Матеріали до уроків: Question Words. Opposites

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Матеріал до уроку з граматики "Question Words. Opposites." Даний матеріал дає змогу учням засвоїти вживання питальних слів в англійських питальних реченнях. А також учні вивчають та запамятовують прикметники та антоніми до них.

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I. Write the correct question word:


1.  ________  are they good friends?                because they like to help each other.


2.  ________ do they play after school?           in their tree house.


3.  ________ is a good swimmer?                     David.


4.  ________ color is David's dog?                    It is white.


5.  ________  is David?                                     He is 10 years old.


6.  ________ do the boys play on computer?     in the afternoon




  1. Why                       4) What
  2. Where                    5) How old
  3. Who                       6) When














II. Find the opposites:



    1. I don't like this book. It is _________.

    2. This hat costs only 2 dollars. It is very __________.

    3. My brother is a basketball player. He is very ___________.

    4. We all like the new "Harry Potter" movie. It is so __________!

    5. My parents are very ___________. They are 35 years old.

    6. Our school is 120 years old. It is an ___________ school .

    7. I and my friend like baseball. We have the ___________ hobby.

    8. Your shoes cost 150 dollars. They are too ___________.

    9. I am not tall. I am __________ for my age.

     10. He likes sport. She likes music. They have ___________ hobbies.




1) boring                    6) old

2) cheap                     7) same

3) tall                         8) expensive

4) interesting             9) short

5) young                   10) different







III. Write the correct question word:


    1. ______ is California?                                        in USA

    2. ______ is 16 years old?                                    Debby's sister

    3. ______ does she write an e-mail?                    because she wants to find pen pals

    4. ______ is her favorite basketball team?           the LA Eagles

    5. ______ is Debby?                                            14 years old

    6. ______ does she play basketball?                    twice a week

    7. ______ pets does Debby have?                        one pet dog

    8. ______ does she collect?                                  stamps

    9. ______ likes dancing?                                      Debby

   10. ______ color is Debby's hair?                         She has blonde hair.





                         I. 1) True          2) False                    II. 1) USA

                             2) True         3) True                           2) Los Angeles

                             3) False         4) False                         3) blue

                             4) True         5) True                           4) LA Eagles

                             5) True         6) True                           5) swimming; basketball

                                                                                         6) dentist


                      III. 1) 14                                             IV. 1) Where

                            2) blue                                                 2) Who

                            3) stamps                                             3) Why

                            4) basketball                                        4) What

                            5) surf the net                                      5) How old

                            6) hates                                                6) How often

                            7) history                                             7) How many

                                                                                         8) What

                                    9) Who

                                       10) What







Pick the correct words in the brackets.

1. My father is as (strong, stronger, strongest) as his father.

2. She is (pretty, prettier, prettiest) than her sister.

3. You are not as (tall, taller, tallest) as your brother.

4. That pond is the (shallow, shallower, shallowest) in this area.

5. That has to be the (interesting, more interesting, most interesting) film I have seen.

6. Which university offers (the good, the better, the best) degree courses?

7. This clown is not as (funny, funnier, funniest) as the other one.

8. He is easily the (bad, worse, worst) player in the team.

9. The second half of the play was (little, less, the least) interesting.

10. What is (far, farther, the farthest) distance you have ever run?


Key:    1) strong;  2) prettier;  3) tall;  4) shallowest;  5) most interesting;

           6) the best;  7) funny;  8) worst;  9) less;  10) the farthest




Read the e-mail and answer:


I. Choose the correct answer:   True/ False

  1. Debby writes about her city.

  2. Debby writes about her sister.

  3. Debby writes about her clothes.

  4. Debby writes about her hobby.

  5. Debby writes about her age.

  6. Debby writes about her friends.

  7. Debby writes about her pet.

  8. Debby writes about her parents.

  9. Debby asks questions.

10. Debby writes what she likes to do.


II. Find in the e -mail:

1. The name of a country  __________

2. The name of a city ___________

3. The name of a colour ___________

4. The name of a team  ___________                        

5. The names of two sports ________ (8 letters) and ________ (10 letters)

6. The name of a job ___________


III. Choose the correct answer:

1. Debby is  (13 / 14 / 16)  years old.

2. She has  (brown / blue / grey)  eyes.

3. Debby collects  (dolls / coins / stamps) of birds.

4. She plays  (swimming / tennis / basketball)  twice a week.

5. Debby likes to  (sing songs / surf the net / write e-mails).

6. She  (enjoys / hates  /  likes)  going to the dentist.

7. Debby likes reading  (animals  /  birds  /  history)  books.


Match the pictures to the sentences:



Two girls are talking. They are going to school. ______    

My mother is working in the kitchen now.   ______       

Three girls are dancing.  ______                                                 

I like to watch cartoons with my grandmother.  ______ 

We are having a picnic on the beach.  ______                    

There are five pupils in the classroom.  ______                

The little girl is happy to see her grandparents.  ______ 

 I am doing the homework in my room.  ______                

My father is working in the restaurant.  ______            

My sister has birthday today. She is eight.  ______         

The boy is writing on the board now.  ______               

There are presents on the table.  ______     


Key:  8;   9;   1;   5;   4;   12;   6;   2;   3;   10;   7;   11            






















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