Квест – це аматорське спортивно-інтелектуальне змагання, основою якого є послідовне виконання заздалегідь підготовлених завдань командами або окремими гравцями.
Метою квесту з англійської мови є розвиток зацікавленості студентів у вивченні англійської мови, навичок культури поведінки та спілкування в умовах гри. Студенти – учасники поділяються на групи – команди. Кожна команда обирає собі девіз і емблему. Капітан кожної команди отримує маршрутний лист, на якому зазначено порядок станцій, по яким рухається команда. На кожній станції є викладач та його асистенти. На останній станції “Music station” всі учасники збираються разом і там же підводяться підсумки.
Мета: розвивати зацікавленість студентів у вивченні англійської мови; розвивати навички культури поведінки та спілкування в умовах гри; сприяти вихованню особистості.
Обладнання:секундомір, планшети з назвами станцій, текст пісні.
Вказівки щодо ведення гри:
Хід гри
Муз фон 1
S: Good afternoon, dear friends, the participants of our linguistic game “Discovering English world”. This game is for those who love English and who learn English. Today’s game will help you to enrich your knowledge and enjoy the time.
S: How do you think is it important to study English?
S: The more languages you speak, the more times you are a human being
S: It’s not surprising, that English is one of the most important languages nowadays.
S: English is spoken practically all around the world!
S: Today English is used by at last 750 millions people. It is necessary in different spheres.
S: That is why we are discovering today “English world”
Муз фон 1
S: Let’s meet our cleverest students! Team of nursing specialty!
S: Team of medicine specialty!
S: Team of pharmaceutical specialty!
S: And Team of lyceum!
Прибрати фон
S: Let’s tell us name and motto of your team!
S: You are welcome, please!
S: So, why study English?
(answers of the teams)
S: Now the captains of the teams will receive the route lists and our game will start.
Task1. Translate the words for 30 seconds.
The first student.
1 після, 2ягода, 3птах, 4діти, 5столиця, 6щоденник, 7вечір, 8університет, 9нудний, 10бабуся, 11освіта, 12шкільна форма, 13екзамен, 14різати, 15забувати, 16починатися, 17наш, 18готувати, 19будувати, 20пити.
1 after 2 berry, 3 bird, 4 children, 5 capital, 6 diary, 7 night, 8 University 9 boring, 10 grandmother, 11 degree, 12 uniforms, 13 exam, 14 cut, 15 forgotten 16 start, 17 our cook 18, 19 building, 20 to drink.
The second student.
1жовтий, 2підручник , 3сторінка, 4поїзд, 5оповідання, 6дощ, 7відвідувати, 8багато, 9дванадцять, 10запам’ятовувати, 11використовувати, 12торт, 13завжди, 14математика, 15малювати, 16змагання, 17сірий, 18ненавидіти, 19гриб, 20приходити.
1 yellow, 2 tutorial 3 Page 4 train, 5 stories, rain 6, 7 to attend, many 8, 9 twelve 10 remember, use 11, 12 cake is always 13, 14 math, 15 draw16 competitions, 17 gray, 18 hate 19 mushroom, 20 come.
The third student.
1починати, 2автомобіль, 3темний, 4падати, 5перший, 6географія, 7щасливий, 8довгий, 9січень, 10оцінка, 11національний,12повторювати, 13професія, 14море, 15село, 16чути, 17знати, 18біологія, 19понеділок, 20обід.
1 start, 2 car, 3 black, 4 fall 5 first 6 Geography, 7 lucky 8 long, 9 January, 10 score, 11 national, 12 repeat, 13 profession, 14 sea 15 village 16 heard 17 Know 18 Biology, 19 Monday, 20 dinner.
The fourth student.
1робочий день, 2перекладати, 3лінійка, 4класти, 5місяць, 6маленький, 7червень, 8кожний, 9чистий, 10вирішувати , 11дошка, 12улюблений,
13проводити, 14бути добре обладнаним, 15футболка, 16повага,
17покарання, 18відвідувати, 19знаходити, 20знати.
1 day, 2 translate, 3ruler, 4 lay, 5 month, 6 small, 7 June, 8 each, 9 clean 10 decide 11board , 12 favorite, 13 Spend, 14 to be well-equipped, 15 T-shirt, 16 respect,17 penalties, 18 to visit 19 find, 20 know.
The fifth student.
1відсутній, 2тварина, 3розмова, 4страшний, 5половина, 6носити,
7фізкультура, 8знову, 9лист, 10тому що, 11писати, 12субота, 13дядько, 14думати, 15молодий, 16строгий, 17сучасний , 18правдивий, 19проводити, 20робити.
1 absent, 2 animal 3 conversation 4 terrible 5half, 6 wear 7 exercise 8 again 9 letter, 10 because 11 to write 12 Saturday, 13 uncle, 14 think, 15 young 16 severe, 17 modern, 18 true, 19 carry 20 do.
The sixth student.
1вчора, 2погода, 3уява, 4смішний, 5розмова, 6бібліотека 7автор,
8заголовок, 9розуміти, 10розумний, 11писати, 12важкий , 13іноземний, 14говорити, 15канікули, 16часто, 17отримувати задоволення, 18плавати, 19навчати, 20вигравати.
1 yesterday, 2 weather, 3imagination, 4 funny 5conversation 6 library 7 author 8 Title, 9 understand 10 clever, 11 to write 12 heavy 13 foreign, 14 say, 15 holidays, 16 often, 17 to enjoy 18 swim, 19 to teach 20 to win.
(кожна правильна відповідь 1 бал, максимальна кількість – 120 балів)
The task. Render the text
Вовк в Парижі.
Одного разу в одному з паризьких парків в центрі міста поліція спіймала вовка. Хтось із людей подзвонив і повідомив, що по парку бігає собака без господаря. Поліція спіймала «собаку» і відвезла до місця для кинутих домашніх тварин. І лише там ветеринар побачив, що гість парку – не собака, а справжній вовк. Як цей лісний звір опинився (to find oneself) в центрі паризької столиці залишається невідомо.
(максимальна кількість 5 балів, оцінюється кожне правильно перекладене речення)
Task 1. Заповни пропуски буквосполученнями із кілець і ти прочитаєш шість англійських прислів’їв. Дай їх англійський еквівалент.
1.An ho… inthe …rningiswortht… inthe …ening.
2. Itis nev… too …te to lea… .
3.Every …ing is go… on its …ason.
4.First thi… then …eak.
5.All …ings are …fficultbefo… they are easy.
6.Be slow to pro…se and …ick to perform.
Task 2. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following proverbs and sayings.
(максимальна кількість 15 балів за кожне речення)
Task1. Find sightseeing place in puzzle
the Houses of Parliament St Paul’s Cathedral
The London Eye Westminster Abbey
(максимальна кількість – 4 бали за правильно відгадане визначне місце)
Task 2. Find a key word
There are two ships. A gold ship and a silver ship. But…
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
`5 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
1. What is the most ancient stone circle in Great Britain?
a. The Tower b. Stonehenge c. Hadrian’s wall
2. What is the symbol of England?
a. An eagle b. a bagpipe c. a rose
3. The emblem of Scotland is…
a. Oak b. thistle c. Nessy
4. What palace is the official residence of the Queen?
a. Regent Palace b. Westminster Palace c. Buckingham Palace
5. What is the biggest clock in the world?
6. The Beatles came from:
a Manchester b. Liverpool c. Birmingham
7. An … a day keeps the doctor away. (a proverb)
8. What is the national clothing of the Scots? (a picture)
9. For Christmas dinner the English usually have:
a. Fish b. chicken c. turkey
10. What is the name of London Underground?
a. Metro b. Tube c. Subway
11. The capital of Wales is:
a. Edinburgh b. London c. Cardiff
12. What is the oldest university?
a. Cambridge b. Oxford c. Cardiff university
13. The patron saint of Northern Ireland is…
a. St. George b. St. Andrew c. St Patrick
14. The traditional English drink is…
a. Tea b. coffee c. milk
15. What is the name of London police?
a. Covent Garden b. Regent’s park c. Scotland Yard
16. A friend in need is a friend … . (a proverb)
17. A double-decker is ….
a. a ship b. a train c. a bus
18. Which holiday do the British celebrate on the 25th of December?
a. Halloween b. Christmas c. Easter
19. The famous British newspaper which is printed on pink paper is …
a. The Guardian b. The Times c. The Financial Times
20. A series of books about a wizard written by J. K. Rowling
a. The Lord of the rings b. Harry Potter c. Twilight
(максимальна кількість 10 балів за правильно відгадане ключове слово)
Read the text below and decide if the statements are true or false. On your answer sheet, mark A if it is true, B if it is false.
Adrian McKinty is an Irish novelist. He was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1968 and grew up in Victoria Council Estate, Carrickfergus, County Antrim. He read law at the University of Warwick and politics and philosophy at the University of Oxford. He moved to the United States in the early 1990s, living first in Harlem, New York and from 2001 onwards Denver, Colorado where he taught high school English and began writing fiction. He currently lives in Melbourne with his wife and two children.
McKinty has written sixteen books ten of which form two trilogies and a quartet. He is primarily known as a writer of genre fiction: crime and mystery novels and young adult fiction. McKinty writes in a stylized prose manner with echoes of James Ellroy, and Elmore Leonard. Publishers Weekly has called him ‘one of his generation’s leading talents’ and Patrick Anderson of the Washington Post has praised McKinty as a leading light in the new wave of Irish crime novelists whose most celebrated members are Ken Bruen, Declan Hughes and John Connolly. McKinty has been criticized for the explicit use of violence in his novels, however John O’Connor reviewing McKinty’s ‘Fifty Grand’ in The Guardian called him a ‘master of modern noir, up there with the likes of Dennis Lehane.’
Read the text below and decide if the statements are true or false. On your answer sheet, mark A if it is true, B if it is false.
As more and more women take it for granted that they will work full-time for most, if not all, of their married lives, ideas about which partner should do what to maintain the household have required review and reconsideration. Very few people, male or female, enjoy housework. Nonetheless, a certain amount of maintenance work has to go on every day to get a family fed and clothed with some order.
Women, raised by mothers during the 1950s, 1960s, and even 1970s, were generally taught how to do household chores. Years of babysitting and helping out in the kitchen prepared them for managing a home. Men, raised by those same mothers, often don’t know how to do such tasks as laundry and food preparation. They never saw their fathers prepare a casserole or iron a shirt. They weren’t gradually taught to assume responsibility for such tasks while they were growing up.
Numerous studies have been done since the 1960s about the distribution of labour and leisure time at home and the good news is that things are, in fact, changing. Over the years, men have taken on increasing amounts of child-oriented work at home: reading to the kids, giving little ones a bath, monitoring schoolwork, and leading family outings. These fathers enjoy being closer to their children than their fathers were to them. Childcare truly is more rewarding (and, for many men, more acceptable) than laundry care.
But it is the laundry care (and the food shopping, meal preparation, vacuuming, toilet cleaning, etc.) that is still an unsettled issue in many families where both adults have careers. If the family can afford it, the solution often is to buy these services. Although this reduces the fighting, it doesn’t necessarily reduce the woman’s resentment. Women may feel angry that family money is going for housecleaning instead of a vacation just because their husbands won’t do what the women see as their fair share.
By the same token, men who are trying hard to balance the labour at home get equally upset with their wives who won’t take responsibility for getting an oil change for the car or for doing outdoor work they see as ‘men’s work.’ ‘My wife has a fit if 1 don’t help with the dishes but 1 don’t see her going out in sub-zero weather to shovel the snow,’ said a frustrated man who was coming to the psychologist for therapy.
Read the text below and decide if the statements are true or false. On your answer sheet, mark A if it is true, B if it is false.
A 32-year-old man downed dozens of roaches and worms to win a python at a Florida reptile store, then collapsed and died outside minutes later. Edward Archbold was among 20 to 30 contestants participating in Friday night’s ‘Midnight Madness’ event at Ben Siegel Reptiles in Deerfield Beach, authorities said. The participants’ goal: consume as many insects and worms as they could to take home a $850 python.
Archbold swallowed roach after roach, worm after worm. While the store didn't say exactly how many Archbold consumed, the owner told CNN affiliate WPLG that he was ‘the life of the party.”He really made our night more fun,’ Ben Siegel told the station. Soon after the contest was over, Archbold fell ill and began to vomit, the Broward County Sheriffs Office said Monday. A friend called for medical help. Then, Archbold himself dialed 911, the store said in a Facebook post. Eventually, he fell to the ground outside the store, the sheriffs office said. An ambulance took him to North Broward Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.
The Broward Medical Examiner’s Office conducted an autopsy and are awaiting test results to determine the cause of his death. No other contestant fell ill, the sheriffs office said.
‘Very saddened by this. I mean, it was a shock,’ Siegel told WPLG. ‘Eddie was a very nice guy. We just met him that night, but everybody that works here was very fond of him.’
Luke Lirot, who says he is legally representing the store, said in a post on the store’s Face- book page that all participants ‘signed papers accepting responsibility for their participation in this unique and unorthodox contest.’ ‘The consumption of insects is widely accepted throughout the world, and the insects presented as part of the contest were taken from an inventory of insects that are safely and domestically raised in a controlled environment as food for reptiles,’ Lirot said.
Read the text below and decide if the statements are true or false. On your answer sheet, mark A if it is true, B if it is false.
The Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake is an annual event held on the Spring Bank Holiday at Cooper’s Hill, near Gloucester in England. It is traditionally done by and for the people who live in the local village of Brockworth, but now people from all over the world take part in it. The Guardian called it a ‘world-famous event’, and indeed, in 2013, a 27-year-old American man and a 39-year-old Japanese man each won one of the four races. The event takes its name from the hill on which it occurs.
The event is traditional. Until recent years, it was managed in a quasi-official manner, but since 2010 the event has taken place spontaneously without any management.
From the top of the hill a 9 lb round of Double Gloucester cheese is rolled, and competitors start racing down the hill after it. The first person over the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheese. In theory, competitors are aiming to catch the cheese; however, it has around a one-second head start and can reach speeds up to 70 mph (112 km/h), enough to knock over and injure a spectator. In the 2013 competition, a foam replica replaced the actual cheese for reasons of safety. The winner was given the prize after the competition.
‘The Cheese Rollers’ pub in the nearby village of Shurdington, about 3 miles from Cooper’s Hill, takes its name from the event. The nearest pubs to the event are The Cross Hands and The Victoria, both of which are in Brockworth, which competitors frequent for some pre-event Dutch courage or discussion of tactics, and after the event for recovery.
(максимальна кількість 6 балів за кожну правильну відповідь)
Sing and act out the song
Louis Armstrong
What a wonderful world
I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see them bloom, for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue, and clouds of white,
The bright blessed day,
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world.
The colour of the rainbow,
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces,
Of people going by
I see friends shaking hands,
Saying "How do you do?"
They're really sayin': "I love you".
I hear babies cry,
I watch them grow,
They'll learn much more,
Than I'll ever know
And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world,
Yes, I think to myself,
What a wonderful world
Yesterday (оригинал The Beatles)
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it look as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday
Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly
Why she had to go I don't know, she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday
Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday
Oops!...I Did It Again (оригинал Britney Spears)
Oops!.. I Did It Again!
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
I think I did it again
I made you believe we"re more than just friends
Oh baby
It might seem like a crush
But it doesn"t mean that I"m serious
"Cause to lose all my senses
That is just so typically me
Oh baby, baby
Oops!...I did it again
I played with your heart, got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby
Oops!...You think I"m in love
That I"m sent from above
I"m not that innocent
Don't Speak (оригинал No Doubt)
You and me
We used to be together
Every day together always
I really feel
I'm losing my best friend
I can't believe
This could be the end
It looks as though you're letting go
And if it's real,
Well I don't want to know
Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
(максимальна кількість 20 балів за правильно виконану пісню)
Максимльна кількість балів за конкурс – 18о балів
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