого уроку з англійської мови та географії

                                 Вчитель англійської мови- Лебєдь Тетяна Василівна

                   "At the Map of Ukraine" ( The 10th form -  B1)

THEME: Geographical position of Ukraine

AIMS: - to learn  and to practice the pronunciation of words to describe Ukraine;

- to broaden pupils' knowledge about  geographical position and climate of Ukraine;

-  to develop reading, speaking, listening, writing and dialogic skills using active vocabulary of the topic;

-  to practice the use of Present Tenses;

Educational goal:  to foster respect and love to our Motherland;

ECQUIPMENT: a map of Ukraine, copy- books, books, cards, pictures of different cities of Ukraine and their places of interest.

Text "At the Map of Ukraine" (V.L. Polupan  Ukraine  A Cultural Reader  p.6 )

VOCABULARY :  words to describe Ukraine;

GRAMMAR: Present Simple  Active  and  Passive, Past Simple Active  and  Passive;



At the previous lesson pupils got a home task - to read, to translate and to retell the text;

The pupils are divided into three groups. The text is divided into three  parts. Every group gets its part of the text. The groups of children have different colours:  I group - I part of the text - red colour; II - yellow; III - green.

At the beginning of the lesson the pupils work with the text in groups.  They read, translate and retell the text. The purpose is to check the home task and to revise the vocabulary.

From 3 groups with colour the pupils make new groups with different colours (two children with red, two with yellow, two with green colours). The task is to retell the whole text (the I group retells their part, the II group retells their part and so on) and to learn new words.

 The pupils prepare the mind maps. They discuss their ideas and try to add more categories to their mind maps. .  The purpose is to  learn  and to practice the pronunciation of words to describe Ukraine. When the task is finished the groups present  their  mind maps and explain them  ( appendix1) .

The pupils work with the contour map.  The purpose is to teach other members of the group the  other parts of the text. The task is to make appropriate signs on the contour map of  Ukraine and to be ready to explain them to other groups  ( appendix2 ).

The pupils prepare an excursion around Ukraine. They work  together to work out a plan of their excursion. According to their plan the pupils  divide  themselves into groups. Each group has its own topic. If the  lesson is held in a computer class , the pupils use computers to prepare presentations. The presentations may be prepared at home. The pupils choose one or some mates from their group to be a guide (s) to present their material.  Also every group prepare  brochures to make their excursions more clear. These brochures may be electronic or drawn. Of course every  group needs to prepare some advertisements of their excursion(also electronic or drawn ) . The teacher  helps to organize   the pupils '  preparation work and  to conduct the whole presentation. At the end of the lesson the pupils vote to decide whose presentation is the best and  discuss their marks.































29 березня 2018
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