Матеріали до уроку з теми Nature and Climate для 10 класу "Our future in our hands"

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p l a n e t e a r t h

I want I want I think we to to are going

to ... know...   learn...

*      imageWhat is the future of our planet?

*      What footprint will you leave after yourself?

*      What's the topic of our lesson?


imageLook at the words below and decide which are good or bad for the environment. Put a tick (V) or a cross (X) next to each one of them.

_recy led paper


Look at the words below and decide which are good or bad for the environment. Put a tick (V) or a cross (X) next to each one of them.


imageLrecy led paper 21-s aößénels

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owing verbs to complete the-tw&é50ÅiÆS below



Plant -tropicå/ rainfore ts more trees

We shouldne



save                 Species

-energy and water


$/astic bags

Cut —trees


Use the following verbs to complete the-fwq Cölumns below


We shouldnE



tropical rainforestS

waste—energy and water

plant_more trees

plastic bads

cut trees save endangered species.13AOlVöforests

Look at the list of words and phrases and explain their meaning in your own words. Complete the sentences below using the given vocabulary.



1) Old environmental problems, resulting from mining and nuclear, are still t unresolved.image


image means the process of collecting and chan ing old paper, glass, plastic, so that it can be used again. image

3) The supermarket encourages shoppers to  plastic bags.image

        J that documentary, Sandra decided to go   and start walking

environmentaIY friend*

green a process of saving energy. -.te people who love the natural world. is better than cure.

8) Electric buses are a clean,                            way to travel.


Look at the list of words and phrases and explain their meaning in your own words. Complete the sentences below using the given vocabulary.


1)                                                                     Old environmental problems, resulting from mining and nuclear  , are imagestill left unresolved.image

2)                                                                     means the process of collecting and changing old paper, glass, plastic, so that it can be used again. reuse

3)                                                                     The supermarket encourages shoppers to image plastic bags.

4)                                                                     imageimageAfter watching that documentary, Sandra decided togoand start walking

to work.green


5)                                                                     Energy is a process of saving energy.

6)                                                                     are people who love the natural world.

7)                                                                     is better than cure.

8)                                                                     ectric buses are a clean, way to travel.

Read the text and tell whether there is such a holiday in your country? imageHow is it usually celebrated?

imageEarth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. The event is held worldwide to imagecelebrate support for protection of the environment. The first Earth Day actually consisted of two separate celebrations in 1970, one on March 21st and the other on imageApril 22nd. Earth Day 1970 gave a voice to that appearing consciousness and put environmental concerns on the front page. It became the day when we celebrate nature, raise awareness about environmental issues, learn of ways to lighten our footprint on the planet, and send a message to the rest of the world that we care imageabout our environment. On April 22, 1990, the 20th anniversary of Earth Day, more than 200 million people in 141 countries participated in Earth Day celebrations across the globe. Today, the fight for a clean environment continues with increasing urgency, as the destructive effects of climate change become clearer every day. It is absolutely critical that we take care of the Earth and its natural resources.

Read the text and tell whether there is such a holiday in your country? imageHow is it usually celebrated?

imageEarth Day is a great time to reflect. Are the decisions you make day-to-day in line with imagehow you really want to live your life? If not, what steps will you take to make the two imageimagebalance? There are many things you can do to help the environment; which will you focus on for the next year? Reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Reducing nutrient imageor sediment runoff on your property? Participating in a citizen-science, conservationimageminded project? Ask yourself which of your strengths you can use to help those imageimagearound you make environmentally sound decisions. Which issues do you know less imageimageabout? Decide on important local or global issues you would like to learn more about imageand go for it. You may be a persuasive leader who can provide that little extra push imageimagethat we often need, or you may be an introvert who can be successfully led by imageimageexample. Use this day to commit to changes that will make a difference for the imagewhole year.

Post-reading task. Are the sentences true or false?

1)  Earth Day was initially celebrated on the 21 st of March, but then imagethe date changed to the 22d of April.

2)  By 1990 more than 200 million people and 1 41 countries had imagejoined the celebration. image

image3) Each of us must be an active participant of all the preventative activities offered by the Earth Day environmental campaigns. image4) Earth Day is a chance for each of us to consider the impact we make.

Post-reading task. Are the sentences true or false?image

1)                  Earth Day was initially celebrated on the 21 st of March, but then the date changed to the 22d of April.

2)                  By 1990 more than 200 million people and 141 countries had joined the celebration. image

3)                  Each of us must be an active participant of all the preventative activities offered by the Earth Day environmental campaigns. 4) Earth Day is a chance for each of us to consider the impact we make.

Listen to the recording and match the speakers to their imageplans for the Earth Day.image

imagea) clean school playground

Speaker 1 b) conserving energy and water

Speaker 2     the c) start yardown organic garden in

Speaker 3 ) you can do a lot of small imagethings, but not only on the Earthimage

imageSpeaker 4   Day


Listen to the recording and match the speakers to their imageplans for the Earth Day.

image) clean school playground

Speaker) conserving energy and water

Speaker 2      the ) start yardown organic garden in

Speaker 3 d) you can do a lot of small imagethings, but not only on the Earth

Speaker 4  Day



going to-future

Present Simple







prediction, assumption, spontaneous action

planned action or intention in the future, logical consequ ence (sth. is going to happen)

fact about the future, scheduled or arranged action.

planned and arranged action in the near future

action will definitely happen (it usually happens) or instead of Pr.Cont. for emphasis

sth. will already have happened before a certain time in the future

He will carry this bag for you. I'm sure you will enjoy the film.

I'll see you tomorrow.

We are going to fly to Leeds in summer. Be careful!

You are going to fall.

The train leaves at

6.45. It is my birthday tomorrow.

My friends from England are coming to see me next mont h.

They will be playing football on Sunday afternoon.

She Will have finished the report by tomorrow.

imageimageimage                                THE USE OF FUTURE TENSES                                                               image


When talking about plans and arrangements, three tenses forms (Going to, Present

Continious and Future Simple) are essentially the same. However, when using the Present Continuous for future use, we usually include the specific time in the future. Ex.: We're going to visit him next week. We're visiting him next week. We'll be visiting him next week.

Use the future forms to complete the following sentences.

1)                  Ten years from now, most cars will drive/will be driving on their own.image

2)                  The conference starts/is starting at 9.1 5 in the City hall.

3)                  This old tree has been dead for some time. It is going to fall over/will fall over soon.


4)                  They will cover/will have covered 30 km by sunset.image

5)                  Scientists say that space colonies will be/are going to be the only solution for overpopulation in the near future.

6)                  What are you doing/do you do on Saturday evening? - I am not working/will not be working, so we can go out somewhere.

Offline task. PROJECTimage

T: Write a web page using the future tenses and the directions below.

image1) Write 3 sentences predicting what is going to happen in the world during the next 1 0 years.

2)                 Write 1 thing you are going to do and 1 thing you are not going to do this year.

3)                 imageWrite 3 sentences about plans or arrangements you have for the upcoming months.image

image4) Write 2 things you will be doing at this very time in the nearest future.

5) What's one thing you will have done by this date next year? Do you have any questions about the project?



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