Методична розробка заняття з дисципліни: «Іноземна мова» за темою:Друзі .– Friends. Якості людини. - Qualities of a person.

Про матеріал
Методична розробка заняття з дисципліни: «Іноземна мова» за темою:"Друзі .– Friends. Якості людини. - Qualities of a person." Підготувала Горлова Я.В. - викладач кваліфікаційної категорії «спеціаліст першої категорії» Маріупольського механіко-металургійного коледжу ДВНЗ «ПДТУ» - 2018 р. Викладено методику проведення практичного заняття, спрямованого на удосконалення лексико-граматичних навичок студентів за темою: "Друзі .– Friends. Якості людини. - Qualities of a person.",узагальнення правил, розвиток здібностей студентів (інтелектуальних,мовних) та закріплення лексичного та граматичного матеріалу за допомогою текстів, завдань та обговорень.
Перегляд файлу

Заняття 3.

Дисципліна: «Іноземна мова»


Мета заняття:


                  -  удосконалення лексико-граматичних навичок студентів 

                      використання різних форм і методів проведення заняття;

                  - вдосконалення навичок читання.



Навчальна:  -закріпити ЛО з теми;

                     -повторювати розділ «used to + infinitive»;    

                    - закріпити розділ «used to + infinitive» у вправах за темою;

                      -активізувати ЛО теми в мовних вправах;

                     -організувати тренування студентів з граматиці та лексики;

                     - формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.


 Розвивальна:  -розвивати стійкий інтерес до предмету;

                          -розвивати творчі здібності та активізувати розумову діяль-

                            ність студентів;

                          -розвивати вміння застосовувати інформацію у новій ситуації;

                          -творчо сприймати навчальний матеріал і осмислювати його;

Виховна:  -досягнути успіху і самореалізації особистості;

                  - виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань;

                  -стимуляція почуття гідності та самоповаги;

                  -формування самостійності, активності, творчої самоповаги;


Вид заняття: практичне.

Технічні засоби навчання: дошка.


Методичне забезпечення: підручник «Учебник английского языка. 10 класс»

                                              Карпюк О., Тернополь: Астон, 2010р.,

                                               с.26-28, додатковий матеріал.                     

Хід уроку


I. Організаційна частина уроку.

1. Greeting. Вчитель вітає студентів.

    T: Good morning, students. Glad to see you.

    S: We are glad to see you too.

    T: Sit down, please. Tell me are you going to work hard today?

    S: Yes, we are.

    T: Let us start then!




II. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Today we are going to speak about friends and their place in your life. We will read a text, answer the questions, speak about your friends. We’ll   revise the word combinations that we learned at the previous lesson. We will try to do the exercises using the new material. We also will revise the grammar rules and do the exercises.             


 2. Фонетична зарядка.  Pronunciation drill.     

T: Answer my questions, please.

Вчитель пропонує дати відповіді на запитання.

1) Are there any famous stories of friendship in your culture?

2) Can you describe one of your closest friends?

3) Do you have any childhood friendships that are still strong today?

    Tell us about them.

4) Do you have any long distance friends?

5) How do you keep in touch with your long-distance friends?

6) How often do you see your long-distance friends?

2.1 Brainstorming.

T:  Now, please, look at the blackboard, there are some proverbs about friendship, which will be useful for you at the lesson, let’s read and try translate them together to remember. 

  • A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. 
  • A good friend is as a sun in winter. 
  • A friend is easier lost the found. 
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed 

 T: We are going to work with proverbs and the first exercise is also based on proverbs . Look at the scene, I have some new proverbs for you. Your task is to match them! 

A man is known… 

buy friendship 

Money can’t… 

by the company he keeps 

A true friend… 

is to be one 

The only way to have a friend… 

is the medicine of life 

T: And now, tell me what sayings and proverbs about friends and friendship you do remember.                                  

 III. Основна частина уроку.

Check on                1. Контроль домашнього завдання.

homework               T: Your homework for today was to revise the words and

                                the word combinations on the topic. Do ex.5, p.24

                       Who wants to be the first to answer?




 2. Предявлення лексичного матеріалу. Presenting vocabulary.           

 Introduction. Ознайомлення студентів з ЛО теми спілкування. Студенти ознайомлюються зі словами та словосполученнями, а також з додатковою лексикою. Вчитель звертає увагу студентів на складні випадки

читання або перекладу слів.

T: I have an interesting idea; let’s remember the list of words and phrases which based on the character of human being.

Pay attention to remember: 

appearance, talkative, kind, patient, ugly, beautiful, weak, strong, sociable, generous, greedy, boring, to make friends with, to get along with, to be in good (bad) mood, shy, honest, to keep a promise, to have a sense of humor, to be around people, to live next door, to keep a secret, to make a surprise, to quarrel. 

3. Тренувати студентів у вживанні ЛО. Language work  

3.1 Семантизація ЛО теми; 

Т: Now please, write down a poem about friendship, which is called «Friend».

         Now try to translate it correctly. 
With friend you have a lot of fun. 
A friend will never let you down. 
You’ll tell your secrets to your friend, 
And he will always understand. 
A friend is always there for you, 
And you can talk your problems through 
And now the most important thing, 
He’ll be with you through thick and thin. 
But if your friend just wants some fun 
And when you need him-lets you down 
And doesn’t give a helping hand, 
That is a fair-weather friend. 
He’ll stand by you to the end – 
And then you call that one your friend.


3.2 Читання та переклад речень.

Т: Read the sentences and translate them:

1. У меня много хороших друзей. - I have many good friends. 
2. Кто твой друг по профессии? – Он будущий инженер. 
    What is your friend? – He is becoming an engineer. 
3. У Ника впечатляющая внешность. - Nick has a good appearance. 

4. Он хорошо сложен, привлекателен, открыт. (well-built, attractive, open-minded) - He is well-built, attractive and open-minded. 
5. Эти студенты обладают чувством юмора, они всегда веселы. - The students have a sense of humor. They are always happy. 
6. У меня только один друг. - I have just one friend. 


7. Мой лучший друг старше на 2 года. - My best friend is 2 years elder. 
8. Маша очень дружелюбный человек. - Masha is a very friendly person. 
9. Он хорошо сложен, привлекателен, открыт. (well-built, attractive, open-minded) - He is well-built, attractive and open-minded. 
10. Эти студенты обладают чувством юмора, они всегда веселы. - The students have a sense of humor. They are always happy. 


3.3 Т: Тренування студентів у вживанні ЛО за темою у діалогічному мовленні. Вчитель пропонує запитання по темі уроку.

T: Read three points of view on friendship and aspects of friendship. Then share your points of view and discuss your reactions.

Speaker 1. I think that friendship is a unique chemistry that happens between two people and a lot of people say they’ve got best friends, but I ac­tually wonder how many people actually do have a best friend in the real sense of the word. I have two best friends: one works in the theatre, and one is a sort of entrepreneur: and we see each other about three or four times a year. but I wouldn’t call that being a best friend, that is a close friend. I think my best friend, without getting too soppy, is my wife. she is my total best friend, I can discuss anything with her and she can pick up on feelings that I’ve got inside me whereas my two best chums can never do that unless I’m showing an expression on my face. Then they’ll say, ‘Oh, what’s the matter, Campbell?’, but my wife. I can walk into a room and she knows exactly what kind of mood I’m in and that is a best friend.

Speaker 2. I also feel that a best friend is really someone who can under­stand. I’ve kept in touch with four friends from schooldays and we don’t see each other very often. One of them or two I see perhaps once a year. But the thing about it is when we do see other it’s as if there’s been no time spent apart and we’re able just to slip into our relationship and a kind of feeling that we’ve always had. It’s like wearing a pair of shoes that you’ve had for a long time, it’s comfortable, it’s safe and it’s warm, and it’s easy.

Speaker 3. I mean I’ve had friends since childhood and we. we’re essen­tial to each other. We reflect each other’s journey through life and changes that we’ve gone through. I think there’s a difference with men and women. I think sometimes for some women friendship is easier, I think often friend­ship between men is difficult just because it does happen that men are less used to expressing their emotions. It’s much harder I think sometimes for men to confide their failures. I think a lot of the trust and the sort of in­timacy between women is to do with insecurities and all those things that you share. I’ve felt immensely privileged actually to have a number of very close friends and for me it’s in terms of human relationship I think I value it above everything.







Т: Work in pairs. Build up a dialogue with your neighbor about his or her best friend. There are some questions for you: 

  • Have you got many friends? 
  • Who is your best friend? 
  • When did you make friends? 
  • How old is he? 
  • Where was he born? 
  • Where does he live now? 
  • What does he look like? 
  • What are the main features of his character? 
  • Can you rely on your friend in everything? 
  • Do you often spend time together? 
  • What is your friend’s hobby? 


3.4 Читання та переклад тексту.

Т: Read this letter from Milena to her pen-pal, Elena.


Dear Elena,

1) Thank you for the letter you sent me last week. I’m very happy to hear that you and Francesco are well and that your exam results were so good. Well done! I know you studied hard and you deserve your success.

2) Mine are next week so at the moment I’m studying a lot. I’m really nervous about them because, if you remember, I was ill for a couple of months at the end of the year and so I missed a lot of lessons. When they finish I would like to come and visit you for a few days, if that’s OK with your mom and dad.

3) Do you remember I told you about my friend Amanda from Scotland? She’s going to come here next month and is going to stay for two weeks. I’d like you to come too so you can meet her and we can all go out to­gether. What do you think? We can practice our English!

4) I remember last year we had such a good time. The beaches near your house are wonderful and I really enjoyed meeting your friends (espe­cially Roberto! Is he still single?) I can’t remember the name of the dis­co next to the train station but I’d like to go there again — it was fun.

5) Oh, guess what! Jason broke his arm last weekend! He went to the skate­board park with his friends from school and fell down some steps (he doesn’t know how to skateboard!) He’s got a plaster cast and he’s going to have it for at least six weeks. He’s such an idiot!

6) My mom’s calling me for lunch so I’ll finish this letter now. Say hello to your family and don’t forget to congratulate Francesco for me.

Lots of love

Milena xx

PS. Say Hi to Roberto too!




T: There are six par­agraphs. Match each paragraph to a subject by writing the correct letter (A-F) for what it talks about.

A Memories

B Well done!

C Plans

D Me

E News

F Bye!                                           

Key: 1 B; 2 D; 3 C; 4 A; 5 E; 6 F.


4.  Робота з додатковим матеріалом.  

4.1 Повторення розділу Past Tenses. Повторення правил вживання.

Викладач нагадує правило утворення минулого неозначеного часу за допомогою наочного матеріалу на дошці.










4.2 Відпрацювання у вправах. 

T:Match the words below with the definitions.


1. to catch up

2. to get back in touch/contact

3. to get on well

4. to get to know each other

5. to have a lot in common

6. to hit it off

7. to keep/stay in touch/contact

8. to lose touch/contact

9. to meet

10. to meet up

11. to fall out (with someone)


a) to become familiar with someone’s personality

b) to tell each other your latest news

c) to communicate with someone

d) to have a friendly relationship with someone

e) to have many similar interests and opinions

f) to like each other

g) to see and talk to someone

h) to stop talking to someone because you are angry with him or her

i) to spend time with someone by appointment

j) to start communicating with someone after a

period of no communication

k) to stop communicating with someone


Answers: 1b 2j 3d 4a 5e 6f 7c 8k 9g 10I 11h


T: Fill the gaps below with the words from B in the correct form.

1. I first ........................ him when I was at school.

2. We .......................... immediately.

    We enjoyed spending time together from the start.

3. We ........................ . We liked the same music and the same sports.

4. We .......................... very well. We learned a lot about each other.

5. We .......................... when I went away to university.

     I was too busy to email or phone him.

6. We .......................... after university. I rang him one day because I missed him.

7. We .......................... because we understand each other.

8. We never ................ with each other because we tend to agree with each other

    on    most things.

9. We .......................... by email and phone.

    We speak to each other at least once a week.

10. We .......................... once a month or so. 

      We usually go to pub together then have a pizza.

11. We enjoy ................. with each other.

      It’s nice to chat about what’s happening in our lives.

Answers: 1 met; 2 hit it off; 3 had a lot in common;

4 got to know each other; 5 lost touch/lost contact;

6 got back in touch/contact; 7 get on well; 8 fall out;

9 keep in touch/keep in contact; 10 meet up; 11 catching up;





T: Translate into English

1) Мой друг – это человек, на которого я всегда могу положиться. (My friend is a person who I can always rely on).
2) Друзья детства – это люди, которые хранят твои секреты. (Childhood friends are people who keep your secrets).
3) Дружба – это такое чувство, для которого требуется время, что оно окрепло. (Friendship is a thing that makes time to grow).
4) Настоящий друг – это тот, с кем ты можешь обсуждать свои проблемы. (A true friend is someone who you can talk your problems through with).
5) Ненастоящий (фальшивый) друг – это человек, который предаст тебя в трудной ситуации. (A false friend is a person who betrays you in trouble)


IV. Заключна частина уроку.

      1. Домашне завдання. Homework.

 T: For homework: tell students to write a short article about a friendship they have had for several years, explaining how the relationship started, how it has developed over the years, and how the student thinks it will change in the future. This enables students to consolidate vocabulary from the lesson and also to revise their tenses because they will need to use the past simple, the present perfect, the present simple and the future.

        2. Підбиття підсумків урок. Summarizing.

 T: You were so hard working today! We revised all the new

 words that we’ve learned at the previous lessons, read the text, translated the text. We’ve learned a lot of new words.  So your marks for today are…                                   

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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