Матеріали до вивчення теми «Українські національні свята» на уроках англійської мови.

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Матеріали до вивчення теми «Українські національні свята» на уроках англійської мови.

Матеріал включає текст для читання про святкування Водохрещі, завдання на перевірку розуміння прочитаного, завдання на обговорення ( з повторенням граматики) та список тем для домашнього твору.

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Матеріали до вивчення теми «Українські національні свята» на уроках англійської мови.

The topic of the text and the task is “Ukrainian National Holidays”. The students’ age group is 13-15. Grades—7-9.

  1. Task 1. Skimming the text.

A Remarkable Winter Holiday in Ukraine.

1). Closing the winter holidays is "Vodokhreshcha" (19 January) or as it is popularly called - Yordan (Jordan - symbolic for the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan). On this day, from midnight till midnight water gets healing properties and keeps them throughout the year, healing bodily and spiritual illnesses.

2). Women tried to avoid rinsing linen in water before the holiday, as the "devils stays there and may catch them". Girls used to put viburnum or coral beads into the holy water and wash their faces with it to have rosy cheeks.

3). On the Eve of Vodokhrescha was the "Holodna kutia" (Hungry ku- tia). All the faithful would not eat any food for the whole day. In the evening they sit down for dinner once the evening star appears in the sky. After dinner everybody puts their spoons into one bowl and cover it with bread, "for bread to be born".

4). On the day of Vodokhrescha, water is blessed in every city and vil­lage that has a church. Since days of old, this blessed water has been considered to be a cure against many illnesses. It is given to seriously ill people and is used to bless churches, homes and animals. They say water from Vodokhrescha never spoils or smells and can be stored throughout the year whether it’s true or not – it remains a mystery.

5). The water was usually blessed in natural bodies of water, for example, a river and a cross-shaped ice-hole - a yordan - was carved out for this purpose. Before, mainly people who took part in fortune-telling and masquerades would dip themselves into this water to wash away their sins. Today the tradition of dipping into the ice-hole on Vodokhres­cha is popular throughout Ukraine.

The aim of the task is to train students in skimming a text, which is a useful learning skill.

The target lexical units: healing properties, spiritual, blessed, superstitious beliefs, qualities.

 Students are asked to skim the text and to answer the following questions.

Which paragraph(s) tells…

  1. the qualities of the Yordan water?
  2. superstitious beliefs  connected with "Vodokhreshcha"?
  3. eating traditions observed at the holiday?
  4. the ways Yordan water is used after the holiday?
  5. the history of the holiday?
  6. swimming in the river at Yordan?
  7. the church activities at the holiday?

Task 2. Correcting grammar mistakes and answering the questions.

The text above .A Remarkable Winter Holiday in Ukraine”.

The aim of the task is to train students in finding mistakes in questions. The students’ age group is 13-15.

The target grammar: word order in questions of different types, correct auxiliary words, Passive Voice, Present and Past simple.

Students are asked to correct the mistakes in the questions and to answer the following questions.

Correct the mistakes, then answer the questions:

  1. Why women tried to avoid doing washing before the holiday?
  2. Does Vodokhreshcha celebrated in January?
  3. On the Eve of Vodokhrescha people wouldn’t eat any food for the whole day, didn’t they?
  4. Do food or water gets healing properties on Vodokhrescha?
  5. Who did dip themselves into the water before?
  6. Vodokhrescha is the closing winter holiday, doesn’t it?
  7. Is water bless at Vodokhrescha?
  8. What is Vodokhrescha tradition popular throughout Ukraine nowadays?

Task 3. “Some Ideas for Compositions”.

The material learned within studying Ukraine country studies.

The aim of the task is to inspire  students in writing . The students’ age group is 13-15.

Students are asked to write a composition on one of the following topics.

1. Write about a time you learnt something interesting about Ukraine. When and where was it? What was it about?

2. Write about a time you first felt proud of Ukraine. When and where was it? What was it about?

3. Write a catalogue describing places worth visiting in Ukraine.

4. Write an advertisement for a Ukrainian travelling agency inviting to visit Ukraine.

5. Write a menu for a restaurant of Ukrainian national cuisine.

6. Write a speech for the president of Ukraine at the UNO session describing the way nature in protected in the country (renewable energy is produced, “green” food is produced)

7. Write a postcard from a historical monument in your city to the people living now.

8. Here is why I am proud of Ukraine.

9. Here is why Ukraine has everything to become a prosperous state.

10. Here is why it’s necessary to act if you want to change Ukraine for the better.

11. Here is why I like to travel around Ukraine.

12. Here is why I like Ukrainian cuisine.

13. Here is why we are proud of Ukrainian sportsmen.

14. Here is why everybody should visit Kyiv (your native city).

15. What if you were a president of Ukraine? What would you change in the country?

16. What if you had three wishes (that would come true) about Ukraine?

17. What if Zaporizhzhian Cossacks come to life?

18. What if you were able to move to some other place in Ukraine?

19. Write five reasons why it’s better to live in your native country.

20. Write about Ukrainian superstitious beliefs.


До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 8 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
26 липня 2018
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