Методичний кейс, що включає три різні активності щодо підвищення мотивації здобувачів освіти до вивчення англійської мови

Про матеріал
Методичний кейсу, що включає три різні активності щодо підвищення мотивації здобувачів освіти до вивчення англійської мови на різних етапах уроку.
Перегляд файлу

Form 3

Topiс : Season and weather

Stage of the lesson: consolidation of knowledge


Exercise 1 "Word - sentence - question - answer"

The teacher points to the student and says: "Word." The student pronounces any word on the given topic. For example, "autumn".

The teacher points to another student and says: "Sentence". This student names the sentence that contains the preceding word: "My favourite season is autumn."

Then, according to the teacher's instructions, the third student makes a question to the sentence of the previous student - not formally, but according to the content. A possible version of the question can be the following: "What are the autumn months?". This option is not suitable - "Is autumn your favorite season?

When the teacher points to the fourth student, he answers the question: "September, October, November are autumn months."

On the screen shows pictures to describe to children:

Метеорологічна осінь у Києві почалася на два тижні раніше за кліматичну  норму - портал новин LB.uaПогода на осінь 2022 року: синоптики озвучили перші прогнози — PMG.ua


Exercise 2 «Ask a classmate»


The teacher on the screen opens the game using the link. Students take turns to answer them or complete the sentences. The teacher first calls the name of the first student who answers, and then this student calls the name of another player and so on.

This exercise will help students to work more actively in class, communicate and not be ashamed of each other, and will also provide an opportunity to test students' knowledge and vocabulary skills.


Exercise 3: «The game "Snake"»

https://static.islcollective.com/storage/preview/202012/766x1084/boardgame-weather-and-seasons-boardgames_131099_1.jpgO n the screen the image of the relay game "snake". Students are divided into two teams. Each team needs to name the season or weather in the picture in turn. If one of the players in the team does not correctly name the weather, then the whole team starts over.

 The exercise continues until one of the teams names all the words correctly.

Thanks to such exercises students communicate with each other and remember and use vocabulary  that they actively use.


Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Методичні рекомендації
13 жовтня 2023
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