Методична розробка. "На тему: «Як вирішуються екологічні проблеми: на міжнародному, місцевому та особистісному рівні (How to solve ecological problems: international, local and pe"

Про матеріал
Ця розробка може бути використана при вивченні теми " Навколишнє середовище.Екологічні проблеми." Заняття нестандартне у формі конференції, студенти заздалегідь готували інформацію, намагалися підібрати цікаві матеріали.
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Методична розробка заняття

На тему: «Як вирішуються екологічні проблеми: на міжнародному, місцевому та особистісному рівні (How to solve ecological problems: international, local and personal levels)





Вид заняття: заняття-конференція


Підготувала:  викладач англійської мови

Тарута С.І.






                                             Кривий Ріг

Цілі: освітня: розширити та поглибити знання про екологічне становище свого міста; практична: вдосконалювати мовні навички, вживання ЛО за темою «Екологія», мовленнєві навички з усного мовлення, письма; розвивальна: розвивати оперативну та довгочасну пам’яті, слухову пам’ять та увагу; розвивати здібності до аналізу, узагальнення, здібності до самостійності; виховна: формувати поважне та відповідальне відношення до природи; формувати здібності усвідомлювати загрозу екології та прагнення вирішувати екологічні проблеми; формувати потребу в колективній роботі та відповідальності за самостійну працю.

 Обладнання: комп’ютер, проектор, мультимедійна дошка, магнітофон, CD-диск, аркуші паперу із зображенням видів природи для проекту, зображення тварин, словники.

 Тип заняття: заняття-конференція




I. Підготовка  до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

  • Організаційний момент
  • Мовленнєва зарядка

II. Основна частина уроку

  • Перевірка домашнього завдання. Монологічне мовлення
  • Усне мовлення. Діалоги
  • Робота над проектом

III. Заключна частина

  • Підбиття підсумків
  • Домашнє завдання






Хід уроку


Організаційний момент

 Т. Good morning, pupils! Today we have an unusual lesson. It‘s a conference. The theme of it is “How to solve ecological problems at international, local and personal levels”. I’d like to represent our guests today: Professor 1, Professor 2, Reporter 1, Reporter 2, Reporter 3, an inhabitant of  Kryviy Rih 1, an inhabitant of Kryviy Rih 2, The Mayor of Kryviy Rih.

 The objectives of our conference are:

  • To widen your knowledge about ecology of our planet and our city;
  • To revise the vocabulary on the topic;
  • To act out the dialogues;
  • To speak on the subjects;
  • To develop your listening skills.

The agenda of our conference is:

I. Theoretical part.

  • Reports about ecological problems of our planet
  • Interview with inhabitants of our city and with the Mayor Mr Vilkul
  • A minute of Relaxation.  

II. Practical Part.

Мовленнєва зарядка

T.  Watch the video fragment.

(Учні дивляться відео фрагмент BBC News “Climate Report”.)

  • What is it about?(Climate change)
  • How do you think what is so important in it?(Scientists proved that temperature rises every year and the glaciers are melting. As a result, the level of the seas rises too.)
  • What ecological problems do you know? (Water/air/land/noise pollution, acid rains, ozone layer destruction, global warming, overpopulation, radioactivity, disruption of Flora and Fauna, depletion of natural resources.)





Перевірка домашнього завдання.
Монологічне мовлення
( Використовуючи власні презентації, студенти розповідають про екологічні проблеми нашої планети.)

 T. We have invited wildlife specialists to our today’s conference. Their task was to prepare reports on the subject “Ecological problems of our planet”. While listening to their reports you may ask them question. Let’s give them a word.
 W i l d l i f e  S p e c i a l i s t  1. With the development of civilization man‘s interference in nature began to increase. Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.
 Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire.
 R e p o r t e r 1. What is the result of the pollution the atmosphere?
 W i l d l i f e S p e c i a l i s t 1. The disappearance of vast forests upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up. The pollution of air the world’s ocean, destruction of the ozone layers is the result of man’s careless.
 W i l d l i f e S p e c i a l i s t 2. I‘d like to add some more to the theme of air pollution. The gasoline burned inside cars engines produces gases that poison the air. Factories burn fuels to run machines, and these burning fuels release poisons into the air. Speaking about air pollution I couldn’t but mention about Chernobyl break-down in April 1986. A great damage has been done to the agriculture, forests and people’s health. The consequences of this exposition at the atomic power-station are tragic for the inhabitants of Ukraine, Byelorussia and other nations.

 R e p o r t e r 2. What steps have been made in this direction?

 W i l d l i f e S p e c i a l i s t 2. Environmental protection is of a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken. Scientists have helped find ways to reduce air and water pollution. Now cars burn fuel better and produce fewer poisons. There are also laws against dumping poisons into rivers and lakes. People who break these laws are punished.

 Another point is that 159 countries have set up environmental protection agencies. The international organization Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment.
 T. People nowadays understand how important it is to solve environmental problems. One of them is pollution in its many forms. air pollution, nuclear pollution. And what about water pollution? When it does water pollution occur?

 W i l d l i f e  S p e c i a l i s t 1. Human activities also poison water. Some factories produce liquid wastes that are dumped into rivers.
 R e p o r t e r 3. What are the results of water pollution?
 W i l d l i f e   S p e c i a l i s t 2. When small animals eat poisoned insects, they take in the chemicals into their cells. When larger animals eat the smaller ones, the poison is passed on to the larger animals. The larger animals are eaten by still larger animals including people.
 People who polluted water can become ill, if they drink polluted water for a long time, it may develop cancer or hurt their future children.
 T. Answer my questions, please:
1. What ecological problems were told about? (Nuclear pollution, water pollution, air pollution.)
2. Are they dangerous for our planet? (Yes, they are.)
3. Do countries do anything? (Many of them have set up environmental protection agencies that hold conferences on the subject of ecological problems. The international organization Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment.)
 T. So this was the international level of solution the ecological problems. What can countries do to save our planet?

  • Preserve wildlife
  • Reduce pollution
  • Install antipollution equipment
  • Minimize noise disturbance
  • Protect rare and vanishing animals
  • Reclaim and recycle waste materials
  • Conserve natural resources
  • Use ozone-friendly products
  • Harmonize industry and community
  • Preserve ecosystems
  • Use wind/ solar/ wave/ instead of nuclear energy

(Студенти записують у зошитах, коментують свої записи.)

Усне мовлення. Діалоги

 T. We listened to the reports of the 2 wildlife specialists. They told about the most important ecological problems on our planet, but the theme of our conference is to discuss the ecological situation in our city. This problem was given to our reporters, who had to interview inhabitants of Kryviy Rih and its Mayor Vilkul. Let's watch their reports. Listen to the first dialogue and answer the question: "What ecological problems were mentioned in it?" (The pollution of the river Inhulets and the problem of litter in the streets.)


 R e p o r t e r 1. Good morning! My name is.. I'm a reporter from the 27th channel. We ask all inhabitants of Kryvyi Rih about the ecological situation in our city. What can you tell me about it?
 S1. I should say that it is no good. Our city is situated on the river it was a beautiful place for the rest of all citizens. All the year round one could see people walking along the bank. In summer children swam there. Earlier the water in the river was clean and full of fish. But now it is polluted by garbage. Its banks are covered with cans, paper, bottles and other wastes. People have a rest there and then leave litter, break trees to make fire.
 R e p o r t e r 1. But the local government has to clean the river, doesn't it?P1. Yes, you are right. But the enterprises that are situated in our city, especially mines dump wastes through the sewage system into the river. The water is rather dirty now. The second problem, from my point of view, is that there are garbage
dumps in the streets.
 R e p o r t e r 1. I know that twice a day garbage trucks come to every houses: in the morning and in the evening.
 S1. I agree with you. But some people don't want to wait for the trucks and put litter everywhere they want. There are special rubbish bins, but people throw cigarette butts, paper and bottles on the ground.
 R e p o r t e r 1. Thank you for the interview. Have a nice day. Good-bye

 T. Listen to the second dialogue and answer the question: "What ecological problems were discussed in it?" (Air pollution)


 R e p o r t e r 2. Excuse me! My name is... I'm a reporter from the 27th channel. May I ask you some questions?
 S2. Sure. What would you like to know?
 R e p o r t e r 2. we are interested in opinions of people who live in about the ecological situation in the city. Can you tell me anything about it?
 S2. You see, there are a lot of problems, but I'd like to say about the air pollution. Every day we breathe the gas from transport. Hundreds of cars, buses, trucks add tons of poison to the atmosphere. More and more cars appear on the roads of the city.
 R e p o r t e r 2. I see, but what do you suggest to refuse from transport?

 S2.1 can't say like that it's impossible to because get to work without it. But in some cases people use cars instead of going to the shop foot or just drive on 
to see the beauty of the city. But not only transport pollutes the air.
 R e p o r t e r 2. Are cars the only cause of air pollution in our city?
 S2. We live in the region of mines and Mine and Concentrate Complexes that dump a lot of dirt into the atmosphere. The quantity of it should be reduced, of course.
 R e p o r t e r 2. Thank you for the interview. Have a nice day. Good-bye.

 T. Listen to the third dialogue and answer the questions: "What actions are going to be taken by the Mayor?" (To buy filters for mines ant metallurgical enterprises., to clean up the river Inhulets.)



 R e p o r t e r 3. Good afternoon, Vilkul. My name is.. I'm a reporter from the 27th channel. May I ask you some questions?
 S3. of course. I'm ready to answer all of them.
 R e p o r t e r 3. The reporters of our channel have asked the inhabitants of Kryviy Rih about the ecological situation in the city. To tell the truth they are not satisfied with it. The river Inhulets is dirty, cars and mines pollute the air, the soil is polluted with the garbage too.
 S3. I completely agree with you. The situation needs urgent solutions. This year we made a special programme to reduce pollution in the city.
 R e p o r t e r 3. I see, what exactly you are going to do?

 S3. Firstly, we have to reduce the air pollution. We are planning to buy filters for mines and metallurgical enterprises.
 R e p o r t e r 3. But it's too expensive, isn't it?
 S3. I know, we'll do it within 10 years
 R e p o r t e r 3. what about the river Inhulets?
 S3. We are going to clean it up twice a year. As for the garbage in the streets, I should say that our community services work well.
 R e p o r t e r 3. If it's so, why are there garbage dumps?
 S3. I think, it won't be a big surprise for you if I tell you that it's people's fault. If they didn't throw rubbish on the ground and into the water, the city wouldn't be so polluted. So, I address to everybody. Kryviy Rih is our home, that's why take care of it.
 R e p o r t e r 3. Thank you for such a very interesting interview. We hope your plans will come true as soon as possible.
 S3. I am sure they will. Good-bye.

 T. So as you can see, we spoke about local level. What can people do to save nature in our city?

  • They should not throw litter into the river Inhulets.
  • They should not break trees from the banks of this river, buy woods instead of that.
  • They should not throw garbage on the ground and in the streets.
  • They should use cars less only when they really need them.
  • They should install antipollution equipment on factories and mines.
  • They should create natural reserves for animal protection.
  • They should create factories for recycling wastes from plants and mines.
  • They should create power stations that will work on wind and solar energy.

 T. Now let's have a break. Close your eyes, relax and listen to the following song. It is John Lennon's song "Imagine".

Робота над проектом

 T. And we have to talk about our personal level of course. What does it mean? (It means that every person should take care of our nature.)
 At the end of our conference I want other people to see the results of it. That's why we'll try all together to make a project. You are given the sheets of paper where you should write what you can do to prevent pollution in our city. On the sheets of paper you have the beginnings of the sentences, continue them, please. Today we’ve talked about different ecological problems that's but each of you has some of them: air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. After writing some solutions you have to read them aloud and hang them on the blackboard. You have 5 minutes to write down the sentences.
 1. To help animals and birds I should (feed birds in winter and help them survive in cold: place bird houses in the yards; not destroy nests.)
 2. To save trees I should (use less paper, write on both sides of the paper plant trees to create homes for birds and animals; not break trees, leave wild flowers to others to enjoy.)
 3. Not to pollute soil with plastic I should (not buy drinks in plastic bottles: buy them in cans or glass bottles: buy milk or juice in carton.)
 4. To save energy I should… (use less electricity and gas: turn the lights off when I leave the room or when I don't need them.)
 5. To save water I should… (have showers, not baths, because they use less water; not throw rubbish into rivers.)
 6. To make streets cleaner I should.. (pick up litter; throw litter into the rubbish containers.)
 7. To prevent air pollution I should (not throw old batteries in the trash; toxic chemicals can pollute the atmosphere, especially if they are burned; walk or use a bicycle instead of going by car: never use spray.)
 8. To save forest I should... (not leave the fire in the forest; plant trees to create homes for birds and animals.)


Підбиття підсумків

 T. The ecological situation on the planet is very dangerous. And our city also has some environmental problems. The positive results depend on serious attention of the people of the whole world to the problem. Now answer my questions, please.

 1. What did we do at our lesson?
 2. What levels are there to solve ecological problems?
 3. Did you like the lesson?
 4. What was the most interesting at the lesson?

Домашнє завдання

 T. write down a composition on the topic "Measures to prevent ecological problems: international, local and personal levels".

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