Методична розробка уроку "У світі професій. Моя професія".

Про матеріал

Дана методична розробка уроку створена для узагальнення і систематизації знань учнів до теми "Професії". Акцентується увага на розвиток навичок монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, навичок самоаналізу і роботи з текстом. На уроці активно застосовуються ІКТ та інтерактивні методи навчання.

Перегляд файлу

Тема: In the world of professions. My profession. У світі професій. Моя професія

Мета:активізувати набуті знання, уміння та навички, формувати і розвивати мовленнєві компетенції; викликати інтерес учнів до вивчення англійської мови, формувати пізнавальну активність учнів; розвивати комунікативну компетенцію учнів та навички читання, письмаі говоріння.

Тип уроку:узагальнення, систематизація знань із використанням ігрових інтерактивних вправ.

Матеріально – технічне забезпечення: комп’ютер, мультимедійний проектор, екран.

Навчально – методичне забепечення: роздатковий дидактичний матеріал, мультимедійна презентація “In the world of professions. My profession”, мультимедійна презентація “What are they? We are”, кліп “People's job song”, учнівські мультимедійні презентації, плакат.


Структура уроку

  1. Організаційний момент.Warming up.
  2. Повідомлення теми , мети і завдань уроку.Title, aim.
  3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу:
  • Гра «Професійна абетка» (“Professional alphabet”).
  1. Усвідомлення і сприйняття учнями матеріалу.
  • Фронтальна бесіда з группою за допомогою інтерактивної вправи «Мікрофон».
  • Активізація лексичних одиниць теми. Vocabulary practice (робота з мультимедійною презентацією “What are they? We are”
  • Вправа - гра «Хто є хто» (“Who is who”).
  • Читання та розуміння тексту “Jobs”. Reading the text.
  • Музична вправа – гра «Знайди пару» (“Find a pair”).
  • Заслуховування учнівських мультимедійних творчих робіт  на тему: «Моя професія» (“My profession”).
  1. Підсумок уроку.
  2. Домашнє завдання.

Хід уроку

1. Організаційний момент.Introduction

T:Good morning girls and boys. I am glad to see you again. I hope you are okay today and ready to work hard and enthusiastically .First of all I ask as a usually:

                  Who is on duty today?

                  What is the weather today?

                  Who is absent today?

What is your profession?

                 Do you like your profession? etc.

2. Повідомлення теми, мети і завдань уроку. Title, aim, tasks

T: I want to begin our lesson with issue: “To live is mean to work. The labour is the life of people” (Walter). The title of our lesson is “In the world of profession. My profession”.

All professions are important for us because our life will be impossible without any profession. The aim of our lesson – to repeat your knowledge about professions, to speak about your profession which you get at our lyceum. During our lesson we will play in different games – “Professional alphabet”, “Who is who”, “Find the pair”. We will work with the text “Jobs”, listen to the video “People's job song” and listen to your projects.

Let's have our lesson as a competition. Let's divide into three subgroups. Your task – to work very active during the lesson. For the right answer - you will get the card. And in the last we summarize what team are win.

3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.Warming up

Game “Professional alphabet”.Гра «Професійна абетка»

T: I give some letters from the alphabet and your task will be to write professions which must begin from these letters. (слайд № 2)

  • A – accountant
  • B – businessmen, builder
  • C – correspondent, cook, confectioner, controler
  • D – doctor
  • E – engineer
  • F –footballplayer, film - director
  • G – geologist
  • H –hairdresser, head chief, historian
  • I – inspector, investigator

4. Усвідомлення і сприйняття учнями нового матеріалу.

Фронтальна бесіда з групою. Exercise “Microphone”.

T: The next our task will be to do the exercise “Microphone”. Please, listen to me attentively and answer the questions.

T: What is your name?

P: My name is…

T:How old are you?

P: I am…

T:What is your parents' name?

P: My parents' name are…

T: What is you mother's profession?

P: My mother's profession is…

T: What is you father's profession?

P: My father's profession is…

T:Where does your mother work?

P: My mother works in …

T: Where does your father work?

P: My father works in …

T:What professions do you like?

P: I like such professions as…

T: What is your profession?

P: My profession is…

Vocabulary practice. Активізація лексичних одиниць (робота з мультимедійною презентацією “What are they?We are” (слайд 3)

T: Now I  propose you to watch presentation “What are they? We are” and then read and translate learned professions:

  • Actor
  • Actress
  • Astronaut
  • Carpenter
  • Cashier
  • Construction
  • Dentist
  • Engineer
  • Plumber
  • Reporter
  • Secretary
  • Security guard
  • Soldier
  • Veterinarian
  • Waiter
  • Optician
  • Dancer
  • Farmer
  • Cook
  • Builder
  • Welder

Game : “Who is who?”. Гра «Хто є хто?».

T: I hope you are not tired and we will do another exercise – game “Who is who”. Your task – to guess what profession it is. Don’t forget about our card. If you will be active - you'll get it. (Слайд № 4)

Who works in a field? (Farmer)

Who works with computers? (Programmer)

Who helps sick animals? (Veterinarian)

Who helps children to learn? (Teacher)

Who takes pictures of famous people? (Photographer)

Who makes new cars? (Mechanic)

Who flies in a spaceship? (Cosmonaut)

Who fights with fire? (Fireman)

Who flies in airplanes? (Pilot)

Who builds buiding? (Builder)

Who serves the client in the restaurant? (Waiter)

Who makes sweets, cakes and pies? (Confectioner)


Reading the text “Jobs”. Читання та розуміння тексту.

T: The next our task will be to read and analyze the text “Jobs”. Before reading the text lets to see active vocabulary. First of all follow for me in pronunciation and then write these words into your vocabularies.(Слайд№5)


to choose (chose, chosen) — вибирати

to make money — заробляти гроші

nurse — медсестра

skilled — кваліфікований

successful — успішний

poorlypaid — низько - оплачуваний

totransfer — переміщати, переводити

sales — продаж

tosell — продавати


At Work: Jobs

My name is Martha Glass. I'm thirty-nine years old and I'm a doctor. I chose the medical profession because I wanted to help people and at the same time make good money. When I was younger I wanted to become a teacher or a nurse, but I soon realized there wasn't much money in either of those professions.

My parents almost didn't help me, because they didn't want me to have a career at all. They wanted me to do what so many other girls did. They wanted me to become a secretary, marry the boss, have kids and stay at home. Well, I got married, and I had kids, but I have my career as well.

My name is George Rushton. I'm a businessman. I'm fifty years old and I've been working for the same company for twenty-five years. I think I've had a very successful career. I started work with the company as a poorly paid clerk. I was one of those nine-to-five white-collar office workers who spend all day with a pencil in one hand and a telephone in the other.

I hated it. So I was transferred to sales and became one of the company's sales representatives. I travelled all over the country selling the company's products and became the most successful salesperson on the staff. In ten years I have been promoted to manager of the sales department. In another ten years I hope to retire with a good pension.


Choose the most appropriate variant of the sentence that correspondents to the main idea of the text:

(Cлайд № 6)

1. The text is about:

a) jobs

b) rest

c) unemployment

2. Martha Glass is a:

a) teacher

b) doctor

c) secretary

3. The parents of Martha Glass want to see the daughter:

a) as a respective doctor

b) as a businesswoman

c) as a wife of boss

4. George Rushton has become a famous salesperson on the staff when he was:

a) a clerk

b) a businessman

c) a sales representatives.

Key: 1a, 2b, 3c, 4c.


Music game “Find a pair” («Знайдипару»).

T: 1.Now lets rest a little. I propose you to watch the clip about different professions and after that to play the game “Find a pair”. (Song “People's job song”)

2. Сполучіть професію і дію- Match the profession and the activity: (Слайд № 7)

1. a tailor a) keeps your teeth both clean and white

2. a doctor b)has got cows and pigs and sheep.

3. a farmer c)comes when there is a fire to fight.

4. a babysitter d) minds the kids when they are asleep.

5. a language teacher e)teaches English, French and Greek.

6. a plumber f)makes trousers, suits and shirts.

7.a dentist g)сall him when you’ve got a leak.

8.a fireman h)comes to see you when it hurts.

Key: 1f, 2h, 3b, 4d, 5e, 6g, 7a, 8c.

Pupils projects “My profession” .Заслуховування учнівських творчих робіт на тему: «Моя професія».

T:Now some pupils have prepared their projects about the cook, confectioner and want to show us their presentations about their attitude to profession. Lets see.(Слайд № 8).

Presentation of pupils' works.(Презентаія 1, презентація 2).

5. Підсумок уроку. Summing

T: Today we remind about different professions. You know, that all professions are important. And we must proud of them. We spoke about your attitude to your future profession. It's good that your opinion is positive.

T: What did we spoke at our today's lesson?

P: We spoke about different kinds of profession.

T: What kinds of profession did we mentioned today?

P1: We spoke about such professions as cook, confectioner, welder, teacher.

P2: We spoke about such professions as builder, pilot, waiter, farmer, veterinarian.

P3: We spoke about such professions as carpenter, cashier, construction, dentist, engineer, plumber.

P4: We spoke about such professions as optician, dancer, farmer, cook, soldier.

T: And now let's analyze what team worked the best – for this , please, compute your cards. This command and pupils in general who worked very hard during the lesson – get good marks.

6.Домашнє завдання. Home task

T: Your home task for the next lesson to revise active lexicology about professions.